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Everything posted by TipsyDrow

  1. Get rid of 6k AOE smashes. Get rid of 4sec 99% damage reduction I win button. Get rid of vanguard burst. get rid of hybrid jugg tank control specialists OR Give me burst heals in the heal tree and burst dps in the dps trees as a sage/sorce OR Deal with the stunfest, cause I'm gonna keep bubbling everyone on my team nonstop. I'm gonna keep chain casting extended weaken minds on everyone on the enemy team specced to slow you down I'm gonna keep healing with my below average mediocre heals. I'm gonna bubble stun,slow,force wave root all you melee monsters and basically make you cry now that you can't kill me in 1.5 seconds. Enjoy.
  2. Game launches with very little of the standard MMO features people want. Various patches over the course of the first 4 months adress little except fix a few bugs and exploits Game update 1.2 comes out with a major restructering of many classes. Bioware loses 400,000 subs. Bioware lays off team members. I dunno, do we need someone to pronounce it dead? *shrugs* They killed their own game. I have very little if any sympathy for anyone at bioware after following this game for years, buying the CE for $150.00 and then being subsequently ripped off with a fail game.
  3. I followed the development of this game religuously for a few before release. I was in some betas. I have played since dec 13th. I unsubbed 3 days with 32 days of play time left. I will not be logging on to play this wreck of a game again. Reasons? 1- Game update 1.2 completely and utterly ruined many classes for me. Bioware made healing a joke, unfun and not worth doing. That's a bad bad bad move on their part. 2-server pop bit the dust. 3-the worst armor/clothes design I have *********** seen in my life. really bioware? really? your artists *********** blind? 4-the all new pvp DPS zerg fest post 1.2 I could list more but others have already done that.
  4. You were playing against people who had no clue how to kill a healer then. Period. I play both a sage healer and an assault vanguard at lvl 50 both full BM ecept champion relics, almost 1200 expertise.. I have played both since dec 13th. There is no healer I can't kill on my assault vanguard. If I target a healer,guarded or not, it dies, period. Unless the healer calls three buddies to blast on me while I burst it into nothingness. When I play my sage healer now, if an average melee gets in my face I'm shut down. If a competent melee gets in my face I'm dead, end of story. Unless.....heres the key, unless I'm guarded by a competent tank who uses taunts and all his tools. Then it takes two competent dps to take me out. That's 2v2 scenario where both dps focus me and don't bother with the tank. I can accept death at that point. The isue other then fixing the double dipping bug was NEVER healing being OP. It was always always the combination of many things. You combine the double dipping, endless resources,cross healing by another healer, annnnd guard and oh heck yea healers were OP. Almost every healer will tell you that. How ever. Healers are not OP at the moment they are deffinately underpowered. A solo healer SHOULD be able to keep themselves alive through one DPS without a tank guard. They should not be able to do anything but heal themselves while trying to get away but they SHOULD, all things being equal, be able to keep themselves up. This is currently not the case. But it's not just the nerfs to the healer classes that have caused this. It is again, the combination all the sweeping changes 1.2 bright to pvp. Do i have a fix? Heck no.
  5. I don't normally agree with your posts., but by god your dead on correct about the gear. In recruit gear my sage, no matter what spec, guarded or not died so fast it was almost funny. She now has full BM gear and it really didn't take that long to get. I am also seer/tele hybrid specced. It's a great build for pvp healing. If guarded by a full time tank and that tank uses taunts and such I have decent survability. Ungaurded well...meh. But any cloth wearer without a guard that gets a melee in her face is gonna have an issue, they're supposed to have an issue with a melee in her face. Do I like the way pvp is now? Not really. I like a slightly slower paced pvp game but I don't have that atm so i deal with it. Oh, on my assault vanguard its great...just sayin....
  6. No, every other dps can NOT crit 4k. My 31 point talent turbulence autocrits when weaken mind is applied to target first, the crit is laughable, does 2.5k to heavy armor and 3.5 to a clothie with no bubble. Oh and I am fully BM geared. I don't wanna hear anyone else cryin about not doin damage.....
