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Everything posted by biowareftw

  1. You must not have biochem. Power adrenal plus crit surge trinket plus 15 percent expertise pot = what just hit me. All three stack. Then you use the other power trinket when those are down. These "huge hits" videos? People are stacking all of the above PLUS the warzone dmg buff and sometimes the sent/marauder buff. Slingers/snipers put out as much burst as anyone. Biochem and trinkets are the key. As far as being mobile? I didn't use the dot in beta unless I was keeping people off doors/caps or doing pve. Legshotting people is the key. The range on a sniper/slinger is crazy. You can shoot damn near half across the map. Legshot them when they are at half health to finish them off, not as an opener. I sure as hell didn't feel underpowered on my slinger. I led dmg every game in beta and fed on sorcerer and bounty hunter tears. Interupt their lightning and trace missile? GG. They are absolutely screwed. They can't interupt you and they can't CC you on hunker down. The only thing a sage/sorcerer can do at that point is force sprint LOS. That is when you leg shot them to root them in place. Now I will say one thing. They need to remove the global cooldown on cover again. Other then that the class is 100 percent fine. The global cooldown on cover is prob what is keeping them from DEMOLISHING everyone elses dps in raids though. If you could pop in and out and shoot charged burst instantly, you would wreck dps charts.
  2. You should be absolutely destroying a sorc one on one. In fact the ONLY classes that should beat you one on one is stealth. Hunkerdown makes you immune to CC. Cover makes you immune to interupt and knockback. Maybe it is the spec you are running? I know I wrecked people as marks in beta. Sorcerers were free kills. Cover (hunker down if you just want to smoke them quickly) take off 30 percent of their armor shot, putting ur frag grenade on is optional (depends on energy), instant cast charged burst, follow up shot, speedshot. They are now at half health. Leg shot so they can't force sprint away. Aimed shot follow up shot, execute shot. GG mister Sorcerer. Bounty hunters and other classes were just as easy to kill. For melee (non stealth) saved aimed shot for when they get close for another knockback. Hit them with the accuracy debuff. Save immunity for stealth because they are your anticlass. I am not saying it was really easy to play or didn't require practice but doing things like putting cover and charged burst on the same key (one in cover bar, and one not in cover) can help alot. I don't know about the other specs. They seemed like garbage to me cus people can cleanse dots. They can't cleanse getting exploded before they knew what hit them.
  3. Unlike many players in this thread I find the game to be very balanced at 50 in equal gear (which is all that matters). As developers stick to internal testing. The WoW forums have just as much crying and complaining and anyone who tells you WoW is more balanced simply hasn't hit endgame. However there are some GLARING issues. 1) Mirrored classes not having same cooldowns on same abilities or flat out different abilities, or republic completely screwed over on talents. Example. Flash Bang and Flash grenade. IA cooldown = 60 seconds. Smuggler Cooldown =90 seconds. Needs to be fixed pronto. IA heal spec has 30 percent crit bonus, scoundrel heal spec has 15 percent crit bonus. So the smuggler class gets screwed over TWICE on cooldowns/abilities. 2) Animations. I don't care what you do but make it so that republic is not screwed in pvp/pve dmg output. Simplify them, take out half the frames, we don't care. Mirror the spells. Mirror the weapons. Make the republic animations the same but a different color. Right now the animations favor the empire in every single way. Example. If a assassin sees a scoundrel in stealth he can immediately hit them with a shock to take them out and screw over their opener. If a shadow sees one he hits project and the delay costs him his life. It also screws republic over keeping people off nodes/caps. There is no way in hell I would play a sage over a sorcerer or a shadow over an assassin for this reason alone. Smugglers are even worse off, but it doesn't matter. Animations alone are enough for people not to play a class. 3) Delays due to animations. Example? Just about everything on a scoundrel. You have delays of two seconds where the game is equipping a shotgun or a pistol. There are times I have to wait 2 seconds or more to even backblast someone after shoot first. Example: Trooper. Again 2 second delays on things like stock strike. Again this can cost you your life The rest of the problems you have already talked about. Love that there will be visible markers on guard and who is guarding etc. Also this game does NOT need macros. If someone wants to use an expertise pot or trinket ? They should have to hit a button. All macros will do is make this game WAY too easy. You already have specs like a balance sage and madness sorc that presses a dot and spams one button waiting on a proc. Is melee hard to play well? Sure. I like the fact that good melee stand out though. There ARE easy classes for people to play and to get better on before they attempt some of the harder classes. Should the game have a mouseover option for healers? Perhaps but this is going to make healers much more powerful over night and you may have to later balance the game because the ease of play on healers would go way up. I also like that you are taking a slow approach to addons. Addons that tell people when someones pvp trinket are down are simply gamebreaking, as are addons like "healbot".
