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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. The more threads BW closes the worse they will look


    What boogles me is that they cannot accept the **** they have pooped with this game.




    The more threads Lukkulo creates the worse he will look....

  2. this. why not just be thankful that you can sell your grays without going to a vendor? something that no other game has offered? why is it always "just give me one more thing. ok i have that, now just one more...."


    You just described my teenage children. :eek:

  3. This could backfire on the player.

    What if they accidentally marked something, and sent them off.

    Could you imagine the long line of customer request to get items back, would be a nightmare for the Bioware team to manage.

  4. Are they adding high res textures before the 20th?

    Are they adding combat logs before the 20th?

    Are they adding dual spec before the 20th?

    Are they fixing ability delay before the 20th?

    Are they going to stop sharding before the 20th?


    please let me know id like to resub because I love star wars.


    Yes, Resub...and buy me a strawberry smoothie and swing by my house with it.

  5. beside the trolling, what i find funny is the built in assumption we are all male.


    Now that is quite funny.


    Imagine being a girl and getting told to grow a pair and that you are girly.


    Am I supposed to be insulted by that... ?:D:D:D:D:p



    Dude you are plastered all over the internet.


    If this is an exploit, they will fix when they get to it.

    But it still would be in your best interest to watch what you do in those zones in the interim.


    Now come back with your close minded acidic rebuttal. ;)


    I love it that you are free to say what you want, but anyone saying anything to the contrary is not and met with a venomous rebuke. :eek:

  6. I think the people who are asking about this are former players from SWG. You know the other SW MMO that did have space combat like the OP described. It's really not an entire game in itself and they will be, like they are now, for the most part purely optional.


    Yes, yes it was.

    It was initially an expansion, and you paid for it.

    That was pretty horrid at launch, and many screamed about it.


    It was part of the package later on when they screwed up the entire system and was trying to bring people back in.

  7. Some of that crying is actually people asking for the developers to fix issues with the game to make it playable so that they can go back to playing it.


    As opposed to being silent and hoping the problem resolves itself on its own. Do you buy a defective product and shelve it, or do you take it back to the store/manufacturer to check whether it can be fixed?


    Most people do both depending on the cost and importance of the item. You'll ignore an ugly shirt. You'll definitely take back a car or PC that's suddenly giving you problems. Personally, if i spend $60 on a game, i want it to work, especially when none of that money can't be refunded.


    And how do you address an issue when you have a complaint. Screaming and crying?

    I have won every complaint I have in life by being polite and courteous to the person I am addressing it to.


    They were very receptive, and went above and beyond to assist me.


    You start screaming and whining and they tune you out and make the process more difficult.


    Complaints can be made in an intelligent fashion.


    To come into general and start crying that it's been a whole 2 day and your problem isn't' resolved loops back to the entitlement square.

  8. There already was lol


    Some guy was talking about some chasm that he would fall into because the rails didnt stop him and he did it multiple times and said he RQ


    So a person who cant keep him speeder out of a chasm is somehow the games fault lol


    Entitlement and the ole "wipe my buttocks for me" mentality.


    I read a thread awhile back where people were crying about running off the edge of an elevator shaft and bemoaning that they need to apparently have an ACME sign posted prior to reaching the vator to warn it was up ahead.




    You know, natural selection is there for a reason, so the spoiled nuts go bad don't get a chance to make others. :rolleyes:

  9. your whole argument is worthless, half of the classes are stealth.


    Wow, we have sunk to the Pee Wee Herman 'I know you are but what am I?' mud slinging?


    Worthless huh?


    This really must be your 1st MMO. This exploit has been around since forever.


    I was ganked in Wow vanilla this way, in EQ2, in RIFT and a ton of times in WAR.

    I cursed myself for being sloppy, and mentally applauded the ganker for getting the upper hand.


    You need to let these things go so they don't get to the point where you are giving yourself an aneurysm because you are hitting nerd rage as a virtual toon is dying a false death.


    I think it is more damaging to your ego then your playstyle.


    Welcome to the shared world of MMOs.

  10. He could just have easily been buffed by a passing player. If the buff happened before the fighting started, tough luck. However a buff cast after combat has begun auto-flags the buffer.


    The main thing is that accidental AoE should not be exploitable by flagged players.


    I would assume the same thing would happen as it did in Rift, as I buffed a friend who was not in group with me as we stood around a quest giver.


    A level 36 came over in PVP mode and we were in our teens, was taunting everyone to attack, the NPCs basically ignored him.


    We all did laugh emotes at him, but my guild mate said he was going to attack in vent.

    I said knock yourself out.


    Again, remember, we were not in group, but he had a buff from me.


    He attacked, I went PVP instantly.




    So it does happen in other MMOs, Rift especially.

  11. That's the entire point - you should not have to be careful of that. People who roll on a PvE server either a) Don't like PvP or b) Don't like non-consensual PvP. When a loophole exists that allows non-consensual PvP, it should be closed.


    I know, but it is open to grief the other way.

    You have a buddy in your group who decides to attack the yellow player.


    So all of you who did not choose to do so can still stay blue and not turn green?

    Does he get to keep all the buffs that were applied to him for being near you or in the party?


    That would be a programming nightmare to compensate for every possible variable that would need to turn off or on (like all of his buffs and he is automatically kicked from group) the moment he attacked.


    It would be just easier and common sense to say everyone in that group is now flagged for PVP so the victim cannot be griefed in such a fashion.


    It's a game, and you suffer less being killed in it then you do in real life.


    So do you refuse to go to the store because that chance you will die in a car accident or get mugged and shot is there?


    No, you go off to enjoy your life without being paralyzed by those fears...I hope.


    This is a game, and it's easy to avoid.

    I know, I do it all the time in every MMO I play. :eek:


    Not rocket Surgery or Brain Science. :D

  12. This has been around forever.

    You see a player of the opposing faction with a yellow name, he is set to PVP.

    You are not.


    But it happened in Warhammer and WOW, you may be fighting an NPC mob and use and area attack. And they are standing close enough to get hit by it, most likely on purpose to grief you.


    It's just something you will have to be careful of.


    In WAR, they could help an NPC and when you attacked the NPC they became red and could start pounding on you.

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