  7. Mara's/sents do not need nerfed. They simply have three viable trees now. You may see more of them. The main pvp mara tree didn't get buffed at all. I wish all classess had three viable trees for pvp. You'd see more diversity. This comes a from a lvl 50 sage(healer Hybrid) and a lvl 50 vanguard. So I'm not biased.
  8. Assassins got the hybrids nerfed a few patches ago. Just sayin.
  9. Agreed 100%. All of those things must be included in the group finder.
  10. Yea, scoundrel/ops merc/commando healing still viable in a wz as they have survivability. Sage/sorce not so much (Unless you run a premade and your team mates actually take care of you). I respecced to a hybrid healer seer/tele. Gives me a little more survivability, more utility and I can DPS a bit if needed.I can contribute at least a little. Still can't heal myself through one good dpser though I can heal another person through one dpser, but not two.
  11. I get 300K+ on a hybrid healer with no AOE in Voidtsar. Numbers mean nothing as we are now nerfed into oblivion and can not even keep ourselves alive against one decent dps.
  12. Yes, yes we should be able to heal through one dpser. What kind of twisted logic are you trying to use? We can't kill, we heal. Therefore we should be able to keep ourselves alive against one dpser, (Taking into account skill of course)I don't care how boring you think it is. We healers are finding it rather boring to be killed in 3 seconds by one dpser.
  13. We die fast even while guarded and and the tank taunting the one attacking us. The changes are simply absurd. DPS think it's fine and dandy to do 6-8k crits but we as healers aren't supposed to be able heal the damage, we're just supposed to die. It's ok for mara's,pyros,mercs and ops to do insane damage, but it's not ok for us to heal....
  14. I've taken Vivicar on at lvl 30 on a healing sage and a dps saqge. The key are interupts. You must, abolutlely must interupt his big cast, it's an instant kill. Save your KB,stun and mind snap for that big one. Use force lift as an interupt also, just hit him immediatly after casting it. if you interupt all the big casts, you should be able to beat him easily. he is a glass cannon.
  15. They nerfed sorc/sage commando/merc healers. They changed expertise to put out more damage, less damage reduction and healing. They have turned pvp into a DPS fest. There is more CC then ever before with jugg/guardian awe costing no focus. Interupts are free making healing that much more difficult. I suppose that is what they wanted and intended because they couldn't possibly have thought anything was going to happen.
  16. I run this http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#801GRGb0RroMZMcrroZb.1 It has always been a great build. It got even better with 1.2. I am full champ/2 pieces of BM gear only 820ish expertise. I have experienced the exact opposit of the OP. My damage has gone up, my DR has gone up. I laugh at lighting tossers and ops. I use the super commando set. OP, look at your spec and gear, I supsect that's where the pronlem lies.
  17. #10 made me smile. Thank you. I'm not even a jugg/mara/guard/sent and it still made me smile. I may roll one of those classes just to do that.
  18. NNONO!! It's from right to left, hten head arched up so your chin hits the bnm/spacebar.. OK? Now you should be fine.
  19. I asked once for a guard if I see one tossed on a dps, once only. If the guard isn't switched I leave that group because they obviously don't need a healer. I'm no ones healbot.
  20. Someone has to say it. You're bad. I'm a sage healer. 600 expertise. That's about average. Not the best not the worst. A good mara/pyro/op can take me out pretty fast if I don't have a dedicated tank guarding me and taunting them. Even with a dedicated tank,two good dps can can still focus me down. For you I'm afraid it's a L2P issue. But you should be happy, they nuked healing into the dirt for 1.2. You will be seein less healers in both pve and pvp. Have fun not getting any heals.
  21. You can't really count a 31/10 build as a hybrid. The hybrid specs for sins/shadows got nerfed into oblivion a few patches ago.
  22. The art designers at Bioware need to be fired. The new outfits are just as horrid as the old ones. The gear in this game is flat out ugly.
  23. Finally, out of all the massive QQ's, someone saw what they actually did with mercs. +10 interwebz points for you sir. Mercs and Commandos did get not nerfed. They DID get balanced out nicely. They will do better DPS in the hands of someone who utilizes all the skills now. Sorry tracer/grav spammers, but you one button wonders are out of luck. Sorcs/sages also, balanced out nicely. The insane hybrid build's are no longer as viable and the healing is now in line with the other healing classes. All classes got a nice rebalance, One that was sorely needed. Well done Bioware on that end. As for the rest of the patch. Amazing, tons and tons of good stuff!!!!