  4. They are worse in every single way then an assassin/shadow in group combat where mouthbreathers are not playing. Their opener fills resolve bar = CC on a healer. Sin/shadow is the BEST interupt class. Their stun is melee range and their aoe mez breaks on dmg which makes it useless with tank stacking (SiN/Shadow dps). Sin/shadow's stun is ranged. Sin/Shadow can stealth and instagib people out of stealth in 2 of 3 warzones. Knock off bridges and into fires. That is a 15-20,000 dmg opener on multiple people. People don't want to look at it that way though cus they are stupid... If they fail to get their opener they are the most useless class in the game. Meanwhile sin/shadow is as good as it gets out of stealth. Most importantly? Guard/taunts which is all that matters in this game. Shared dmg is easy to heal. Shared dmg negates half the CC's in this game. Like I said come back after they introduce rated. Op's scoundrels MIGHT have a place as heals. Not as dps.
  5. Guess I have "military reflexes" because I can trinket something within 3 seconds...which is the time it takes from the knockdown to actually get the backblast in. If I don't trinket a stun from ranged? I am just as dead. A BH/Commando can kill me just as fast with trinket/adrenal/expertise potion stacking, plus warzone buff, plus sent/marauder buff. On second thought don't play a operative/scoundrel. You would just call for nerfs on all other classes. I am going to laugh hard when they introduce rated warzones/arena in this game and assassins/shadows are stacked over op's/scoundrels. Then what will you do? Admit you were wrong? Nope that will never happen. Blame the game, blame classes. Refuse to get better. If you fail on a sage or sorc in this game? Pick a new game. Do not pass go. Play Hello Kitty Island Adventure or something.
  6. Try playing a premade with all assassin (tanks and dps), SI's (dps and heal specced), with one Juggernaut for the buff. This is all people are running in premades. Most of the time they skip the Juggernaut lol. They are not stacking op's/scoundrels in premades for a reason. You open. Knocked back. You get anyone to half health (good luck with guard stacking) you are ranged stun/knocked back. Add in dots on the ground everywhere from madness/balance tree. I can stay on my target for about 2-3 seconds max against these premades. Without burst the operative/scoundrel is litererally useless because their opener fills up a resolve bar and they suck at interupting compared to an assassin/shadow/ Premades are not stacking operatives/scoundrels. They are stacking assassins/shadows. When you get to 50 or don't play on a pve or roleplay server you will see this lol.
  7. Oh but stunning people from 30 yards away, and downing other classes before they can reach you is balanced? There is no balance in MMO's. There is counters. Stop crying and learn to play better. I can easily outdmg my scoundrel/op in overall dmg on a Merc/Commando/Sage/Sorc. I am not calling for freakin nerfs on them though. I have ZERO chance of beating an assassin/shadow in a one on one played at equal skill level. Do me a favor. Level a scoundrel/op. Get revealed out of stealth randomly about 100 times in warzones. Play a all tank/SI team where knockbacks somehow don't fill up a resolve bar. When you fail as an operative/scoundrel (and you will) come back here and admit you were wrong.
  8. biowareftw

    Pvp bs

    I know what will fix it! Nerfing scoundrels/ops who go through their armor. Them not having a counter should be SUPER GOOD. LOL I love this forum. There is a counter for the problem the op sees, but... PEOPLE WANT THE COUNTER NERFED TOO. Most hilarious forums since WoW. Just as silly.
