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Posts posted by Qoojo

  1. Lets face it, the people with level 50 characters actually will quit and leave, so a 30 day pass might sway their mind.


    The players who play 8 alts all around level 30 or 40 (the whiners in this thread) will never leave and will play for years to come. :)


    And that's the ultimate reasoning for it right there. Why reward the players that most likely will continue subscribing. It would be money right out of their pocket. Pick the players most likely to leave.

  2. I agree with your argument. If they wanted to avoid the marketing and PR nightmare, they shouldn't have defined their most loyal players as those with lvl 50s; they could've rephrased that or left that equation out altogether, rather than essentially slapping those that have stuck around with the game.


    That wording is really a big screw you, "As a thanks for being one of our most valued players".

  3. This free month thing really has upset me. I know I've got more game hours than 99% of players out there I just decided to start an alt when I finished my character's story. I currently have 2 48s, 1 44, 1 43 and a bunch of lower level alts. I have leveled every profession to 400 as well.


    Once I heard about the legacy rewards I set a goal of getting the 1 of each of the 4 classes to the end of the 2nd chapter so I would have all the buffs. I've also spent a ton of time on the test server in the last month that I could have spent leveling but decided to spent time there instead as it would help the game.


    I have been waiting for this game for years and I really want to like it. I actively avoided getting to 50 because the forums were filled with complaints that after hitting 50 the game became intolerable to play. Now because I stopped a few levels short of 50 I'm being told indirectly that I'm not a valued customer?


    I know this isn't rational because we are only talking about $15 but I feel disrespected. I'd like to think I can get over it because like I said earlier I really want to like this game. The sad thing is there is no doubt in my mind that some will quit over this and it's just another example in a long string of Bioware's mistakes that I'm trying to ignore.


    Your story sounds about like mine. 40s on two servers, and messed around on a PvP server too. It's really a bit insulting when they could have easily gone with /played time. Dedicated my ***.

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