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Everything posted by Sarmea

  1. It's like that at every level before the final, so why not? I use the reusables while soloing, and the prototypes while grouping. Are you also asking that the reusables you use while leveling also get a big boost?
  2. Or I should say, once you hit 10k in either. I have the full 10k on light side now, but since I still have some dark side points to eat, it wont give me Light V:) 5 more points to go *cheers on last diplo mission*
  3. *Goes to the GTN so she can buy mods/enhancements etc to upgrade her equipment* *sees a single page for sale, absolutely nothing in the mod 12-15 range* *trys buying the armor upgrades instead, so she can unplug them* *Realizes there's only 2 pages available in her level, and they're mostly greens* *Tries to buy starship upgrade of the level 3 variety- GTN has level2's and a couple purple lvl 49 stuffs* Erm, what exactly is it you're complaining you can't make for sale? Tried buying a crystal upgrade as well- guess what, I'm still using the same stupid one I got from the CE, since there's less than a page of those too, all around max level.
  4. You can get the blue and purple stuff as a mission reward, usually rich and better.
  5. There's been a grand total of like 1available, in all the times I've hit the GTN. Naturally, I bought it. Don't remember if it was just a blue version of one I could make or not. The stats might have been different. I guess I'll have to go look:)
  6. You pick up the green ones from your trainer. Then you craft between 5 and 25 of them, depending on the RNG, REing as you go until you discover the blue schematic. Do the same with blue prototypes until you get purple. Again, the RNG can be kind or faceroll you. Sell the ones you crit- they come with an augment slot- so don't RE them:) Crit purples sell for- *blush* I ain't sayin' or I'd be ashamed:)
  7. *Glances at her bank account* I sell purple ones around lvl 24 for about 4-5k, and they sell within the hour:P A lot of people don't get implants early on. I didn't have any until I could craft them. As a healer for groups, I need all the willpower I can get, since I have a crappy 600 force pool. I also use the blue healpacs when grouping, instead of the purple reusables. That extra HoT means I don't have to pop a heal on self after wasting my health for more force.
  8. +1 Did you have to re it to purple to get the 2 seconds? Yours must be epic:) I don't have a cybertech, but was planning on making one sooner or later. I don't like nerfs to anyone, much better to buff everything else. I don't like BoP either. People wouldn't be crying so much if everyone could use everyone else's stuff..... I prefer to buy mods, but there just aren't that many for sale on our GTN.
  9. Both my light side and dark side look like that- since I have considerable amounts of both. Once you hit either to V, it'll eat all the excess points.
  10. 1) *Sends 3 companions out on missions for the mats, since the GTN doesn't have many mats for sale* 2) Create enough to RE, while selling the crits with augment slots 3) Get the blue pattern, again selling the crits until purple 4) Sell the purples for double/triple what the mats cost- you know once you have the pattern you can make many many many right??? 5) ???? 6) Oh yeah, sweet profit:D
  11. Biochem- Allow us to sell the reusables to non-biochems. Since the reusables have worse stats than prototypes, I don't see it as unbalancing. I only use my reusables when I run out of prototypes-except the stat buffers- reusable is 1 hour, protos are 2 hour, but that's fixable, drop the power add to the reusable, make it proto only. PS- I'd also like to see world drop meds breakable:P I can only RE what I make right now.
  12. Sarmea

    Blue Goo

    Yeah, I had a hard time getting enough Blue Goo to get a stack of prototypes made. The missions only return it rarely, I've gotten a ton of the other samples instead, and the missions are gray:P Balmorra has a ton of them. Most the white star creatures drop random grade 3 samples and compounds, plus have a ton of level 3 nodes. I've actually decided to do all the quests for that planet so I can get enough:)
  13. 1) No idea. I think it must, because I get the same number of criticals when doing 5, separating out 1 at a time as I do a stack of 5. I have tested this 42 times so far, so by no means definitive yet, as crits vary in frequency. However, it's looking to me as each item in the stack is getting a crit check. 2) and 3). The long answer is in the sticky- choosing your professions. Money makers and what goes with what, and what they mean. Short answer- take 2 mission running skills with your slicing. That said, on my slicer I also took bioanalysis and scavenging, since many mobs can be harvested as one or the other. Also, those gathering items sell, and missions can be run in both.
  14. So THIS is why I can't find anything for my Jedi to wear! I just assumed that no one was crafting anything for sale. Bug it in game, using /bug, and maybe it'll get fixed before Tatooine freezes over.
  15. Tried EQ2 crafting. The minigame wasn't so bad, the problem was there wasn't a way to differentiate your product from someone else's. You go through the trouble, but not worth it afterwards. Gathering was just node striking as well. Heck, even Free Realms gives you a bejeweled style minigame for gathering and cute minigames for crafting (but not worth anything)... People hated EQ2 because they couldn't afk it:) Nothing like getting killed by a crafting machine... (exploding stove was favorite). Guess the complexity of SWG crafting has ruined all other games for me. At least my crew is pressing the combine button for me. Now where did I put all those stupid gifts.....
  16. Real crafting was SWG. UO had stats based on success vs what you would lose in combat. The rest have been a "watch the progress bar" sort of crafting. MEH. SWG had a use for every type of crafter. Whether you just wanted to use crap resources- make furniture or clothing. Awesome resources plus 12 hours a day chasing shifts- weapons , bio, food, and armor. Even creature baking was fun, stats/DNA mattered. I hated the look of composite, so became the first crafter to ever break 30% kinetic in Maberi, before the NGE. If you specialized, you only needed to chase a few shifts. I've done crafting in most MMOs since UO. Even EvE Online left me cold. It still boils down to what you made is the same as the other person made, same stats and looks, just priced differently. That isn't crafting. SWG was the only real crafting game. A Tale in the Desert is just a grind/RSI fest. SWTOR crafting is fine as it is. WoW crafting was stupid. I'd rather just let me crew push the combine button, since it means nothing.
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