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Everything posted by ToliverGrey

  1. Yep. The simple fact remains that it is only the two SI companions that have customization kits at the security key vendor and nowhere else. Telling people they have to make an extra purchase of any sort to access something that all other classes can access for free is ridiculous.
  2. A. It's the only companion in the game where this is true, so no other class deals with this. B. I'd probably get a security key if I didn't hear horror stories about them not working after a few days and people getting locked out of their accounts.
  3. There are none for that companion anywhere else in the game. Just at the security key vendor.
  4. Can't really compare an MMO to a single player offline game like Skyrim. Skyrim renders everything from preset files on your hard drive. SWTOR has to render a dynamic environment with other players in it as well.
  5. Once they merge servers, it means otherwise satisfied customers will conclude the game is done and quit. It's only been a month and Bioware is allowing room for sever growth. Even Blizzard refuses to do server mergers even though some of their servers are barren wastelands with no players.
  6. I *LOVE* his speeches when I come aboard. Never get tired of hearing him. MOAR DROID!!
  7. Don't see how this would work since the companions are all different, as are the storylines.
  8. Given the other problems in this game, this one is about priority number 1 million. It's just not an issue if you don't flail around the keyboard.
  9. This ends PvP for me. Even though I am imperial I worked all day and couldn't take part in the easy valor. Now every Huttball I do will be vs. 8 players all in Battlemaster gear. No thanks. Now I have to sit and consider whether to even resubscribe before I get charged tomorrow. Thanks, Bioware, for killing off my interest.
  10. And it screws over us Imperials who are at work and cannot play. So we quit.
  11. Everyone who wanted to test on the PTR had to start at level 1 and go through to level 50. Too much time and effort to get to level 50 to test it.
  12. 1. Roll back all valor gains. 2. Offer free faction switching from Imperial to Republic only. I'd be willing to go Republic, but I'm not willing to start from scratch, giving up my two 50s, their professions, and money.
  13. Big problem for PvE too since so many will be running around in full top epics, they'll start to be required for raids. I've been at work all day, so no Ilum for me. I feel like I've been left hopelessly behind both PvP and PvE because of Ilum.
  14. Shut down the servers. Roll back to before maintenance. It's the only way. I've been a huge SWTOR/Bioware backer, but I'm done and gone if they don't do valor rollbacks.
  15. Easier way. Any Imperial on the forum who complains about faction balance gets their toon forcibly changed over to Republic.
  16. Intsa travel. Mail, GTN, Vendors, Trainers, Misson Terminals on ship. LFG that ports you directly to the instance. That should be enough to satisfy the complainers, right?
  17. I've grown to like the UI. Love the space combat. If space combat was more open and more of a timesink I would see that as a negative.
  18. Yeah, D3 is an MMORPG in the same way Starcraft II is. Not even close to the same thing.
  19. ^^^ This. It has been an ongoing issue in WoW as guilds compete for worldwide "firsts." It was a decision that people celebrated during the development phase of SWTOR because it meant everyone got access to new patches and content at the same time.
  20. The announcement said no maintenance. So, no.
  21. Such a list would only magnify the forum rage when people see that their pet priority isn't #1. It's bad policy.
  22. How do you know it will be a week? It just says the patch is delayed. Might come out day after tomorrow for all we know.
  23. They should be like Blizzard, and not announce any patch in advance. Ever.
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