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Everything posted by Ashanor

  1. Ashanor

    Remove DoT Spread

    Maybe so, but I think BOTH are a mistake.
  2. Ashanor

    Remove DoT Spread

    As a former madness sorcerer (before they made it lame), I completely agree with removing DoT spread. I would also like my single target damage back, thank you.
  3. Yeah, I know only like 10 people play ranked on most servers, but it truly is all that matters, and what all PvP should be balanced around.
  4. You are wrong. Even if there was no other advantage, which there obviously is, you would still have the PvP relic problem to deal with.
  5. Yeah, stop being noob scrubs and level to 60. Nothing matters but 60. Everything is fine in mids, those 59s in PvP gear that leave before a match ends and stay over and over and over and beat you down got their gear before you couldn't get PvP gear anymore so they deserve to kill you for being here first! If you don't like it, level up!
  6. No, that is what you call an imbalance and a problem with the game. It ruins PvP for anyone who doesn't like to grief people. There are still tons and tons of 55-59s every day. Many times you face teams that are nothing but 55-59s and many of them wearing full PvP gear. Republic seems to love this issue since they can actually win a few by only entering queue with 55-59s in PvP gear. Less and less imps are playing in 30-59, that is evident by that fact that I play against pubs in more than half of games post 3.0. Before 3.0 I maybe played against pubs 1 in 10 matches. Whatever. Fix it or don't. You are only hurting the population of PvP players in this game further by leaving it as it is.
  7. Enough that it is a problem, not to mention the endless pvp alts people will be leveling through the bracket 55-59 and having a huge advantage. Didn't you guys claim like a month ago this was a none issue that would go away? It's still the same as a month ago as far as I can tell. Let's not forget that a premade guild can take extra advantage of this and just leave before XP is awarded to grief low levels. Anyone who wants to keep their advantages over mid players can do that, but there are already significant amounts of premades with mostly PvP geared 58s and 59s on my server.
  8. That's nothing, check this guys willpower out (and expertise). Also, don't forget he has PvP relics which proc even more mainstat. http://tinypic.com/r/35inf44/8
  9. 55s who don't own the expansion have it forever, and don't level up. There is also the matter of PvP relics which proc huge mainstat boosts on top of already having superior stats. Also, isn't that kind of my point? PvP gear is a huge advantage.
  10. My 56 Sorcerer has full resolve augments and doesn't even hit 2700. Even with under 2700, 2018 exp, and 35k or so health I am pretty much untouchable by low levels. Some of them can't even outdamage my self healing from dot ticks. I facetank trolled a marauder earlier (just to see if I could) and didn't bother using any cc and still killed him. He was high 40s or early 50s. This was a straight 1v1 with no outside healing.
  11. So what is this? http://tinypic.com/r/35inf44/8 Guy has 3163 Willpower without the PvP relic proc and 2018 Exp. His health is also about 5k higher than my 36 Juggs health. I have seen others with higher health and similar stats but I am not going to continue to queue until I see one. If I happen to run into one before my sub expires (not likely as I am sick of playing mids like this and it expires tomorrow, not to mention Dying Light unlocks tonight) I will post it. Also, I don't know why it is on the melee tab, but you don't really need the proper tab anyway.
  12. The guy wasn't in PvP gear. PvP geared players have multiple advantages. Also, have you ever heard of display errors? Screenshots incoming. Keep talking.
  13. Sorry, just because that is how it is supposed to work doesn't mean that is how it is working. There has to be some explanation why my rage jugg can beat on a 59 jugg getting no heals for 20-30 seconds and hardly scratch him then he turns around and three shots me in a few seconds after scoring the ball. Never saw these type of things happening before 3.0 in mids. There is something wrong whether you fail to realize or not.
  14. So you think a small amount of damage reduction/boost makes up for 800 main stat and 50% more health?
  15. Like I said, there are much more extreme differences on some players, and it isn't far more important if it doesn't outweigh the differences, which it doesn't.
  16. This is just a quick example because I don't have any time to do more at the moment. These stats compared to lower levels in unacceptable for the mids bracket. Lower levels get around 30k health and 2100 main stat. This person has nearly 44k health and 2900 main stat. There are more extreme examples. I just queued a WZ and selected the first 59 I saw. This person was wearing full 172s I believe, but I didn't check every piece. http://tinypic.com/r/2qd6988/8
  17. Do you even listen to yourself? You sit there and directly lie in threads about this issue like you are defending it for some ulterior motive. It is starting to border on ridiculous.
  18. You are wrong. A level 30 has around 30,000 health, click on some of the 55-59 players and look at what their health is. You will notice it is around 38,000-45,000 generally. They also have vastly superior stats and seem to take much less damage than their lower level counterparts while being able to dish out much more damage at the same time. Something is severely wrong in mids. I am not even sure it is level based at this point (it partially is, but can't fully be) as someone in this thread posted that they got significantly more health than my 56 Sorcerer at a lower level. Some people seem to be receiving more powerful bolsters than others of the same level. I am not sure what the difference is. My 56 Sorcerer has ~35,000 health and 2650 mainstat. I have leveled many characters through PvP since this game was released and done thousands of warzones across all of those characters. The last time I felt this disadvantaged in a warzone was at release when 50s were still grouped with lower levels. You stand a better chance as a fresh level 60 versus full PvP geared 60s than you do in mids currently.
  19. Cancelled my account today and it expires in a few days. I will probably come back if they fix mids, unless I find something better to do in the meantime. I have a backlog of around 80 games currently, so who knows? Haven't even finished Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dying Light is out in a few days, and GTA V and The Witcher III are closing in as well.
  20. I always thought things looked worse on the preview...
  21. It was never higher than intended. They specifically said that the slot machine was working as intended after the patch and after a few people had posted the stats. The whole change to it was simply based on the couple people who whined about it on the forums, unless it was something more sinister.
  22. How do you figure the drop rates were wrong when they specifically stated the slot machine was working as intended?
  23. You would think they could at the very least acknowledge the problem and give us an ETA on a fix or let us know they are working on it. At this point, Elder Scrolls Online buy to play in March is starting to look appealing (and not because I think ESO is a better game, just that I am sick of being treated like I am a second class citizen).
  24. I want a real CTF map. 2 bases, 2 flags, identical terrain on each side (minus flavor art). I also want a 5 point node defense map, but we already have a lot of node defense. We have 0 real CTF maps.
  25. Alright, so your argument is that by definition they are PvP. Great. My opinion is that they are an underused side game which create too many extremes and should not be balanced around.
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