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Everything posted by Omisri

  1. what in the... Don't tell me that they gave it the wrong colour just so people would buy more dyes and try to match it from the trailers
  2. In regards to immersion, I do think that they are getting better.... slightly. Mainly due to the times moving forward and graphics becoming better along with being able to fit more into a tiny space (i.e. More sound, music quality, graphics, trigger points etc). However, I do feel that in terms of it being an MMO as a whole, they are going backwards. I think that it just boils down to my personal tastes and being tainted by the original version of SWG. But a majority of these AAA MMO's all come down to it being some sort of a grind and dead end at end game. I felt that GW2 had potential with WvWvW and winning giving your server a bonus to attributes (Although I never got past level 30 before I left), SWG with planetary control, EQ2 back when I played it had some sort of zone control when the level cap was level 80 (pvp area.. forget what it was called). But basically I think a lot of MMO's have settled for a gear grind at end game to keep you playing with one or two new ops / raids every so often that's completed as it comes out, rather than be a little more creative and give something for the community to control that can change on a daily basis (example, swg had player housing, cities. other games as above). When the community are given something they can control, together (You know, what an MMO should be about!). I think that opens up all sorts. Don't get me wrong there are games out there that do this, some fail, some win. But rather than build on it... Developers become lazy
  3. With the new bolster in 2.0 and level brackets its muddied the waters somewhat. I rolled a PT Pyro and as soon as I hit level 10 I hopped into a few war zones. As a level 10 I was dishing out on average between 700k - 800k damage with very limited abilities to use. in 55 WZ's I don't see many PT Pyros doing that much (although there are some that do). Plus with the augment bug still in effect that can increase stats above and beyond...
  4. I don't actually see a point as to why its not permanent. Unless there is something coded behind the scenes that triggers everytime you buff up... which I doubt
  5. I can't seem to deal over 100k damage in a wz according to my achievements. Even take 100k damage. Yet ive played hundreds and broke 1 mill a few good games
  6. Nothing as special as the top damagers. But Id like to add Kleck (Scourge) - juggernaut with 1028677 Damage DPS 1125.47. Biggest hit was 9014 http://i1283.photobucket.com/albums/a545/Michael_Brando/Screenshot_2013-04-29_19_00_43_241176_zpsc83d5496.jpg
  7. If Makeb was added before the boost to 55 and all the 2.0 additions, id of skipped it entirely. I think whats happened is due to the implementation of 2.0 alongside the expansion caused some muddied waters. It's hard to judge Makeb for what it is alone
  8. I have a lot of alts and I only completed chapter 3 on 2 of them. My problem was that once I hit end game with 2 I accepted that my story or way of completing it, just wouldn't matter at end game. The choices I made would make no difference to the experience and that I would always end up at the same brick wall, the gear grind. The progression from class mission to class mission was too slow for me to fully take in or appreciate what was going on, as concentration was mostly on side quests (being the bulk of the missions) Thus my motivation to play through or complete the chapters is fractional compared to my want of hitting end game and playing a difference class / spec in the hope of being competitive at the end of the road of which we all end up anyway. Im not saying I could condone it, but if I started a new character and it was immediately level 55, I would be happier than having to plod around each planet all over again.
  9. My issue is huttball when going against 1 or 2 of them. Before we are even at the top of the ramp the ball is already captured lol
  10. I did that after I scrounged enough credits to take a shuttle... One way ticket, mind. Night time with creatures 50 or so levels above me and not enough creds or a ship to get back. Had to re-roll at the time LOL
  11. I got to see it in SWG so it doesn't matter much to me Think the reason why this would be a massive job for the dev team is because (iirc) the shadows from the landscape were baked onto the textures (to improve performance no doubt)
  12. Well, why can't it all depend on your alignment. Light V you get the pebble dash, dark V you get lightening. Neutral to dark or light 4 means you get the default for your class
  13. Be interesting to see what they do with cartel market armour sets now that they cant get away with pallet swaps after the update
  14. Same, disappointed when 2.0.1 was not downloadable and then logged in the next day to find nothing
  15. One benefit is that it could merge legacy's while married? for obvious reasons. In-Game marriage was also in SWG at some point (if not throughout the game... Think it was bugged after NGE iirc)
  16. Of course it wouldn't. But there was something quite satisfying about it after having played the KOTOR's. Compared to how it is now, which just doesn't feel anything like the series
  17. funnily enough the combat animations or combat in general looked very similar to KOTOR than it does today. Even the sound clips sounded almost identical.
  18. I used to buy sets of armour from the CM until I just couldn't stomach having to rip mods out of 7 or 8 items PLUS augment them all over again. You could argue that you could just make your own Augmentation kits instead of spending the (then) 40k per kit and then the 30k just to install it... but its still very time consuming and or expensive just to have a different look
  19. Must be why they introduced 2.0 at the same time, Just to bulk it up abit.
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