  9. All classes can do the same with stacking buffs (the real problem). Ranged shouldn't be able to 100-0 melee from ranged by your logic. The fastest I have died has involved an assasssin. Second fastest was probably a bounty hunter. PvP is not balanced in WoW until endgame either. WoW is balanced by the resilience stat, this game is balanced by the expertise stat. NOONE is forcing you to pvp at low levels. In fact seeing that you can cap badges from like 40-44? I would say anyone leveling only in warzones? Wasting their time. If you are a tank crying about scoundrels/ops? Wait until you get gear. 20 k health in warzones? 3 shot? Yeah right...
  10. Aggre. Ranged shuld be able to down any class from 100-0, without them being able to reach them. Stealth shuld NOT be able to navigate aoe and knockback minefeld and do any dmg. I saw 2 classes other then asazzin and sorcoror in a warzone on my team the other day. Obvius other classes r overpowered when we are starting to see other classes in warzones. I also played WoW. I was best arcane mage on server. People think it was eazy but they didnt understand how much my finger hurt from pressing arcane blast. My lighnig finger is getting carapal tunnel. May need surgery soon.
  11. Played one in beta. In fact I played a lot of classes in beta. That is why I know what I am talking about and how to play your class better then you. You are their hard counter. If you can't beat your hard counter? You are not good. It would be like me losing to a sage/sorc. It isn't happening. I also played slinger, guardian, sage. Guess which one I did the most warzone dmg on every game. Sage. Why do you think I made a op/scoundrel? I wanted to kick the @!#% out all the mass rolled sorc's and watch them all cry. I never thought my anticlass would be crying though. Sometimes the stupidity on this board amazes me.
  12. 1) If you are both stealthed they should never open up on you. You have ranged spells and don't have a positional requirement on your opener. They should NEVER get the opener. You both have the exact same stealth tools. When you see them they aren't going to be behind you. You see eachother from like 10 feet away. If they open up on you with anything but their opener that requires they are behind you? They are SCREWED. It doesn't matter what a sorc/assassin opens with. You are not tied to your opener. 2) If they vanish you stealth or vanish and you are back to step 1. 3) If a scoundrel/Op is opened up on by an assassin/op you are going to win 10 times out of 10. You are a much better class out of stealth. So what is your point? Their only shot of killing you is if you don't have a dmg shield up, don't have a trinket up, don't have immunity up. You win out of stealth, you win in a one on one where both are stealthed. You are mad they can kill you when you have no cooldowns? Boo hoo. You can immune vanish just as well as they can. The difference? When scoundrel/op vanish you can instantly reveal them with an aoe knockback. Do you really think an op/scoundrel can survive you opening up on them when they have no trinket? You have a RANGED stun, a knockdown. ranged dmg worth a damn that doesn't take like 3 seconds to get off (cover and then using ur bomb). You have a sprint to get away. You have a knockdown. You have a knockback AND you have more dmg out of stealth. They have ONE CC they can use on you to even get a backblast that hits for less then maul. Seriously learn to play. I swear my next char is going to be shadow/assassin, just to show all the "i look like darth maul" idiots how bad they are. Like I said if you are losing one on one. It is PLAYER ERROR. You will find that many class matchups depend on who has what cooldown. Equal cooldowns you win.
  13. 1. Expertise makes you HEAL more, damage more and take less dmg. 2. Healer hybrids would be STUPIDLY OP without the debuff. Those are the biggest reasons. They don't want you to be able to main heal in pvp as a dps spec.
  14. If you want to talk pvp? You are a scoundrel/op's anti class. You should never lose a one on one with them endgame. If you are? Practice, practice, practice. As far as PVE DPS? To be honest when dmg meters are released? You will probably be much better then them in pve dmg as well. Energy goes very fast, all attacks require a ton of it but backblast and it has a long cooldown. If the dmg is higher it is higher for a reason. Both melee attacks are on cooldowns and the proc costs a CRAP TON of energy. So in pve your dmg will be sustained and a scoundrel/op's dmg will literally look like a rollercoaster. I will probably end up healing on the scoundrel in pve to be honest. I just don't see how this will be a good raiding spec as dps. Maybe as dirty fighting (boring as hell), but I would rather have a heal and a pvp dps spec if dual spec makes it's way into this game. Assassins/shadows are in VERY good shape. Don't worry about it.
  15. biowareftw

    500k+ DMG Club!

