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Everything posted by Omisri

  1. There is a healing debuff. Just make sure you have a mara on your team that can use it appropriately
  2. I don't think it should matter. But as an incentive I wouldn't mind only having the set piece bonus as an increase of sorts. maybe changing the 2/5 and 4/5 required to 3/5 and 5/5. This way, The bolster can control all of your stats bringing everyone to a fair level based on AC and spec. The only edge would be these set piece bonus' which is tiny compared to stat changes currently in
  3. I'd also love something like this. Rather than working with models from design, i'm a programmer, but still like to give everything a go. Had fun with something similar in EQ2 and with EQN taking a massive leap in this direction for most aspects, it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.
  4. It's still similar here in Britain. You have some great TV shows but you can also be plagued by things such as The X Factor, Big Brother, My big fat gypsy wedding... etc
  5. At first I thought the same. But at the same time I thought "It looks pretty good, but not as Robocop" Looks like a lot of it has been changed which makes you wonder if it needed to be Robocop at all. Switch Delta city for something else, throw away the "I don't like the silver look, let's try black" throw back quote and let's see. Although, from a trailer it's a little early to judge
  6. You're comparing a vanity item to a car? You also need to compare build quality, materials, labour and all that malarkey. An expansion has a different build quality, labour than someone tweaking the RGB values and adding a new item.
  7. Not to mention you could roam around your ship mid flight while another pilots, turrets etc. Or just set guild meetings up on your POB in the middle of nowhere. Some of the best times I had in SWG. SWTOR will most probs be similar to the rail shooter in terms of "once your in your ship, you have to land to control your character"
  8. I know a few people have said "But no one is forcing you to buy it" etc etc. But the fact they have listed this single use "fluff" with a cost that is almost twice as high as the monthly sub... Usually when you look for more bang for your buck you go to alternative companies, not within the same one. The fact that their pricing is nothing to do with content value and almost solely based on "cool" value is... odd. For example, they have done this since it's implementation with things like character perks. The GTN on your ship would cost 5 mill or a cartel cost of, say, 350 (not the actual price, but used as an example). Where as the priority travel to Section X would cost 500k or a cartel cost of 400 (Again, not actual prices, but used as an example of conversion rate... of which there is none) So to me, it's not a matter of "You're not forced to buy it" but that I can't even trust them to price things properly, sensibly and without trying to cash in.
  9. I wouldn't mind if I wasn't able to see the match but had whatever result mailed back to me (with my winnings if applicable). It could of started off very basic with a mission giver, giving you a list of WZ's that are currently starting up (example the 1 Min 30 Seconds before the game starts and people load in). You could chose a few if you had the creds. Live views could get complicated if it were like a live hub, due to the amount of WZ's in action at one time being variable. But you could still 'Holocall' in to the match, surely.
  10. I like how it looks for force users. Not so much digging the force user-esc for the BH and agents. In a way i'm kinda glad that it's nothing I would wear for my ranged none force user classes... So that when they change the PvP armour / grind again, I won't have to trade it in after augmenting it, for the "new" ranked gear set. Because let's face it, the churn of gear is pretty high
  11. Running windowed mode, It usually only happens to me if I click the 'X' at the top right. If I click quit game then it usually shuts down ok for me
  12. Heh, It definitely is the worse P2W I have ever seen... because it's not a P2W game So what if people spend RL money on hyper crates and sell them on the GTN. They have to wait for someone to come along with enough credits to buy it, and just spent more money on the cartel market than it would of cost them to go to a gold farmer for equal amount. Plus how much you can make from dailies alone anyway. Ok. So let's say they bought their PvE gear with the credits from where ever they came via RL money. How is that effecting me since PvE doesn't really pit you against each other. Unless the NPC's cry nerf because you *** smashed them to bits with your GTN acquired gear. Everyone in this game has the choice of being self sufficient, or spending millions. "But I don't have much time to play because of RL" - and? it's not a race. Take your time. If the story and grind sucked then I wouldn't wanna put up with grinding the mid tier of gear anyway, would I? There's no advantage that I can think of that the person would have over me other than getting there quicker. I'll enjoy it at my own pace, thank you. Now if PvP items / armouring could be bought with credits, that would be a different story due to obvious reasons. But then again, the bolster would (at least in theory) cover that issue.
