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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Sending us back to start planets for story points is fine. The problem is when a mission sends us somewhere only to have the guy tell us nothing more than to go back to exactly where we just came from.


    Even the story points travel is wearing thin on me. Go to Kass, go to fleet, go to Kaas, go to special mission place, go to Kaas, go to some other place, go to Kaas, go to normal leveling planet. I am also tired of contending with the run of triple stupid design: air lock, orbital station, spaceport.

  2. 90% of the people queuing for warzones or LFG for Hardmode flashpoints will be sat on fleet so yeah its a pretty good indication of max level activity on the server tbh.


    Actually, it isn't. When I was recently trying to decide which new server to pick, and trying to figure out how badly overpopulated one side might be, sometimes the side with fewer people in fleet had a lot more people.

  3. If you flip a coin 100 times and it comes up heads 100 times


    Do you know what the chances it will come up heads next time?


    It's been 20+ years since my statistics class in college. The coin flip when taken individually is 50% chance, but when you talk about a sequence like that, then it changes. So the probability of that sequence happening would be .5 * .5 * .5 ... repeated 100 times. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong here. Like I said, it's been a long time since that class.

  4. It's a pretty good game, but the static dead world with little movement from MOBs detracts from how great it could be. The worlds are too lifeless. Another problem is I have no fear of screwing up when answering back to NPCs, because I know my story will continue on no matter what option I take. I have only died once due to an unwise answer to a NPC (Sith) :D
  5. So with many people saying check out Tera Online, I did go and look at some videos, and the combat seems worse than the standard MMO's combat. Looks like the person goes nuts spamming attacks with clicking and what not, the MOB just stands there, then makes a big obvious wind up. The PC has enough time to go to the bathroom and grab a beer before the hit goes off, then calmly sidesteps with a strafe avoiding the damage.
  6. 4) The straw that broke the camels back for me... Having to run back to the space port, take a shuttle to the station, run some more, load the hangar, run some more, load the ship, fly to the fleet, CLICK A FREAKIN NPC THAT DOESNT EVEN RESPOND, then get back on my ship and go back to the planet and do it all over again....REALLY? *** was the point of having that step in the quest chain.


    That's just stupid and tedious design. I ***** to myself every time I have to go back to the 'home' planet. The real pain is that you must follow the correct path, or things don't trigger right. For instance, on many of those time wasting trips, you can't use the emergency fleet pass to make the trip quicker, you have to literally run through all the designed points.


    What's starting to irk me these days is waiting for all these stupid lifts/elevators. Some designer has a serious problem with their elevator fetish.

  7. It's in 1.2 . If you read the patch notes currently in the PTS, it states:




    I think this is a mistake. You don't fight The Eagle on his ship. You fight him on Hutta. I think they meant the Eagle's benefactor. I also don't remember having LOS issues with The Eagle, while his benefactor was a serious PITA for my Operative.


    Anyone confirm this on the PTS?


    Sounds like they are trying to avoid spoilers in the patch notes, and replacing Jadus with 'The Eagle'. This bug had me swearing up a storm. There were definite LOS issues for me when fighting Jadus. Ironically, the only way I could get past this was to block Jadus' LOS with the computer terminals.

  8. I noticed this happening because whenever I get the black screen load, there is one or two columns of pixels on the right of monitor, and I can see the background moving around when I move and turn. The load screens with the loading bar at bottom are the real ones. After I load into voidstar as attacker, the background is most recognizable for me.
  9. There are/were a couple of MMOs that broke the standard mode for combat. The problem was that the devs didn't put enough thought into the mmo portion of the game. The combat was much more entertaining though, but the rest of the game was essentially a single player game with other people around.
  10. The biggest issue with them that I see is that many people have not progressed far enough in the zone to do them. So if I get to a planet, and someone is yelling for more, and that quest is not in the datapad yet, then I probably don't have a quick flight path to it, and I may not know how to get there. Usually, players are not that patient with people trying to find instances.
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