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Posts posted by Fraxture

  1. Shocking.


    Taking the holidays off.


    Next they'll be wanting weekends off, and health benefits.




    This must be stopped at once!!

    If it doesn't effect me directly and immediately, then it has to be nipped in the bud post haste!!

    I am all that matters and all must bend to my will and desires.. :rolleyes:

  2. I went to Alderaan at level 28 and the only missions available to me was the class missions which i did and it only gave me enough XP points to gain 1 level

    All the other missions i tried to pick up all said i needed to complete more missions


    So now I'm level 29 and the next and only mission i have is Padawan Exposed where i need to defeat Noman Karr a level 32 elite. I made numerous attempts with no luck. I came to the conclusion that I'm to low a level to attempt a 32 level elite but i have no other way to gain any more levels other then space missions and mob grinding which will take me 3 to 4 days


    So what I'm asking is am i doing something wrong why was i only able to gain one level on Alderaan or did the Devs not give us enough missions to gain enough levels to move to the next planet


    The description of Alderaan says it is for levels 28 to 32 but i don't see with the limited missions how to gain 4 levels there


    This could be a game breaker for me i don't feel like i should have to grind mobs for 3 to 4 days to gain enough xp to gain another level or 2 to make another attempt at Noman Karr



    I had to leave some Alderaan missions cause I was starting to out level my next planet. 'O_o'


    Get rid of some of the missions you know you will never finish because they are grey or to far to travel back to.

  3. Amoung all the complaint posts (some justifiable, some not) I wanted to comment on my experience of the in game community in SWTOR.


    For me, it's the most mature community (in game not forums :)) I've experienced in a Multiplayer game. There seems to be far less trolls and spammers in general chats and the people I've grouped with for 4 mans have generally been decent and mature. Lots of people seem quick to offer help/advice. My ignore list contains a grand total of Zero people across all my characters.


    Well, thats my experience so far, and was wondering how other people have found it.


    I have to agree, I have not wanted to shoot one person in game so far.

    Very polite and helpful, and that infects others with the same behavior.

  4. Who said that during maintenance there is only game patching to do?


    Maybe some defragmenting the database indexes or other optimizations require most of the time?



    Nail with head being struck here..

    I had to update a KB on my Unix EMR systems last night.


    KB only took about 20mins.


    But the servers have been running for 268 days.


    So I patched the servers, and rebooted the systems.


    Stuff the end user really doesn't care or need to know.

  5. You mean the people with "I cancelled on this date, but I'm going to stay on the forums all day and tell people why, instead of moving on to something I enjoy." in their sig? Those people, ya hate them too.


    Yup, the same ones who are threatening that the population will drop in game come the 20th because they will leave.


    So they are basically saying they are logging into the game daily for hours on end in order to keep the population up in a game they cannot stand at all to play in it's current state?


    I am pretty sure those who are dissatisfied with the game already made their exit.


    Otherwise that's like saying you enjoy hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because you enjoy the way it feels once you stop.

  6. No some of us say the game is fail and want everyone to unsub because we at this point want the game to fail. In part because I'm annoyed that BW got my $60 for a piece of garbage, and If I can convince 4 other people to unsub, I will have gotten my $60 back, well kind of.


    You should be more annoyed you didn't do research prior to purchasing and learn to wait 3 months for MMOs after release to play.

    I love fixing things, and improving on them.

    I love MMO launches, a glutton for punishment my wife says.


    But I also get to reap the reward of saying I was able to be there to try and make it better.


    So, moral of the story.

    Don't give up your hard earned cash until you know what you are getting.



    I played Open Beta, knew what was coming, and what to expect.


    And I also know what Bioware can do in the long run, especially with my input and help along the way.


    Not by me screaming "FAIL!! GIVE ME MY MONEY BACK!!" during the free 30 day cycle.

  7. I would say right now, it doesn't mean anything. As it is still free trial period, they aren't losing any current money. I realize it means that there will be less incoming in the future, but I don't think it's truly able to be measured at this time as there is nothing to compare it to since they havent been taking any in from subscriptions anyways.


    What I find hilarious is to see these individuals type the game is a fail, and then state in the next sentence they are here to help make the game better.


    I think I will adopt this method in my relationships.


    Me "I am here for the long haul dear, I want this to be the best relationship EVA!!"

    Significant Other "That is wonderful dear, could you take the trash out for me?"



  8. Enjoy your hundreds of posts about server merges after the 21st.


    Imagine that? You pay 60 bucks for a game and you feel entitled to a working product.




    Where were you when WOW released? Vanguard? Lineage 2? Aion? Rift? and so on?

    You are telling me you never played any of those MMOs at launch?


    This is your first?


    Or..did you come in later to games like WOW and just saw a stable system?


    Maybe you should adopt the behavior of waiting a year before joining MMOs.


    It's a win - win for you.


    You keep your money, give the game time to see how it will pan out.

    And never have to suffer through this type of event again.


    Not everyone is cut out to handle the MMO life.

    But yet they keep coming back hoping for a miracle at launch I guess.


    Really people, learn to control yourselves.

    To manage yourselves.


    MMO @ launch is not the life for you.

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