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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. Yes but the Astrotur....I mean some people figure if they keep making these posts people will ignore the close to 3 million player base. :rolleyes:


    They assume we will be compelled to follow them blindly as they did themselves.

    Yes, let me see the error of my ways, enlighten me.

    Show me the light!! :eek:

    Can I get an Amen?!?!?!

  2. You write something then...


    Didn't you know?

    All the great writers and minds are too lazy to bless us with their talent.

    So they bash others to keep them down so they can feel good about throwing away their gifts. ;)


    I like it, it's content.


    I mean I guess to some people a blatant cartoonish kung-fu panda ripoff in pastel and pink highlights is better? :confused:

  3. With the fact that I pay a subscription to a service is how. Any issues that are not my fault could be interpreted as a cause for compensation.


    Or, when the service that you expected falls short of your expectations.

    It is an intelligent choice to severe your relationship with the service provider.


    If you aren't willing to pay for the product in hand, then don't pay for it at all.


    It's a win/win for both parties.

  4. I have a job, however that's not the subject of this post. I want a free month how about you?


    Not if it allows those who are here to just flame, and aren't going to be paying for that next month, to stay and carry on their crusades.


    Lets not enable their ability to destroy the community.

  5. All mmo's are bits and pieces of other ones, no way around it. Would bet any amount of money that "GW2 has done EVERYTHING different" is a false statement. Have fun hyping it tho.


    Yup, hype keeps everyone's head in the clouds.

    Then the release brings them down to earth.


    I expect this at every MMO launch.

    And I am never proved wrong or disappointed in the results.


    Different strokes for different folks.

    What sends one individual in to an all out rage, is a minor annoyance to another.

  6. Thing is that its usually the ones disappointed or wondering about something that come to the forums, if you are happy and everything is working you are probebly playing instead of browsing the forum.



    My wife and I make an effort to go out of our way to always call a supervisor to praise good service.

    And the funny thing is, the individual on the other end of the line always seems to be shocked, they were expecting us to complain.


    Humanity is in a sad state.. :(



    ...oh yeah, wife and I are loving the game and here to help make it better. :D

  7. I really don't understand why it is so hard to just....


    /party Do you mind if I need that for my companion?


    Party says: No, not at all! Go for it!


    /party Thanks a lot!


    And if someone says in the party, "I could actually use that." Then you click greed.




    Do you dislike typing? Do you just feel everyone else isn't worth your courtesy?




    And yes, I'm yelling, because I feel like a mother yelling at their kids because they just can't understand, or won't understand after having it explained five times.


    It's not difficult.

    Most of these post are a veiled attempt to placate the behavior of just needing without even asking.

    And most likely these individuals don't want to ask, they just want it and that's that.



    You are absolutely correct, communication is the key.


    Personally, I use PVP gear to gear up my Wookie.

  8. Wife and I do it every time when we pick classes that are on the same planet.


    We share our time, we do her story quest, we do mine, and then we do the ones we have in common.


    No different then me assisting a player in other MMOs with a quest that cannot be shared or I just cannot get. I assist them, they assist me.


    Quid Pro Quo..


    ADDENDUM: Not to forget the Social points you get for running this game with a friend or two. :D

  9. I'm just used to playing WoW I guess lol. I made money hand over fist in that game selling everything I had on the AH.


    Wow had you in grey crappy items for quite some time.

    I leave my starer planet with an orange or two and tons of blue items in SW:TOR.


    I don't have the need to run to IF like I did in WOW with my low alt with bags of gold to armor them up in green items for the fun of it.

  10. Is anyone else having trouble with this?


    I price my items WAY below market price of items on par with what I am selling, but I still only sell about 10% of what I put up (and most of the stuff that actually sells is either blue or purple).


    I think that the customize-able gear (orange) is having an affect on the demand for green and blue items (mostly green) since you can increase its stats and armor/damage by simply adding new upgrades (comes out to be less credits most of the time).


    Green items are a dime a dozen. I get better gear from questing at the same level.

    I would vendor your greens and sell everything blue and up.

    Works great for me.

  11. In several threads people have been trying to make sense of Bioware's decision to pull the detailed character and object graphics completely instead of making them an option.




    Why limit everyone, even those who weren't suffering significant performance hits?


    Why say it will take 3 or more months to turn something on that was taken out of beta in one patch cycle?




    They had plans to sell a high-res texture expansion pack.


    Occam's Razor - the simplest explanation in this case is to follow the money. It's really the only thing that makes sense.


    I suppose another explanation could be that the dev in charge of this who took it out of the beta client quit or something, and everyone else can't for the life of them figure out how he did it. Hah.


    Hmm, then this game would be like WOW.

  12. Ignoring the second poster, they won't make $30x10^6 in profit as much of that cost goes towards servers and whatnot. I would imagine around the 3 year mark they would start turning a profit.


    We are a non profit organization and yet we make more money monthly then our 387 servers cost in maintenance.


    It will be sooner than 3 years.

  13. Like I have said in many threads.

    This is an MMO launch, and there has never been a perfect MMO launch..or game launch for that matter.

    Post what you want, there will be tons of rebuttal to support both claims. So bang your heads against the wall all you want.


    Those who are willing to make SW:TOR a game to enjoy, are willing to put forth the time and effort to help the company make it a better game.


    Those who are just full of rage..well..will rage.

    Nothing can be done for them, let them consume themselves from the inside out.


    So if you are into helping to make this a better game, see you after the free to play time on these forums.


    And for those who say wait and see when your population suffers next week.

    I doubt you are playing the game ATM.

    You already gave up on it, so we are doing fine without you on the servers right now.


    Have fun in whatever you wish to play.


    But those of us who are enjoying the game, and actually have patience and wish to make this game a success, I will see you in game. :p

  14. Have you played any games at launch? If you want a quick fix, go away for six months. Not a quick fix, but that's the time it's going to take, and then we don't have to hear about it.


    This, I really think a majority of the people here need to adopt the behavior of waiting for 3 to 6 months before they start an MMO.


    I know people are bored or they are anxious to get into a new game.


    But MMOs at launch are not for the feint of heart, or those who lack patience or who don't care to be there as input for the process.

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