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Everything posted by CaptRavenous

  1. Absolutely loving it! My family and I ( 5 of us in all ) are having a blast! My daughter hasn't touched a MMO since we quit WoW when Cataclysm came out (what an aptly-named expansion!). When we saw that we were all being forced to take only one skill tree, and all customization was gone, we left in great sadness. We played mage tanks, and were very good at it. Too bad everyone we slaughtered on the Battlegrounds whined about it so much. Well, my daughter loves the PvP here. Does it need tweaking? Yes. Does the game have bugs? Yes. Is it worth time and money? Yes. Do I love being a cloth-wearing tank? YES!!! Thank you Bioware, I look forward to when you smooth out the rough edges of this game, and it becomes more polished, it will defenitely be the top MMO then.
  2. This game is VERY family-friendly. I play with my wife, her brother, my daughter, and my son. We are enjoying it more than we ever did World of Warcraft. Many of the "hardcore players" who have no life beyond sitting in front of their PC 24 hours a day will quit, about a third of them already have. Another third will shortly, I am sure. This is what comes of having no patience. We are taking our time, exploring all aspects of the game, re-running heroics and space missions daily, helping each other with crew skills and other heroics we pick up. The game will be better off without those that complain at the drop of a hat.
  3. You know you've played too much Star Wars: The Old Republic when..... .....you reach max level after barely two weeks of the game's release, because you burned through the content playing over 12 hours every day and ignoring most of the other content.
  4. So nice, it should be said twice! It is sad that the game doesn't work well for some people, and has bugs, and everyone is sad that others are having problems. We are all glad, however, you have found something else to occupy your time while Bioware works hard to continue working on making Star Wars better, the forums are a great place to praise/bash Star Wars and Bioware. We hope you will remain entertained here until the game meets your level of standard & expertise. May the Force be with you!
  5. *Sarcasm Alert* You're right, Star Wars: The Old Republic is the worst piece of crap to come out since Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. What we should do, is mass cancel our subscriptions, making sure everyone does so at gunpoint. Then, we round up all Bioware & EA employees & owners, ship them to Guantanamo Bay, and make them pay DEARLY for releasing a game that wasn't perfect, wasn't all things to everyone, and didn't have enough content to keep us all entertained for months on end 24 hours a day, seven days a week, three hundred and sixty-five freakin' days of the year! Then, we round up everyone who bashed the game, and make them create the perfect MMO at gunpoint (their families will be held at gunpoint too, for good measure, we want you to be inspired!) No, wait, that would all be ridiculous and pointless. Hey, I know, why not let them continue working hard to fix bugs and create new content and round out the rough edges? Its just a suggestion, I would never dream of telling so many people filled with rage over a liesure activity what to do. Never. It would be pointless. *whistles non-chalantly*
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