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Everything posted by Omisri

  1. I had a stack of those cartel market certificates completely vanish after I tried to ctrl-click an armor piece in my inventory that was slightly covered by the dressing room window. Unknowing that it had selected this stack of certs instead I also clicked into the distance to clear my current target. as I clicked I saw the items selected vanish. No "do you want to destroy these" message box... Just gone. I filed a ticket askin if they could be restored and the first CS I got said "we have no record of you receiving these items, thanks for playing! I filled another ticket and the second CS I got, within the hour, came back and said "We see that you had them and then our records show that they just vanished. We don't know where they ended up. We have refunded your" etc etc etc Guess it depends who you end up speaking to. At my work place if you get through to my colleague they will forget you can pull a report from X and instead pull from Y on the database
  2. Makeb to me was kinda like doing a SM Flash point solo. It was good while it lasted on the initial play through. But they could of done a lot more with it like different classes secured components / areas/ whatever, that all linked together (as with the class stories). Unfortunately, its pretty much as my opening sentence... Or like doing the planetary quests. But then I suppose that's what Makeb was built for, one big planetary quest.
  3. ◄Φ{▓▓▓▓▒▒▒▒▓▓███ Currently out of combat
  4. That's not the point. Other MMO's have kept the previous end game gear / grind / content and just expanded on it for those who bought the new expansion and unlocked the new level cap... you know, as the name suggests it's an expansion. Instead what bioware seem to of done is taken the content available at the previous end game and carried it over instead of creating additional content (if you forget makeb for a second and focused on end game), slapped a few different designs as a replacement and called it new
  5. this one? http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a545/Michael_Brando/Screenshot_2013-05-20_11_51_43_806226_zps5a67a8a9.jpg
  6. Mara, By the time resolve is full the mara is closing in on the gunslinger and mowing him down. The mara's health would be low at this point... but burst dps and the 99% damage reduction + defensive cool downs at the appropriate time, with stealth and offensive buffs.
  7. Or it would be too much work for little pay out in the eyes of the developers
  8. Raiding can suck sometimes... But if you are with a group from your guild or friends. You can have many lol's at the mechanics expense
  9. logging out and then back in fixes this after the 3rd time. Unless that was fixed also
  10. The time it takes im surprized they don't level to 55 and run the dailies on several characters... seriously those chests suck at giving credits
  11. i also wish they would bring out the alt versions of those battle master inquisitor masks. The ones without those damn feathers and plate at the front. The look pretty awesome without
  12. I completely agree about Makeb. KOTOR had a brilliant atmosphere when you landed on each planet and each one felt rich in content that was believable in a sw universe (imo).
  13. Theres several over level 15 versions of these _cerebral_battle_headgear/"]http://db.darthhater.com/items/33512/[prototype]_cerebral_battle_headgear/ (can't remember the orange versions name) that have a dye slot... but don't dye / change colour lol
  14. But...But... you need fluff at the end of the content as an incentive, right?
  15. It's posts / threads like these where I would love a yellow name to post "ermm, actually you spent over 100$ last month. Thanks for playing!"
  16. Can't say I blame them for trying. Personally I'm a little tired of seeing the same planets and areas over and over again but just cut differently in each game
  17. At least Bioware got the perfect balance in some aspect
  18. I'm surprized they didn't do anything like kotor with the character background sheet and display DS/LS Alignme... ...Oh wait, im not surprized at all come to think of it
  19. It's a tough one because the cartel market has been the only actual content we have seen in awhile (i know, its an exaggeration) If the cartel market was around at launch then im guessing it would of been received in a totally different way. Kinda like all MMO's, as stuff gets added it gets eaten up. Kinda a catch 22 for Bioware atm. If they add content that's enjoyable, different and somewhat repeatable without been repetitive, then people wouldn't really go as crazy as they do with the cartel market. I think from a business perspective the cartel markets implementation timing was perfect.
  20. I can't deny that bioware have done a terrible job themselves. F2P models should be built into the game during initial development and not added on top of. Subs may feel like lower class citizens, but the answer isn't to turn on f2p'ers for a games success. Plus they are not "playing the game for nothing", they had to buy the initial game... As with any other game
  21. Then you would make a terrible game developer. As a game developer, all areas should be valued. Free to play players shouldn't be treated like lower class citizens. Most would be 14 - 18 year olds that don't have the funds for a sub... but make up the majority of gamers around the globe. Whether you like it or not, its these that have can influence a games success rating by interacting more with social sites such as YouTube, Facebook, twitter etc. As a sub I believe content outside of expansion packs should be accessible to everyone to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. Fluff and convenience abilities / items should be given as extras to subs (as with discounted expansion prices) where free to play would have to purchase.
  22. Considering the incredible amount of linear content in this game, Fluff was its only saviour
  23. /signed You can justify the cartel coins given every month for subs all you want. If you can use these for the customization stuff without having to buy coins... then why not just do it with credits anyway?
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