    You know what is sad? I have never reached the dmg I have done on my scoundrel that I have on lower level ranged. We still have 100 "nerf operative/scoundrel" threads though. No I am not saying scoundrels/ops are underpowered, because they do other things very well. Now we will probably have nerf bh threads. I have said it before and I will say it again. This forum needs to list your rank and your character so that people can see that the higher ranked people with gear do not see these "huge imbalances" that people insist exist. All this crying is bad for new players. If they saw that the higher ranked people think these people are on crack maybe things would settle down a bit. This game is shockingly balanced. Can BH/sorc outdmg everyone? Yeah. They have a counter though and that counter has a counter and so on. I am absolutely shocked at the people that stand inside "aoe fire" to allow these dmg screenshots, but they do it and often. Then they come on the forum and complain. I expect a whole lot of rerolls from this thread ROFL.
  16. Yup here is how you farm the lower tier raid gear. Use about 1/3rd of your class abilities with the exception of tanking (the only thing I am not bored to tears doing in pve) and sent marauder (cus one class is actually a tiny bit challenging as far as doing a perfect rotation). Click said buttons. Move out of fire. Collect gear. The only pve in any MMO that is even remotely challenging is the very top tier. Are you clearing that? If not noone cares. Bottom line? A person with no clue complained he was taking too much dmg while wearing the lower tier pve gear and NO resilience. I like raiding with friends. I am not trying to put you down. I actually am excited about raiding in this game because I actually give a damn about the lore. I am saying that it takes much more time to aquire pvp gear then pve gear, and just because he has cleared some starter content that was MEANT to be easy, he should not expect to live through ANY CLASS who is stacking adrenals/crit surge trinkets and a warzone buff and has maxed expertise while he has none. I mean how can you even argue that point? Want no resilience gear? Sorry. They followed the WoW system. Either farm pvp gear yourself or don't cry about pvp.
  17. Yup a few champ pieces is = to rank 60. You can't even open rank 60 bags until you reach that rank. Try harder.
  18. Yes that is EXACTLY what I am saying. Raid gear IS useless in pvp. Expertise = dmg AND dmg reduction. It is a double dip stat. Raid gear was useless in pvp in WoW (past vanilla) outside a few trinkets and legendary weps as well. Amazing huh? Want to know why you raid? To raid. Not to get pvp gear. Want to know why you pvp? To pvp and to get pvp gear. This must be an amazing concept for you. Try getting to tank 60 as fast as you downed the first raids. Good luck with that. The PvP players had to work much harder for their gear so any complaints are simply hilarious. Just wait until you have rank 60 players blowing away your dps in raids. 1) the pvp gear is loaded with accuracy and power. 2) is blows away columni gear lol. 3) the trinkets ARE pve trinkets. I would clownstomp the dps of any scoundre/op in their pve gear in a raid outside the people who are already getting rakata gear. The one possible gearset which could possibly be decent in pvp is tanking gear and pvp dps sets are SO LOADED with accuracy that it will probably suck as well.
  19. Exactly. Fastest I have ever been killed is an assassin with three procs rolling. Sure/crit trinket, power adrenal and warzone buff. I was damn near insta gibbed. He did it out of stealth. Do they need nerfed? Nope. Add to all that? A 15 percent dmg buff from marauders/sents that could stack with those 3 buffs. All classes can burst the crap out of you. The key is biochem. If you look at these videos. Look at the bars and buffs on the character. You will see. Warzone buff Crit Surge trinket Power adrenal Possibly a marauder/sent party dmg buff that adds FIFTEEN PERCENT DMG which is HUGE. The power adrenal has a 3 min cooldown. It is OP? You can debate that. Stacking it with a crit/surge trinket is where the big crits are coming from. If you don't have biochem atm in pvp? You are literally screwed. Beta testers knew this. Beta testers took advantage of it. Those who didn't? Don't expect to live through ANY class who stacks them all together and gets the jump on you. A) they are going to hit much harder then you. B) they can slam a heal kit on a 90s timer for 4-5k health. that is 1/3rd more health they are literally rolling around with in a 1 v 1 fight. You have 2 options. Get Biochem or get clownstomped in pvp by people who have it.
