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Everything posted by biowareftw

  1. Why faction balance failed. There was no penalty for it. In other games you suffer a penalty of long queue times for warzones. If Empire couldn't play empire in huttball? Many would have rerolled. Whoever was behind that idea? Should be sacked. I am guessing it is the same person behind 1.1... Why Ilum fails unless it's instanced? You already screwed the pooch with faction imbalance and your game engine can't support anything past instanced pvp. How to fix it. Make Ilum instanced. Remove Empire on Empire Warzones, and offer free faction transfers for a month. The entire idea of Ilum is flawed. You can't win a capture and hold warzone when you are outnumbered 4 to 1 (and in many cases more). You can't even win it if you are outnumbered 2 to 1. Unless it is close 1 to 1? It isn't even pvp to begin with. You can skip removing empire on empire warzones if Ilum was instanced and equalled like 10 warzone wins and you could get in it every 2 hours. People would reroll to gear faster. ATM there is no upside to being Republic and there is no incentive for people to reroll either. If anything now there is even more incentive to roll empire. Regardless all this is moot if you don't revert valor gained today. It wrecked pve and pvp progression and people will just mass cancel if you don't fix it. It has nothing to do with "casuals" getting valor fast. It has to due with an entire faction outgearing the other faction that already is barely able to field 50 warzone queues or run raids. Oh and the person at Bioware who suggested Empire will get to play more warzones against eachother? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Seriously??? You are going to reward the zerged faction again in this game? I have lost all faith in this development team.
  2. Cept one thing... If you can even get close to the Valor/honor or much more then you can get from Warzones. The game is broken. Noone is going to spend months to do what someone did in a few hours or a day or in even half the time. It needs to be instanced. Period. PvP at 5 fps is not pvp. Pressing an aoe button is not pvp. Maybe if there was a penalty for zerging a faction, people would actually play the other faction. All there is are rewards. Without Ilum instanced. Empire. Economy better. Can buy epics off ahouse for cheaper. Gain valor MUCH easier if Ilum isn't instanced. Hundreds if not thousands of hours taken off grinding valor. Raiding easier. People are more geared, More people to group with at all hours of the day. Sorry buddy. Empire already has all the advantages. Want to know WHY people didn't mass roll one faction in WoW? They weren't penalized for choosing one side after the devs got their head out of their @$#. They were penalized for zerging one faction. On imbalanced servers they could never get into Tol Borad or Wintergrasp on the zerged faction. BG queues were long. Populations stabilized. The only way this is getting fixed is instanced Ilum and long warzone queues for empire. Oh and of course A REVERT ON ALL VALOR GAINED TODAY.
  3. Gabe needs all his alts to hit valor rank 60 first.
  4. Don't you know you are supposed to fight back outnumbered 100 to 1, while sporting an awesome 5 fps? WTB revert, and an abortion of this entire Ilum idea. Just make it Wintergrasp 2.0 and instance the stupid thing.
  5. Not a "fanboy". I simply hate anime and RPG games where guys look like girls and RPG's that have turn based combat. My name represents that Bioware RPG's are about the only ones I have ever liked. MMO's? Bioware/EA still has to prove themselves. I don't blindly support them right or wrong LOL. Today? They will prove whether they are completely clueless, or they actually care about their playerbase. They broke PVE and PVP with one patch. They can fix it. If they don't? Oh well. Back to FPS games and possibly WoW arena.
  6. Actually playing with noone lol. Noone is sticking around for this crap. If they can't prove they can revert and fix something that breaks both pve progression and pvp? Why would ANYONE stick around? I mean seriously lol. This is = to all of horde or alliance in WoW getting high warlord gear on their main character and alts in a day (before people could even clear MOLTEN CORE which had CRAP gear compared to High Warlord gear) and the other faction having to get the gear the normal way. Stupidest thing I have ever seen. This isn't just a one time 2200 set (which would be bad enough). There will be pvp sets past 60. People are getting to ranks that would have taken months to get. This is literally like getting High Warlord gear and being OP for an entire expanion for doing nothing. Without a revert? Sub cancelled. No point in sticking around.
