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Everything posted by CaptRavenous

  1. First off, I'd like to say, your posts are great, and I agree 100% with what you said. However... I believe the problem here is that the Community Team has been more "reactive" than "proactive". The forum users need the same love & attention that your Facebook users get. What gets done on other social sites for SW:TOR by Bioware should also be here, not just pointed to from the SW:TOR website. So far, you guys are on the defensive all the time, that has to change. I wish I could suggest how, though, I am not running a business and won't pretend how. One suggestion I did see, though, that seems like a VERY good one to me. Stop announcing you're going to do something, and just do it, surprise us. Don't taunt us with "something is coming" because you're hoping to keep us playing until "it" comes. Start surprising us, then let your pleasantly surprised players spread word on different media social sites about how you rain little gifts upon subscribers and F2Pers alike. Heck, you guys could do things like that for reasons such as, "Its a holiday, somewhere" to "It was a very good day at Bioware offices, we felt like spreading the joy". Surprises. I see no other way Bioware can go on the offensive, instead of always playing defense.
  2. Breathing pure oxygen would kill you. You need it in diluted form, mixed with other harmless gases, for instance, like nitrogen. This mix is called AIR. You DO need AIR to live. Fact. Not opinion.
  3. http://img826.imageshack.us/img826/972/4fno.jpg Simple, yet creates more of an epic atmosphere in the game. I feel this should have been the default loading screen. I've been using this one since game opening, and have no plans to ever change it. It is hard to improve upon perfection, after all.
  4. You may be too late.... (edit: while the topic of this post is interesting, its spiraling into an argument-fest and customer dissatisfaction rally, so I answered the post I found mildly amusing.)
  5. "People need air to live." Apparently, though, this is just opinion.
  6. I have no idea what this thread is about. It seems I have most of you on ignore. All kidding aside, though, people are people. Some are tolerant and will only /ignore those who earn it. Some can't even stand their own company, and will /ignore at the drop of a Jawa. Or bacon. I find leaning towards tolerant is more fun. Never let the child inside you die.
  7. Some people have fiddled with mouse settings to work around this problem. Try fiddling with mouse settings on your PC, as well as in-game ones, to see if this helps at all. I'm sure the thread you pointed to will have many more helpful suggestions than people in the Community Forum could come up with. I use a Logitech g500, can't say I've ever noticed this problem myself, and I often use the camera to keep aware of my surroundings.
  8. You get to slap your Wookie companion around. Ever want to see and hear a Wookie cry? Here's your chance. Just thought I'd throw that out there.....
  9. Well, that, and for something different to do. Completely alone. In an MMO. Can't even share the experience with anyone should you choose, unless you count over-your-shoulder-watching or YouTube videos as an "interactive MMO experience". Yup.
  10. In your Options > Preferences > Controls > Camera do you have the following two options unchecked? Enable Camera Pivot Smart Camera If they are checked, that could be your problem. I doubt it has anything to do with your video card(s).
  11. Your post is #501, just thought I'd point that out.
  12. I have also noticed, it seems to be increasing in frequency, not decreasing with new patches. I have this GCD problem a couple time each fight I'm in. It is annoying, and has been an issue for much too long. I find Bioware's silence on this subject disturbing. Its almost like they have no appreciation for the fact that WE are the ones who pay their wages. EA may dole out your cheques, Bioware, but that paycheque you collect is thanks to use, the people who subscribe and spend money on this game. Your real bosses would like an answer, please.
  13. Agreed, they should be able to use their basic saber attacks with full Willpower bonuses like Shadows. Its only two attacks, and melee ones at that. So what if they don't get to use it often, it can still come in handy when a healer has to deal with a little melee aggro, giving them two more attack options to make up for the easily interruptible ones that are useless against melee opponents. Bioware, give Sages full Willpower bonuses to melee.
  14. Um......try choosing more Dark Side answers in missions conversations? Just a thought.
  15. The name of your post makes no sense for a person looking for help with mission-tracking. Its "where", not "were". "Where are the droids we are looking for?" "These were not the droids we are looking for." Say what you mean, or you will never mean what you say. in other words, confusing post couldn't be more confusing. Now, on to your mission-tracking. This was covered in the tutorials you should have read, but not a problem, you can read them again. Go to your Options > Tutorials > Missions section. Everything you need to know is there. Good luck to you!
  16. Yes, its been that way since shortly after game opening. Its a big galaxy. Just like in Real Life, you're going to run into people with the same first or last name as you, maybe even both! I ran into my double with the same Legacy name as I. We chuckled about it and I suggested maybe we are distant relations. If it makes you "uncomfortable" (I had to chuckle at that, its a very trifling matter to be "uncomfortable" over), buy a Legacy name change and change yours, though good luck finding a unique one you are comfortable with, as the chances of the new one being unique are remote.
  17. No. The definition of troll is "someone looking for attention". Which you're getting here, in spades. Its the reason you started this post, hoping people who disagree with you would show up so you could begin the personal attacks on them. Which you have done, several times in this thread. Your motives from the start of this thread were obvious, and you're having the time of your life. After looking over your posting history, where the heck on God's Green Earth do you find the time to play? You obviously must not work, and if you do, then you must not be productive there. At all. Seriously, though, don't try to deny your motives here, anyone with half a brain can see you're loving the attention you're getting here. A troll post, this is, and a well-fed one to boot.
  18. This wouldn't be the first time Machine-elf was pwned on the forums. Nor the first time Malastare pwned someone, either. Retroactive development. To do that, they would have to buy a Commodore 64 and try to develop SW:TOR for it. I think the words he was looking for are "fix existing bugs". Dem fansee wurds!
  19. We'll see how happy he is after his Mac breaks down. I will never own a Mac for one simple reason: I've known others who have owned a Mac. Never gets tiring to hear how much of a pain-in-the-butt Macs are, yet also how great they are, all in the same paragraph. And, the laughs never stop when their Macs break down. The angst! The anger! The frustration! As they wait for 6 months for the local Apple store to tell them their Mac has turned into a paperweight, but they can get you a deal on a new & better Mac! New paperweight functions included!
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