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Everything posted by CaptRavenous

  1. EVE online BRAGS about players stealing from other players. Players there have spent a lot of time worming their way into a guild's (corporation's) confidence, and taking off with all assets. There are ways, even around voice chat. Some people have voice-sampling programs, and make a science of studying other people's voice pattern's. NONE of you, including myself, have enough adequate security measures in place should we become targeted by professionals. And they are out there, in this game, working for gold farmers. Day and night. Its kinda scary to think about. Where does ignoring the problem stop? Everyone blames the OP, but really, his only fault was appointing a naïve officer. For all we know, this officer is a single mother with 3 young kids. The point here, is, this player is playing for the SOLE-PURPOSE of ripping off guilds. Since he can play on every server, make new characters at whim, and other players have no way of knowing who he/she is, any of your guilds could be next. Unless you're so paranoid, that you don't recruit anyone you don't know outside of RL. Like me.
  2. Lord of the Rings online is considered to be a "good community". Yet, it very clique-ish, and becoming a PART of the community can be difficult in a game where long-time players feel entitled & important to the game. You were in a social clique yourself on your old SWG server. Sure, it was large, your members were quite active, but that's about all your reputation was based on. You were known, like clouds in the sky. There are other players with a much different perspective on SWG. Your social clique there sheltered you from those views. The same thing happens here, just on a larger scale. SW:TOR does have more players currently, than SWG ever had. There will never be a "good community", that's just a pipedream and illusion. What we can hope for, is that Bioware helps enforce an atmosphere of respect, at least, which any MMO is served well in doing. Its up to the social clique you find for anything over & beyond that. And, is your personal reputation in a game really that important to you? I don't come here for personal rep. I come here to have fun. Maybe you just need to make more of an effort on your part getting into the right social circle you are looking for, and quit relying on your SWG reputation to bring people to you. Here, your rep from SWG means nothing to people who don't know you or never played SWG. This is a new game, you have to start over, in everything. That's just the way it is.
  3. Some people don't use voice chat. I don't blame them. Listening to a bunch of teens/college guys ramble on about sex/their lack thereof/finding reasons to equate all of life to a sexual function/hit on every female who dares to join voice-chat/etc.(I could go on forever), a lot of people prefer to NOT use voice chat. Speaking for myself, being on headphones longer than half-an-hour gives me a headache. I mean, I see their value as a group tool for operations and warzones, and would use it myself for such things, but would NOT use it as a social tool. I come here to play the game, not socialize likes its the front parking lot of a convenience store. So, while you may SAY its easy, to each their own. Its also easy to steal from a baby. Should we ignore it when it happens?
  4. First person mode in this game would be like poking out one of your eyes IRL because your new field of vision "just looks so cool!" While you're at it, ask them for a self-buff that reduces your attack & movement speed by 50%.
  5. Is almost everyone in this thread brain dead? Or did you read other posts NOT made by the OP, and jump on the "let's deflect this guy's problems back at him" bandwagon? Point number #1: The guy who stole from the guild bank was a new recruit, who spent time getting to know other people in the guild, study their chat, and become familiar with their banter. He DID NOT have access to the guild bank with the toon he joined with. Point #2: After become familiar with their chat and play-time habits, he created a new toon, then whispered an officer, "Hey, its me, your fellow officer! I decided to make a new toon, could you send me invite and bump me up to officer rank? Thanx!" He was obviously convincing enough to fool the officer online without raising any suspicions. Point #3: It was at this point, he cleared out the bank, then /gquit, moving on to his next target. I doubt if MOST people posting here haave effective measures in place in their own guilds to prevent this from happening. So many of you just couldn't wait to slag the OP. Disgusting. Sure, his guild has now learned a lesson about officer alts, and the importance of knowing who is who in your guild. Its not that he was naïve or too-trusting. Its a game, you just never expect this to happen to you. There ARE players out there, who take their time in a guild, learn the guild's weaknesses, and then exploit them for their own gain. There are players out there that will spend a couple YEARS planning such a heist. Its practically encouraged in EVE online, which is why their game will always be a small player on the MMO market. It should NOT be encouraged in an online game, on any level. There should be consequences to the thief, REGARDLESS if guild security was lax or not. Its people like this thief, that wreck the community for many people. If you people really cared about this game, you would support the OP in calling for action from Bioware on this matter. Players targeting other players for selfish gain should ALWAYS be discouraged. Its just good business sense, and helps foster community. Do any of you REALLY want to be part of a game that allows players to victimize each other? If you do, then yes, I am afraid you must be brain dead. I call on Bioware to take definitive action against bank thievery, banning accounts for thieves who are proven thieves, and creating an atmosphere of consequences in order to prevent and discourage such behaviour.
