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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. I see alot of fanbois that keep referring to the pandas in wows next expansion.

    Coming from a universe filled with gungans, jawas, rodians and hammer heads i find this funny.


    I will enjoy my panda and I hope you enjoy your Human, Human with red face and horns, human with red face or human with metal attachment on face. Cheers!


    Pandas, Wolves and Cows...Oh My! :eek:


    I think many trolls or haters are more shocked that the fanbois in SW:TOR (which is where we should be BTW, it is a forum dedicated to the game we love) are willing to fight back tooth and nail.


    It basically boils down to a WOWFan throwing a punch here, and then acting shocked and dismayed screaming 'Fanbois' when we swing back. :eek:


    Don't go into a biker bar and start telling them how much they all suck and expect to find tolerance there. :rolleyes:

  2. Cant believe youre the first to say this!


    Does the op pick up one quest at a time or something? All the quests in your hub are desiged to be near/on the way to your class quest.


    Yup, I clear all quest in an area, and move on to the next.

    I feel overwhelmed with quest in that area.


    And yes, I am talking about Tat...Republic side at least.

  3. Im stuck at level 45. I cant finish my quests because the quest mobs are too hard and my companion isnt fully geared because my AH is almost empty and filled with 20- gear. Ive checked the past 2-3planets and the only quests left are Heroics which I cant find people for because Republic on my server is empty. Anyone have some ideas on how to level? I'd pvp but 10-15kexp/30minutes is sort of slow...


    Space Missions and PVP work for me.

    And you get gear from commendations for both of those as well.

  4. For me I say it looks like Bantha Poo until they implement Anti-Aliasing. Should be included with patch 1.1 which should be going live next Tuesday on Jan 17th...can't WAIT!


    Fixed it for ya :p

  5. In the current meta game lightsabers are just a joke.

    like they say don't bring a knife (glorified glowstick) to a gunfight.

    (even though a lightsaber is suppose to be the ultimate weapon at least in the hands of a jedi / sith)


    This is Star Wars....

    Jedi / Sith are suppose to be the most powerfull, respected and feared warriors of the galaxy....with a 3000 year history of knowledge and force training.....


    Yet in this game....

    any class can faceroll a jedi / sith with little effort.

    take the ops/ scoundrels 2 hit kills with 9.9k crit followed by another 6.5k crit.


    I can understand the sith sorc dishing out tons of damage after all it's force lightning.

    but for a non force user to be able to faceroll a jedi / sith in 2 hits, really come on....


    at least stay true to the original lore of the history and what is known from books and the movies.


    I'm not saying jedi / sith should be invinsible, all I'm saying is you should have to work hard to kill a jedi / sith.


    At the moment it's the complete opposite, a jedi / sith has to work his a££ off to kill any other class, specially the non force user classes, what a joke, George Lucas must be turning in his grave (:D oops wait he's still alive, do something about it Lucas why do you allow them to desecrate Star Wars like this)


    Then in that respect my grenades should be 1 hit killing you.

    Last I checked Jedi and Sith don't have Force fields and you can't deflect an area explosion.

  6. I said it yesterday I think Me and my step brother spent in total 2200 towards this game, and both are equally baffeled by how let down we were. We had been talking non stop about it since the whole "oh snap a kotor 3' thing went around (idk how long ago that was , long time tho)


    As well as my personal vent user base (aka my rl friends) all went out and did very similar except for a few who had rigs already. In total between about 18 people (counting the people with comps already) we spent around 15 grand towards a beta.


    Perhaps someone can see the frustration.


    So you are saying these rigs are useless now and can serve no other purpose?

    Hmm..can I have your rig then?

    I would be glad to take it off your hands.


    I did the same for AOC, and though the game didn't hold water for me.

    I still enjoyed my new setup.


    Sorry the game didn't work for you.

    But BW cannot be blamed for yours or my lack of ability to do some research on the game, or on what we do with our hard earned cash.

  7. At least you have the right attitude regarding it. I think I accidentally deleted a 10K GTN sale. I looked at my cash on hand (85K) and realized it was a good chunk of change, but nothing that was going to break me.


    I figured there were so many other tickets in the system for real and serious problems that I wasn't going to bother with a ticket. It was my mistake.


    It happens man, I was previewing outfits once and accidentally clicked to buy it.

    Was out of the cold hard cash nearly leaving me broke.


    Oh well, lesson learned. I am much more attentive in those windows now.

  8. They don't have ambient noises and what not which makes it even worse.


    ????? :eek:

    I am always hearing ambient noises.

    Hell the creaking metal on Taris gets me every time.


    Or the fights you can hear on Nar Shadda

  9. Same here. People complain about everything here lol. At least they're actually working to add content to the game. This can't be anything but good news for us. I'm just glad to see them add another story focused Flashpoint because I've been disappointed that most of the flashpoints have been lacking that. I can't wait to see what this game is gonna look like a year down the road...


    Those people would complain at their mother's funeral.

    They are self centered attention hounds.


    This content was in the works before the game released, guaranteed.

    Many are under the assumption that this is what they have been working on and not fixes.


    Different sub categories within a department.

    There is a team dedicated to expansions, and a team dedicated to fixing their bugs.


    But you cannot reason with those people, they are blind zealots on a mission more or less.

  10. Players on this and any sites should be allowed to give their opions of a game, without it being removed for any reason that a Admin thinks is right unless it is racist or rude .

    If removed for the games sake then the Admins sould be removed ).


    Bioware's House, Bioware's Rules..

    You 'AGREED' that you were cool with that.

  11. It is a HUGE marketing screw up to not have clothing on launch.


    Not only do they make money from the sales, but the promotion is major necessity.


    Yes, after all everyone wants to be saddled with a million t-shirts that didn't sell.

    Or in the case of the MMO community, all the 3xl and 4xl are gone leaving smalls through Large items that never sell.


    Wow did not have clothing at launch.

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