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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. Dude, c'mon. Tell me which is cooler. A sage floating a stream of pebbles at an enemy, or an inquisitor blasting arcs of lightning into someone's face?


    nuff said


    Superficial you are, sheltered from life you be.... :csw_yoda:


    I have buried many kids in my life due to gang warfare and teenage violence.

    Nothing cool about being 'bad'. ;)


    But your response shows you really must be my 9 year old.

    Please remember to change your underwear, you cannot wear that pair forever contrary to what you think.. :rolleyes:

  2. Yes lets all roll Imp and enjoy huttball 24/7. :rolleyes:


    It's much as a problem caused by the devs as the players who decided to be zergling imps.


    Only thing I can see is some sort of incentive for people to flip republic, buff, just something for when you faction is outnumbered as hell.


    WAR had an XP bonus to the side that was the underdog.

    Possibly this would be a good idea as well.

  3. Hardcore PVPers go through pains to ensure they are online as often as they can. The hardcores are up, over 100 empire on my servers ilum. Tons in the station, and been in Q for 35 minutes.


    Balls to PVP and this game.




    Planetside 2.


    Nuff said.


    LOL! Enjoy Tera. The asian servers are consolidating faster than a jack rabbit at it in a pen of hares.

    GW2 will be heavily instanced, just like GW was.

  4. IMO they should give a second option to que into non level 50s (as a 50) and the game acts as if no player has expertise unless using that 30 second stim thing.


    NO, no thank you please.

    I am tired of 50 premades steamrolling a bunch of grays for easy commendations and valor.


    A single 50 can take on about 4 non 50s in a warzone. And it takes that many or more to take them down.

  5. Did you really just cite WOW as being a smooth running game? I was on WOW from day 1, it was one of the worst launches I've witnessed and every patch was a nightmare.


    I remember it being down, all servers, for about 4 days or so in a row. :(

    There's a WOW factor for ya.

  6. What load screens? The ones that last 5 seconds? The first one takes maybe 30 secs, and all after that are pretty much instant.


    The ones that take forever because they are running off their local harddrive that is fragmented to hell most likely.


    I run from a single disk defraged and they pop right up.


    A guildie has it on a flash drive and says they fly right by.

  7. People expect a BioWare product. Don't think SWTOR reflects that.


    People want a product that they had envisioned, and it doesn't meet their expectations.


    I love the game, and it's everything I expected and it will grow.

  8. It's true, though a vocal minority would like to make you think otherwise.


    2million boxes sold, yet a couple of hunfred think they speak for everyone.


    Could you imagine these forums if all 2million people started posting.?


    Exactly, I went to my local EB game store and the salesperson said they have been one of their top sales in all their stores.


    Told him about the crying online and he was perplexed.

    He said he has only read great reviews on it.


    So perception to the outside world isn't what these few try to paint in here.

  9. You should get a tanning bed for all the time you'll be spending in load screens.


    I was thinking of a big party after all the complainers give up after the free 30 days.


    Thanx Bioware, I know you are here for the long haul and willing to make this game a better experience for all.

  10. The Razer Nostromo is better than the Logitech G13 in my humble opinion. I love Logitech, and rushed out to buy a G13 when it first came back. I returned it the next day. It's much less comfortable to use.


    I don't use the thumbstick to move like so many people seem to. I use it for spells 1-4. Forward is 1, down is 2, back is 3, and up is 4. Then I can hold shift and hit those directions as well. That's 8 buttons just on the thumbstick.


    I disagree, I can rest my entire hand on the G13.

    It's bent more laying on the table with the Razer.


    But that is all personal preference.


    You will get more button options and support on the G13 then you will the mouse.

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