  7. Dear Bioware/EA. This patch not only broke pvp. It broke PVE as well. You were going to have future pvp tiered sets with valor correct? That is now broken. Empire guilds with ranks higher then 60's will have weapons as good as raiding weapons that take weeks or months of slow progression to achieve. It simply broke pve. It also broke pvp. When people achieved in a few hours what took weeks of grinding to achieve? We are done. Many of us knew Republic would be outnumbered. We accepted that. We decided to help this company out and roll pvp guilds as republic so the game didn't fail. This is the ultimate slap in the face though. Let me put this simply. If valor isn't reverted and this entire idea of a zerged faction being rewarded? Account cancelled. The game was literally broken for pve and pve in a few hours. A revert is the ONLY solution. The damage is already done. Your decision will have an impact on whether I cancel my account tonight. I have put up with a horrible econonomy, having to play with level 10's on my team in warzones against level 50's (I can only queue with 3 people). I have put up with cooldowns like flash grenade having a higher cooldown (30 seconds longer) then flash bang on my class (scoundrel). This is the last straw though. All my friends will be cancelling as well. They are not going to play a game where they are already a year behind in valor, because you decided not to roll back valor and reward people standing around pressing one spell on people who are outnumbered 100 to 1. Ball is in your court.
  8. Actually yes, if they have a clue they will. They reverted tons of these bugs in WoW where people could get gear they weren't supposed to be able to get. Bioware/EA has more money then WoW. They can hire someone to revert valor... Whatever though. Tired of being insulted by horrible players who think that instant rank 60-100 is a good thing. All the people that worked for that rank will be cancelling today if the valor isn't reverted. Not to mention all the raiders who will see people getting new tiered pvp gear the day it is released, that is better then anything they can get raiding, past months of slow progression ROFL. I mean seriously how can you defend this. This literally broke the game. It would be like an entire faction getting High Warlord/Grand Marshall in a few hours in WoW. Nothing that bad ever happened in WoW and if it did it would have been reverted.
  9. All my friends and I are done if they don't roll this crap back. This doesn't just change pvp. This changed pve. If people can get rank 60-100 gear the day it comes out it ruins raiding/pve as well. Everyone should be ticked off about this. This should be a lesson in how to break a game in a few hours. The damage is done. A revert is the only viable solution.
  10. How clueless are you? People didn't get full warlord gear/pvp gear for the entire length of an expansion for afking in a few hours on Ilum in WoW. Without a revert almost everyone I know that gives a damn about pvp is going to quit. This doesn't just effect pvp either... Hi I am a raider that can get rank 100 gear the day it is out and is = to raid drops in hard content. That won't give me an advantage at all right? It is simple. Reroll servers or we cancel. Period.
  11. The damage is done. They need to simply address it and revert it. Bioware/EA the people who actually PAID FOR THEIR GAME, and who PAY FOR THEIR SUBSCRIPTIONS are going to go freakin ape#%^@ when they come home from work. If you have anyone with a clue left in your dev team you will take the servers down for as along as it takes (it is a new patch and people are used to servers being down a day) and revert all changes to ilum and revert all valor. This patch broke the game period. It isn't like it it hard to revert all characters and servers to before the server went down. Do it, or your game will be f2p in a few months. This isn't just a pvp imbalance. This effects pve as well. People with 100 valor will have better gear then raid gear as soon as the raid is released. This affects all areas of the game.
  12. Wrong buddy. Many of us picked Republic to help Bioware/EA out. We were hardcore PvP players from WoW that were horde before fail bloodelf reroll FOTM players joined the Horde (probably like you) and ruined the faction. Many hardcore PvP guilds played Republic hoping it would help the game not fail. Now they are being punished for helping out a company they tried to help support. Your post is laughable. It was no secret Empire would be zerged. People won today by flipping what should have been a coin as far as factions. Scrubnubs who "wanted to be winners this time around" and be carried by other people. If they don't revert any valor gained today? Have fun playing eachother on one faction in a game that will be F2P in 3 months lol. Just wait until all the people with jobs who actually PAID FOR THEIR GAME, and who PAY FOR THEIR SUBSCRIPTION come home and see this. Get ready for mass cancellations.
  13. I mean seriously how could they look at the numbers of level 50's on servers and decide to reward the zerged faction? Who thought this was a good idea, and why was there noone there to speak up and respond with this when the idea was suggested?