  24. I would love to see 5 nodes in civil war. It would be more dynamic then rush mid/cap. Send two left/cap. Run back and forth defending or trying to recap or take away. yea 5 would deffinately make it better.
  25. Qouted from The dathater interview with george Zoller at guild summit. Obviously, class changes have wide ranging implications across the entire game, but sometimes they are still necessary. In many cases, it’s the boss you want to look at and address. So with Bounty Hunter Mercenary healers or Scoundrel healers, we bolstered their area healing capability with some nice quality of life changes to make their healing output more predictable and overall comfortable to play. We did some improvement on the Sage and the Sorcerer as well, but we also identified some bugs/exploits that we fixed that caused the class to over-perform. On the topic of nerfs, it’s obviously controversial if we decide we have to nerf something. I don’t expect people to throw us a parade. Ultimately, people are going to be very unhappy. Practical matter is you need a complete bird’s eye view of all eight classes — how they interplay with each other, how the entire health of the game is — to fully understand how things go. There is the small-minded approach of “so many people play Sorcerer, BioWare is never going to touch them.” No, that is not how it works. If we leave the Operative the ability to stun lock and kill people — yes, there aren’t many Operatives — but over the long term, that means people will quit the game cause it’s not fun. We have very measurable statistics that tell us if people lose a certain number of Warzones in a row being stun locked by a team of Operatives, then that might be part of that, and they will be not as likely to re-subscribe. I don’t know if it was the stun lock. I think it was the 9,000 crit with the buff stacking. The stun lock was part of it but we actually identified the Operative at launch as problematic, and we had to watch it. We had to wait at least until we had data to make sure it was actually a problem. It’s very hard to balance a game on theory. We like to take a measured approach, watch what is actually happening in the game, and not meddle with you every week. Because everyone will have a feature of the week and, in many cases, the counter to that develops organically in the community in no time. There’s no reason for us to interfere, but if we see something that warrants interference, then we will have to act. 1.2 is one of those cases where we can go across the board, we can look at things, and we can rebalance. Tracer Missile is a community favorite, and I can flat out state that if you pull the Tracer Missile stun on a skilled player, you are not going to live. It’s not working. Alright, if you know how to use interrupts, we see people stand there and they die. But that said, it is also dangerous to have people in a state where they can have a fairly decent DPS rotation with almost no effort. That isn’t good long term for them either. It is boring and it doesn’t add as much combat adrenaline as we want. So we did some changes there to rebalance that particular tree to move a bit out of the Tracer Missile, and require you to be more active in your combat style to achieve that kind of effect. You can call that a nerf. I call that housekeeping. Quoted from the dev tracker. Originally Posted by Anzel There were two separate quotes actually. The one in this thread and then this one here... http://www.swtor.com/community/showt...13#edit3274813 So if they are changing "all class" to the point where they are "granting everyone a free respec" just a few months into the game it makes some of us a little nervous given our experience with SWG and previous MMO's. Well no. Any kind of structural change we do (e.g. a skill that had 3 points now has 2 points) or if a skill changes what it does or moves to a different tier will require us to give all players in that tree a free respec. Anything else would be unfair to the player. I'm not going to start changing your character without giving you that option. Game Update 1.2. contains the result of several months of feedback and data gathered from real player interactions with our servers. We're quite deliberate in our pace of making adjustments to classes, taking our time to see where classes are developing as players get into the game, watching new specs coming and going as the community develops counter measures against them. Game Update 1.2 is an opportunity for us to roll out greater changes and big picture improvements or rebalances. The changes made to most classes are more evolutionary adjustments or quality of life upgrades along with balance improvements (up and down). Still, we won't be the arbiter of whether a change makes a skill worthwhile or no longer worthwhile for your build, you can make that decision for yourself, hence the free respec. Synopsis: All classes are getting a rebalance. Thus people should really stop freaking out.
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