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Everything posted by Saeria

  1. You aren't out of work, you have a ceiling on how high you can raise your prices. You can still make augmented force weapons, no? That's tons of work and very easy money.
  2. Super rare drops from EV (and possibly KP) usually off of trash.
  3. It's just RNG. I ran False Emperor hardmode with Medic (Imperial Agent), Sniper (Imperial Agent), Sorceror (Sith Inquisitor) and Juggernaut (Sith Warrior) we got a variety of loot. ~We did this every day for a solid week or so to get the second IA chest to drop.
  4. I don't support cross-server LFD in any way, shape, or form. I am currently enjoying this game because of the lack of cross-server in both pvp and pve dungeons. I can actually make friends, bonds and recognize people. I know who the filthy Pubs are, there's a certain reputation and fame that goes to it. And I have some guildies who are already server e-famous and stuff. It's a nice feeling. This goes away when there's cross-server anything.
  5. I read your post and it reads like an essay on exactly why such a tool isn't needed.
  6. Does it matter? The Chiss Ascendancy is a major faction in the universe. They're far stronger and more influential than the Hutt, and can easily rival the Empire or the Republic.
  7. The Emperor is not dead. It's disappointing Malgus is dead, I'll admit, but in my mind he's sort of a hypocrit.
  8. All I have to say is, Leia wasn't scared of Vader. Also, Vader certainly respected Boba Fett. Don't you remember Order 66? Sure, Anakin slaughtered a few, but so did the Clone Troopers who are clones of Jango Fett. Not to mention, it's made abundantly clear Imperial Agents use enhancers and technology. You always need a "stim boost" up and your attacks include "explosive probes" and "fragmentation grenades". And of course, this is Star Wars, everyone has implants.
  9. Both abilities are fine, you're just an... Okay. First of all, Kolto Injection is available to all specs, not just Medic. Second, it scales tremendously better than either our HoT or instant heal. This is a key selling point here. It benefits from Alacrity, Surgical Probe does not. It also has a better Tech Power/Power coefficient than Surgical Probe. Crit and Surge affect both equally, so there's no real point to discussing it here. Kolto Injection however is a very niche heal. You use it when you need high HPS. It is our highest HPS spell by far. Yes, you sacrifice ridiculous efficiency, but this is BY DESIGN. Simply put: Higher HPS the worst Efficiency, and vice-versa. Surgical Probe is our lowest HPS, it's also our most efficient heal.
  10. Hey, Level 50 Medic here. Couple of things, if you want Kaliyo to tank, make sure she has a SHIELD equip and NOT a Generator or a Vibroknife. Very, very important. Second, make sure you focus on +defense, +shield absorb and endurance items. Also armor is probably the most important stat. If it has higher armor, it's probably better. Personally though, I just used Vector. Make sure he is in his Combat Pheremone's stance, the 10% healing is quite noticeable and it's the main reason I preferred Vector. To me, Kaliyo absolutely holds aggro better than Vector and she also has more AoE options, but Vector required less healing and generally did better dps. Also, me tanking instead of my companion works wonders. Maybe the best way to explain things is to work from the mindset of "glass canon", just blow things up before they get to you. Also, for the love of god, USE YOUR STUNS. Every single time there's a "strong" NPC (the ones with blue) make sure your stun(s) is up. Another important thing. Don't try to play ranged. Sniping works at lower levels, but you need to be in melee range to use your Stun and also to Backstab/Shiv/Hidden Strike/Sleep Dart/Carbine Burst. If there's a pack of 4-5 mobs, make sure Evasion is up. Use it on the pull. Remember, your 5-s stun is on a 45s cd (30s talented) and your Evasion (100% Dodge) is on a 60s cd. You can pretty much always use at least one. Lastly, once I got Ensign Raina Temple, I just used her. She does superior DPS to Vector and it's far easier to gear her. She's squishier for sure, but I can tank so she can blow **** up.
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