  14. biowareftw

    The Last Straw

    I have stuck up for Bioware/EA non stop on this forum. I have told me people to calm down and that things would get fixed. I played beta, knowing the factions would be unbalanced. I was always Horde and rolled Republic knowing it would be the harder road and if no pvp players rolled republic this game would be a failure. I encouraged others pvp guilds from WoW to do the same. I had a lot of time off and got rank 60 though countless hours of grinding with level 10's on my team against many 50 premades on Empire Side on The Fatman. My friends level slowly (busy with work) and now I am supposed to tell them that people already achieved in a few hours what will take them months or a year to achieve and they will always be behind in gear on a NEW GAME? Sorry Bioware. This entire valor change/patch needs scrapped. Valor needs reverted to yesterday period. I don't care if you have to bring the servers down a day to do it. If not? I am out. I have been screwed on my class with a 1 minute 30 timer on an ability that is a 1 min cooldown on empire (scoundrel). I have been screwed on animations and a game economy on republic side where noone even buys anything. I have been screwed fighting against better geared players in warzones. I have been screwed out of pug PVE that happens non stop on empire side. I have won my share of warzones but a lot of the time we started with less players, lower level players, less geared players, even if we formed a group. Coming home and seeing this is simply the last straw. Liu-kang Scoundrel. The Fatman server. Republic side.
  15. My favorite is them telling them to CC the tank... When half the CC in this game breaks on dmg... And guard, uh yeah...they take dmg. Like I said it negates half the CC in this game. Add to that some classes hit a full resolve bar on their opener. If anything will kill this game pvp wise it is tank stacking. That is what makes people calling for nerfs on classes that can't guard/taunt so stupid. If any class is nerfed before guard/taunt is addressed? People will quit this game at the drop of a hat lol. Whoever having the most healers in WoW sucked (outside arena), and this game requires even more people to play boring herp derp specs with super slow combat where noone can dmg eachother. The pvp is so slow with a tank stack vs a tank stack it feels like a damn pve encounter.
  16. Your whole strategy relies on the tank being a moron and the healer being a moron and people being on vent. Guess what... the other people have vent too. Soon as you touch the healer you are taunted. GG. It has no counter. When macros are introduced in this game it will be even dumber. People will just have a taunt target of target macro for their healer.
  17. Actually no it isn't balanced. Why people stack all tanks and dps that can guard. 1) negates half the CC in this game that breaks on damage. 2) negates any class that relies on burst. 3) Makes AOE heals much, much better because damage is shared. It makes healing EZ mode. It makes up for badly played classes. It is a absolutely horrible mechanic. If they ever have rated, everyone is just going to stack tanks and the only dps spec brought will be assassins/shadows because they have the most interupts on a healer and a token marauder/sent for mortal strike. People are already doing the above and it is the most boring thing in the world to fight the mirror. It isn't that big a problem atm because there is no rated warzones, so there is no reason (unless you can't win otherwise) to do it at the moment.
  18. If they ever have rated pvp? Yes. Until then? No. I am starting to see more tank stacks though and it really, really makes pvp horrible, slow and a borefest. It is worse then healer stacking in WoW. People will always take the easy way to victory though and in this game it is stacking tanks/heals.
  19. Good. Easiest class to kill in the game and the last thing you have to worry about is badly played melee lol. There is no easier kill then badly played melee. They will all reroll Mercs/commandos or Sage/Sorc next depending on which of those classes they were before they failed on ez mode and rerolled. Everyone "rolled" a rogue in WoW too. Noone stuck with them because they couldn't stand there like an idiot and spam pve rotations.
  20. Try actually using your proc instead of just spamming lightning. Add to your list that troopers have no interupt. Add that all classes you listed don't have passive dmg for jack and are completely screwed by line of site. Add that they can't bubble and force sprint. I mean seriously...you are crying about pvp on the easiest class to play in the game that is among the most powerful in a group. Even Mercs/commandos at least have to manage their resources. They can't just spam their crap endlessly like some mindless automaton. If you can't do well as a sorc.sage? There is nowhere else to go buddy. You are just going to fail harder on all the other classes.
