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  1. BW is all about the Benjamin$. lol! http://www.razerzone.com/swtor/keyboard What a horrible keyboard, what are we not suppose to use our mouse?
  2. I read one post about a week ago on this issue and still nothing is being patched. in 1.1. I failed to find the thread because there is no forum search. I play a Sith Warrior, LvL 50 Marauder. I am very very big on PvP. Having Force Charge as my only skill to where I can actually get next to an enemy is extremly bugged out. I don't know how many or if anyone is having these problems. But every now and then, seems when I force charge someone to many times, I end up in space. I try useing /stuck, but that will not or never does work when im stuck in outter space from Force Charging onto someone. And its not just being stuck in space. I Force charged someone, and as my toon was in mid air traveling to the target enemy, the enemy moved behind a door, and i was stuck in it, with out being about to use /stuck I usally just w8 until the match is over. I see that you are attempting a patch on Force Choke and I applaud you for that. But can you please look into Force Charge. I thought I had a few SS, but I guess I was smashing Scroll lock and not Print screen. I will try and recreate the issue and post a picture.
  3. This is for any of you Admins or whatever you call yourselfs at BW. Why are you releasing new content, when you have major major problems in you current version? Please don't make me spam this... Just answer. I don't need a troll to say "Because they only want our money" I already know that reason, and im sure it's very true.
  4. I love spending hours playing WZ and winning, but to sadly not get an actual win for my DAILY/WEELY. Thanks BIOWARE on your terrible terrible PvP reward system. I don't know why theres not more people raging about this happening. Everyone on my vent has said something about this dumb bug. Communication is the key. I doubt BW has any of that...
  5. No id rather have people not buy the game and see the problems BW is having.
  6. Trolls will be trolls to the OP. But its ok let them be trolls/Flamers, thats how they get attention. Mommy didn't love them enough;)
  7. Im tired of Spending hours trying to complete my DAILY/WEEKLY pvp, and win but not get a Win counted for my hard work on my Daily/Weekly. These stupid PvP items are already hard enough to get with the DUMB RNG. But then to have to deal with this BUGGY PVP system that works 50% of the time. yea great job BW, You guys blew it big time u morons. With the way the patches are coming out, behind schedule and very little patch work being done. This game is gonna go under SUPER fast.
  8. DUDE *** BW!!!!!. Im so tired of this BS happening!!!!!! This has been a major problem sence day ******* 1!!!! Im tired of spending 2 hours to get 1 FREAKING win in a WZ. But for some DUMB UNKNOWN REASON I did'nt get a win. But we clearly won 5-0 in HUTT BALL. I was at 1/3 Daily WZ and 8/9 Weekly WZ. And for me to win and NOT get me 2/3 DAILY or 9/9 WEEKLY is absoluty BULL CRAP!!!! Fix your GAME!!!!!!! Fix everything befor you even THINK ABOUT RELEASING THAT DUMB UPDATE. WORTHLESS UPDATE with ALL THE BUGS U HAVE. I mean im sure that will bring in more bugs like expected but atleast FIX WHAT YOU MORONS HAVE NOW. I for one and sick and tired of being treat as if my money does not matter. Maybe 15$ is'nt ****. BUt 1000 people paying 15$ a month is a lot. Fix ur stupid game or lose ur 15$ from everyone!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: Sell ur Right to this AWSOME game, Cuz BW is a god AWFUL company. Sorry for the rage and my RANDOM caps . Im just fed up.
  9. Uuumm ok... so they pushed back the Server Maintenance, for this lame *** patch. I was excited for the weekly maintenance, then to hear they are pushing it back 2 days. At first i was like ***, but then i relised "hey maybe they are working harder on a bigger patch and patching more content". Nope was i ever wrong. That patch is worthless unless u are doing Flashpoints/Operations. Still w8ing for the mess of bugs to be worked out. Skills to be fixed/character balance. But of course if you want to see those patches you must subscribe for next month, hell maybe even the 3rd month. Its starting to feel like a privilege to get a JUSTIFIABLE patch. I for one stopped payment, until the MASS problems have addressed. I don't see any reason why anyone should be PAYING to be a BETA TESTER. Last time i checked i was reporting bugs in the BETA, and i was not paying. Now I am "or was" a paying customer whos still reporting LOTS/same bugs that were in BETA. Continue on with your scam BW, your doing a great job. Start the hate post... cuz thats all people do now on forums... Seriously if you don't have anything positive to say. Do not Troll/flame you look like a moron.
  10. Was there even server maintenance on the 10th. I dont recall seeing it. Can someone refresh my memory. And did they even patch anything? Cuz i cant find one patch for the 10th or anything that they did anything on the 10th.....
  11. Ok as we all know the PvP system is GARBAGE in TOR. How can BW make a game like Warhammer and have a GOOD PvP system when the game was released. Then BW makes this game and the PvP system is SOOO unbalanced. I was just in a game. I was the only level 50 on my team, not one person on my team was above LvL 25. The other team i went up against was ALL 50's except for one level 48. And they were all from the same Guild. I could care less about being in a PvP against 1 whole guild. Its the fact that i was placed on a team with not one person other then myself with EQUAL level to the other team, BUT NO where near close to EQUAL STATS/ARMOR. We all didnt bother to even look or defened because it was useless. Its pretty lame that right now level 50's are ABLE to Farm MEDALS off the lower levels. But if and when the 50 brackets come out. Anyone who just hits level 50 and goes into a WZ with out PvP gear does not stand a CHANCE. There needs to be Brackets Ranks, and or Skill level. Something to place people in a match where they stand an actual chance. Im not asking to Buff chars or nerf anything. Im asking for Fairness and balance. Its clear what character Run and DOMINATE Hutt Ball. If your team has more AoE knock back theres a high chance you already won. Then theres the people that say, "well FORCE CHARGE is OP"..... Really, you really think soo.... So I guess force charge can knock someone off the Pillars, Stun them , and do dmg to them. yea that sounds just about right..... I literally get AoE knocked back off the pillars and on to the ground to get AoE knock backed again into oblivion. Oh yea and its pretty awsome how someone can stun u and Kill you befor you come unstunned. Example: Someone stuns me, Drops a dot and it ticks for 500-800Dmg a second, Plus they are dropping there insanly crazy Lighting dmg on me. So within about 4-5 seconds i Die while im stunned!!!. Keep in mind im a level 50 with 1 Champion Chest medium armor, going up against a level 50 FULLY GEARED doing CRAZY DMG to me. My last complaint is. I was in "Civil War PvP" There was a Jedi, i didnt catch his class cuz i was to angry to look. This guy (name wont be mentioned) but he was critting me for over 11K DMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I only have 11863HP!! *** IS THAT!!!!!! There was a Jug on my team with 17k HP, and this Jedi was 2 hitting him. What is wrong with this GAME...? PS: i stopped my payments for next month. I dont like the idea of being a PAY to PLAY BETA tester. I was reporting bugs in BETA and i am still doing that outta BETA. Have fun, and great day. Flame/troll away...
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