  13. Levelling was fun the first time round on each side. However, every time I walked into a story instance and it ended up being a narrow hallway full of mobs I died a little inside. Infact I think one of my toons responses via the story was "There is no need for bloodshed"... Well of course not, You're tired from the entire house you just murdered. The only quest which I thought was pretty cool was the interrogation part very early on as a sith inquisitor. It didn't require me to run across the map only to have to run back again after a brief convo with some random guy i'll never see again. No excuse for random fights. Just quick, simple and different.
  14. Taking your own advice, I get a good healthy dose of 'name calling' - usually 2 - 3 hours of constant trolling in general. This is then followed by plenty of 'cheating'. Speed hacks are initiated upon zoning. Thanks to your guidance, my winning streak has yet to be broken.
  15. Well, i'm not entirely sure about the stats added by expertise i.e. Damage boost caps at 60% while you have lower % of defense and an even lower % added for healing other players. While im obviously not looking to cause damage and my defense is not missing all that much in terms of added bonus. The bonus healing is more than covered by the stats from my PvE gear with the added bolster to around 1500 exp. so i can kinda see why i don't suffer effects from it like say a DPS would. I have no set bonus either with my PvE gear. The way i saw it while i was playing around to see the difference was "Do i wanna sacrifice an extra 200+ Willpower and 100 or so power for an extra 5% increase to healing via exp after it bolsters me back up anyway? - That seems like madness"
  16. As a sorc healer in fully Augmented 69 gear with the exception of the two pvp relics, I seem to heal better. The bolster takes care of most of my missing expertise and the extra power / willpower covers and goes beyond the lousy 5 - 10% heal / damage boost from expertise that im short on Not owning 72 armouring's , mods and enhancements... I can't comment on that comparison.
  17. This is what happens to me also. Solo queuing and deciding to switch characters whilst still in the queue is what seems to cause it. Granted I now try to remember to leave queue prior to switching characters, but sometimes I just forget if I have been sat waiting on the queue to pop for awhile
  18. The only time you may struggle is when your running around a pvp area on your own. It's suicide. If you have a group with you it would be extremely easy to neutralize a group of stealthers. Once they pop out of stealth it doesn't take long to take 'em down
  19. Noticed since the latest patch that if I queue for a WZ on one character and then switch to another, im locked into a queue that never pops. Opening the WZ window will say that im queued with my alt. Logging back on to the character that queued to try and leave queue doesn't work, clicking onto leave queue does nothing yet the icon shows as in the queue (with a greyed out "join queue"). Have to quit the entire game and log back in to fix.
  20. I got booted from a 55 HM that was almost cleared just because I used 'Music Therapy Probe' - I use it instead of my class regeneration ability. Soon as I was kicked I was thrown on ignore. Hadn't said a word to them other than question why I was being threatened with being kicked because I used it.
  21. Reminds me of when I threw my tank gear onto my assassin and travelled to Korriban. Agro'd between 20 - 30 npcs that were beatin on me (took awhile to accumulate that many). Some time after a brave hero came over to attack one of them (was between level 3 - 6). So I hit stealth and watched the poor bastard get torn to shreds quicker than anything. It was like the movie piranha... He jumped into the pool but he didn't jump back out.
  22. As a rule I tend to stick to buying the core components for the maximum price of around £300-£400 in total, once every 24 months and i'm always running everything on max. The market moves so damn quick but the software is years behind. Before you know it you would of spent a few thousand on the "top of the range" system only to find out you can plug into the matrix a month or two after.... you never know
  23. While I agree with you, We are now in a culture of false achievements = Fun. When 95% of the game hands out rewards in some form or another, it takes a lot if not the same amount to give those who don't normally, the incentive to participate. There may be a hand full of people who don't care and love just going out and being involved with World PvP (myself included).... But due to rewards in controlled WarZones or Flash Points, it's hard to withdraw from that. Also as someone else already pointed out, it's far quicker to earn PvP gear to enable you to participate via Warzones. Also don't forget that anyone under 55 wouldn't really stand a chance. There are no level brackets or any restraints to enable a fun reward less system for everyone to drop in and out of.
  24. I support this also. When the game first launched, I was working nights in the UK. So my weekends I could play as the servers got busy on a US server (plus others I knew from the US playing there). Since my change in shift a few months back, I could do with setting up on a European server. However, I don't fancy having to level up another 5 55's, a 52 and several others.
  25. I was let down with the way they hyped the crap out of it with things you could manipulate with the force and the way things broke / reacted. Yeah throwing a storm trooper around is fun, but when you have hundreds of them coming at you throughout the game.. it gets boring. The items and passages you manipulate with the force are pretty dull and offer very little originality. It's something I could play if I had time to burn, but nothing I could fully immerse myself in
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