  21. The only time warriors countered rogues was in early WoW and BC (stunherald). Warriors in group pvp countered everything though on horde side with Windfury totem. Yes POM Pyro one shot people when you could double trinket, but warriors could down 3-4 people in seconds and POM pyro was on a cooldown. As far as enhancement shamans? They were garbage compared to a warrior who had windfury totem down with sword spec. Warriors could AOE for what enhance single targeted for and they had better armor (there was no resilience). Oh they still wrecked clothies in seconds but so did well played warriors. Alliance was screwed from the get go by the old windfury totem. It was better then racials ever were. The last two expansions warriors were a free kill for rogues in a one on one. Rogues got tools like shiv (removes enrages), recuperate (heals over time), to go along with double disarms, fan of knife kiting, bleeds etc. Warriors were still way better in group combat though past 3 v 3 and at times were better or as good as rogues in 2 v 2 and 3 v 3 depending on patch. PMR was the most stable comp but warrior cleaves were either OP as hell or good depending on patch. I killed blood dk's on my rogue and they were seen as unbeatable by melee. All you had to do was shiv their enrage off and your recuperate outhealed their dmg. Switch poisons up and bleed em and they were yours. The only thing that stood a chance with a WoW rogue on on one was a frost mage of equal skill level, depending on who had what cooldowns up. They still sucked compared to all the other melee in rated warzones, other then dropping a smokebomb lol. I could drop 5-6 million dmg on my DK or warrior in the same timeframe in a rated battleground that my rogue could drop 3 million. That is called balance. You can't be good at everything. When the 50 brackets come and sentinels/marauders scale better with gear (warrior classes always do), you will see them shredding the warzone dmg of ops/scoundrels. Why? They can leap to their next target and they are steady dps. Once a scoundrel/op is out of energy? It regens slower the lower it is. They are good for nothing past their first few kills. A sent/marauder keeps going and going and going with heals and a proper premade, just like a WoW warrior.
  22. Because we can only hold your hand so much. I mean seriously guy. We told you that you should be replacing the third useless stat with crit/surge mods. You called us idiots (oh the irony), then said that you refused to replace expertise mods... THERE ARE NO EXPERTISE MODS. If there were everyone would be pvping in RAID GEAR with expertise mods because the set bonuses blow away anything found on pvp gear for most classes. There IS a useless third mod called an enhancement on MANY pieces of pvp gear. They should be replaced by either duplicate pvp items (just take the gem out) or pvp off sets, or by something from pve gear, or something from the auction house. Let me give you an example. My scoundrel has a ton of pieces with accuracy on his BM and Champ set. I take the "enhancement mods" out of my HEAL SET when I get the head and gloves drop and put them in place of accuracy enhancements. I haven't replaced them all yet, but the ones that aren't level 56 I just put 49 epic enhancements from the auctionhouse in. What happens? You crit goes up big times as does your surge. I am not talking a little bit. I am talking like 15 percent more dmg on crits. All classes can do this, and it depends which class you are playing as to how much accuracy/aclarity etc. you want to keep. Now please stop calling people morons and idiots when they are trying to HELP YOU. Calling for nerfs is even worse, when you don't even understand how to mod a piece of gear. There is nothing wrong with the assassin/shadow class. There is something wrong with the self entitled players who think they should roll everything without a lightsabre, without even knowing how to play, gear, or follow a moving target while hitting abilities.
  23. No this is fact buddy. Just look at this thread. The two AC's calling for nerfs non stop are Sage/Sorce and Assassin/shadows. Just take a look at the forums. One AC is the best melee in the game atm (because guard and taunts are so powerful) and the other is a dumbed down shadow priest from WoW that my German Shepherd could play. I would say 1 in 100 assasins/shadows on my realm can even follow a moving target, let alone mod their gear correctly. The funny thing? This is a high population PVP REALM. This isn't even a pve realm where the pvp is even worse. People in this thread don't even know their class can tank...They think they are pure dps. I mean seriously... Then you have the 1 in 500 who absolutely wreck everything one on one and sit back and laugh at the stupidity of the zerged melee class who people rolled so they could look like darth maul. How about all these people learn to mod a piece of gear before flooding the pvp forum with nerf requests. These forums should require you post on your REAL CHARACTER so that people can show and tell you WHY you are failing at the game. They need armory so that people can see that these chicken littles are specced wrong, geared wrong, and should not have a podium to spout their crap 24/7 on crusades to completely nullify other classes, just because they are bad at a game.
  24. Oh god. This thread just gets better and better. Comedy freakin gold.
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