  6. I see calls for help with group content frequently and often. On the planets. The PvPers and Raiders hang out on the Fleets. No wonder your view of the community is so skewed. Try NOT hanging out on Fleets, maybe your opinion will improve.
  7. Its just you. I hope this answers your question.
  8. Weekly Wisdom from the Master: "The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."
  9. Weekly Wisdom from the Master: "The acceptance of others is not a guarantee. Like everyone else, a Jedi is accepted or not based on his behavior. The Jedi who believes that he is more important than others only demonstrates that his opinion is to be ignored."
  10. Now you have to prove to me where "if" means "no". GO ENGRISH MASTR!!!
  11. http://http://ootinicast.com/2013/05/correspondents-report-community-cantina-dallas/ " 9) More Open World PvP? Jesse Sky: Difficult to implement and no plans ATM. If we do see more it’ll be more like the Gree event." I posted this, just because.
  12. Machine-Elf likes to make big deals out of the smallest things.
  13. I hate to tell this to you "Master"..... You don't withdraw from humanity to become a better person. Its other people who have so much to teach you in all the good AND the bad they do. You will only heighten your own dysfunctions by "retreating into the inner self". That's like leaving the ocean to become a better swimmer or diver. Your dream is an illusion. The day you realize this will be the TRUE start of your path to Mastering yourself.
  14. I support this thread 100%. Being able to replay class storylines would be a huge boon to this game. Then we wouldn't have to watch them on YouTube to remember the story while we are still only halfway through completing it!
  15. Following this logic..... They should remove subscriptions too. Because subscribers are pay-to-win, and that's just unfair to F2P players. On another topic, when I got the title "Uber Super Jedi Grandmaster", I became completely unbeatable in PvP and PvE. Since I bought the title on the Cartel Market, it must mean the game is pay-to-win. /end sarcasm
  16. Its amazing how, in the days of arcades, you could easily walk into an arcade and spend 20$ to 50$ in an hour. No one complained that the games cost 25 cents per play, and were designed to be nigh-unbeatable, so people would keep feeding them quarters. Then came the console games. 300$ - 500$ to buy the console. 60$ to 80$ per game. We've come a long way since the 1970s. Now we can buy a game for 60$ to 80$, and pay 15$ a month to play them over a long period of time, with no costs over and above those of initial cost and subscription necessary. Compare spending 20$ in an arcade in one hour, to 15$ of unlimited play over a month. You're already getting a good deal, but are too spoiled by the present entertainment market to realize it. P.S.: Every F2P game has people complaining about F2P restrictions in their games, because so many people want less restrictions so they can unsub and play free. Not gonna happen. While SW:TOR will probably tweak their model over time, it will NEVER be comfortable enough to play without ever spending a dime. Bioware would be stupid to make it so. F2P exists to entice you to sub. If restrictions are making you feel unsatisfied with the game and you wish for less restrictions, then they are accomplishing their job. If you wish for less restrictions, that's what the subscription option is for.
  17. What's really funny, is that the OP has been raging on the forums all afternoon about how this game sux, and yet, is playing the game while posting here! Insane troll is insane.
  18. The fact they are bringing it back, shows they listen to their players. A lot of people wanted the chance to do it again, and Bioware listened. So, they are bringing it back. Your reasoning and logic are completely broken in this thread. Your attack on Bioware is pointless. If anyone, you should be attacking the community for wanting it to come back.
  19. They're doing it again, because a lot of players asked for it. You must have missed all the threads about it.
  20. A great idea! Not sure they could implement it, but still, great idea!
  21. I have to agree with one point the QQers have been making about the Cathar. In every F2P MMO I've ever played, you got access to ALL races and classes with a subscription. Am I disappointed that I have to unlock the Cathar with CC? Not really, but it does seem to be a strange move on EAware's part. I can see why people would be miffed about it, when comparing this F2P model to other F2P MMOs. That, and the random cartel paks. People would be spending WAY more CCs if they could just purchase the items they want, instead of random paks. I've bought a few of them myself, but stay away from purchasing them as a rule, as I know they are a clever trap laid by Bioware to bait impulse buyers. As a parent and a player, I have to say, shame on you, Bioware. Random paks are impulse buy-items and Bioware knows this. I have to say, its a bit irresponsible of them to be putting them up, knowing players (especially younger players) are going to be driven to buy lots of them to get that one item they really want, as demonstrated by the 24x random paks they have put up. Bioware is taking advantage of impulse buyers, and they know it. Most of them are younger people, and they know it. I hope some kid gets a hold of their parents credit card, charges a couple hundred to a thousand in cartel paks, then Bioware will have to deal with angry parents and possibly a fair-trading commission. The way they are doing things, its inevitable.
  22. I support this idea 100%! Bioware started up here in Edmonton! It IS puzzling as to why you've not yet had a Cantina tour up here for Canadians and the founding home of Bioware.
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