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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. Seriously? Now is NOT the time. Work on Ilum.


    Yes, I am sure he/she is directly involved in working on the patches.


    Why do people think companies move like a swarm?

    Different facets have different functions.

    And all perform them independently from one another.


    Thanx for rewarding the faithful.

  2. I'm on the empire side. I know we have a lot of players as opposed to the republic side. But it is getting a little crazy when 70% of my guild are playing Sith Sorcerers and almost every single time I get into a HM FP group, there will be 2 sorcerers (one healing and one DPSing).


    Is there a reason for this? Does everyone just love lightning or is there something I'm missing?


    They have the edge right no, maybe a nerf will hit them soon.

    But for now, EDGE.

  3. I have two accounts, one Rep, one Imp. Levels 25 and 18.


    My snail's pace through the game has saved me from the bugs people are having at later levels.


    I am very PVE oriented. I will most likely never PVP.


    I am one of those rare forum breeds that are entirely satisfied so far with the game.''


    Trolls and disgruntled haters can say what they want, say I'm wasting my money.


    But I for one, welcome Bioware to take my two six-month payments tomorrow.


    It's not that much money to me because I work for a living (hence why I only play 2 days a week) and it's not mommy's and daddy's CC's paying for my game time.


    They don't say those things because they care about you.

    Do you really think they care how you spend your money, or even for you?


    They only care about themselves and their dollar.


    They are on a witch hunt against Bioware.


    Let the small minds run amok on their Bioware riot until their free sub runs out.

  4. Though a roll back is beneficial to the Republic side, it would enrage the Imperial side if they do it.


    So these threads would be filled with all the PVP Imps threatening to quit unless they received back all their experience that was lost due to the rollback. :(

  5. Forums = a tiny bit of the game's population.


    I have seen threats galore on these forums over the past few weeks. Yet my server population has been going up nightly over the last week even.


    And those who have threatened to quit aren't playing.

    They have already affected the server's population.


    If someone is going to fly off the handle instead of trying to deal with things rationally, then you most likely do not want them in a game that you wish to enjoy.


    They will say the SW:TOR world will cease to exist without them.

    But just like the real world, won't skip a beat once they are gone.

  6. Man, if only there was some sort of ...test realm... that was ....public... that people could have tried out to check for bugs like this!


    Sir, you speak common sense.

    That is alien to these who lack patience and understanding to comprehend such things.


    They deserve their fix NOW!

    And if they don't get it, they will LEAVE!


    They talk about their hard earned 15 bucks but they waste more on crap that provides less of a service or a return without batting an eye.


    It would be useless for a DEV to come into these forums, if even to appease those who are demanding it.


    They would descend on him like a bunch of zealots wanting to drown the woman to see if she is a witch.

  7. How are the systems in EVE instances, exactly ? Most time doesn't always mean you'll be the victor, ship fitting and how you try to fly it is a factor and the higher up modules aren't tremendously superior to common ones. It's not twitch, but twitch combat with a big sluggish BS would seem rather odd.


    EVE is a game where you have to make your own fun. Odd really to compare it to TOR.


    Wasn't comparing. Was outlining what I found in Eve in my years of playing it. ;)

    And yes, each area is an instance.

    If they get full, the gates are shut down.

    To get to the next area you have to warp, or load, through a gate.

    New area with a wallpaper in the distance.


    Can I fly freely?


    I am going to fly to the sun at the center of the zone instance.

    Uh....that won't work.

    You need to warp to it.


    The great thing about EVE was it is free roam, and the community and economy was made by the players.


    It's a great game, but it's not ground breaking.

  8. Eve has a very very very big space to travel in. And wormhole space. A huge economy and great pvp, in space.

    Swtor will never even come close to those 200 pilots fights.

    Hell can u even go 1 vs 1 pvp in space in swtor?


    Even is an MMO where each zone is an instance with a gate(s) to travel to the other instances.

    You can jump from asteroid, stations, gates, planets moons by selecting them and it would play out a warp animation.


    You could book mark locations in between these to goto for a place to nestle in.


    But it has a diverse economy, and PVP boils down to most time played being the winner, no combat skill required from the player.


    It became extremely boring very quickly.

  9. For me, it's not so much that good=weak, it's that good often means compromise, idealism, altruism and other concepts I am personally at odds with.


    Compromise is sometimes good, but often it means watering down something that's demonstrably correct to avoid 'hurting feelings'


    Idealism is just what a man hides behind when he's not willing to do what has to be done. One shouldn't look at someone as an idealist, but a realist.


    Altruism, to me, is the epitome of "Go for the quick good now, ignore the possible bad side effects."


    Often the only difference between a "good" leader and an "evil" leader is scope.


    Much of the groundwork laid by conquerors and tyrants becomes the foundation of better societies, it's just that it takes hundreds of years to work itself out.


    While a good man fixes a problem temporarily.


    So, crack the baby's skull open over work as a society to better itself..got ya. ;)

  10. Forums are only for laughing at whiners. You should never do anything base on what people here say.




    Don't be a sheep, just enjoy the forums for the chaos that ensues.


    It's like being trapped in a building with 12 people that think the world is coming to an end, eventually you will start to believe them.


    But then when you step outside and see that the billions are going about their daily lives as if nothing is wrong, then you see the reality.

  11. Don't know about everything but pvp is a blast now that 50s aren't dominating :D



    No more of my level 40 going toe to toe with a 50 and their health bar doesn't even move...especially when you have 3 non 50s tackling them and they are just wiping you out 1 at a time like they are wiping dust off their sleeve.


    Much more fun now.

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