  20. I found your problem. There is this amazing thing named pvp gear. It has this amazing stat called expertise on it. If the scoundrel was wearing all pve gear you would burst him down just as fast from RANGED. Seriously I mean seriously... You aren't even wearing pvp gear and you are complaining about burst dmg? How can people be this clueless? You are as easy to kill as a level 10 with all your pve gear on. It does nothing for you. You can debate that op/scoundrel is op from 40-49 in the next patch when 50 brackets are put in, but seeing they are the worst class in the game from 1-39 (guardian/jug is pretty bad early levels as well), it is kind of a stupid complaint. Expertise increases healing done by you. You are a hybrid you CAN heal, even though I have seen like MAYBE 3-4 sorc/bh actually heal themselves in a warzone. It increases the dmg you do and lessens the dmg you take. Your complaint is like me saying I am pvping in WoW with raid gear with no resilience and therefore rogues are op. I would be laughed at, just like I am laughing at you.
  21. Sorry buddy. You can't argue a 60 second and 90 second cooldown and a 15 and a 30 percent crit bonus on heals. If you play a smuggler healer atm you are screwed out of 15 percent crit heals and your aoe cc is on a timer that is 30 seconds longer then a IA. That is simply gamebreaking in both pve and pvp. It should be hotfixed. Do not pass go. There is no argument for this.
  22. Things that need changed immediately. Aoe dot heals on sorc in madness tree not in balance tree. Take away any advantage the lightning tree has on republic since NOONE PVPS WITH THAT SPEC ANYWAYS. 90 second cooldown on flash grenade 60 on flash bang. Simply no excuse for this. Heal crit bonus on scoundrel and IA needs to be same. Again simply no excuse for this. IT screws over a Smuggler healer in pve and pvp. Project needs the same instant dmg as it's mirror or the mirror needs the delay. Why? Because it is used to reveal people from stealth and stop flag caps. It IS a big deal. How things like this are even in the game amaze me. It isn't enough to screw one faction over on animations but they need stupid stuff like this in the game? I bug reported this stuff last week. There is literally no excuse for a mirror class that is already worse in every way because of animations to be screwed over further with 30 seconds added to their CC. I was shocked that this wasn't patched on Tuesday. What do they have to change? 1 line of code to make cooldowns and abilities the same? It is a JOKE that the cooldown timer and crit bonus differences were not hotfixed a day after release. To be honest? It never should have made it out of beta.
  23. Step 2 should be roll assassin/shadow over operative/scoundrel. Put guard on everyone with stack tanking. Make all dps specs useless except assassin/shadow because they have the best interupts and don't fill resolver bar on opener, and have guard/taunts which is all that matters in thi s game. Step 4. Cry about sorc/sage dps specs and op/scoundrels on forums to deflect what is truly imbalanced in this game. Healer/tank stacks.
  24. Yet another lie. The backblast hits for MUCH lower then our opener. You also forgot to add your bubble. Then ANOTHER bubble because the cooldown on the first is over as you sit 30 yards away from people nuking them. You also forgot the knockback, stun, forcesprint, slow. You also forgot opening up on a scoundre/op from 30 yards away and destroying them without them ever reaching you if they don't have a 2 min cooldown up, a 1 min cooldown up and when they DO reach you they are at half health. As I said before. I suggest you roll a op/scoundrel. When you do come back here and admit you were wrong when you can't = overall warzone dps of your sage/sorc. You don't want to accept the fact that a stealth class that opens on you with every cooldown up can beat you as easily as you can beat a melee whom you open on with range. Why? Because you have literally no clue.
  25. A) Sins/Shadows are a op/scoundrels anticlass. If you lose to one you need to quit the game. B) Sins/Shadows are FAR better in premade vs premade pvp and every bit as good vs pugs. You have taunt/guards and don't hit like a wet noodle out of stealth. There is a reason sins/shadows are stacked with other tanks who use tank spec and heals. They interupt better then a op/scoundrel. They do as much or more overall dmg then a op/scoundrel and they aren't screwed by their opener filling someones resolve bar So sick of these forums. Let me sum this forum up. FOTM sorc/sage, Merc/Commando rerolls who failed as a force melee class who nerdrage if they are ever killed or topped on damage in a warzone. They don't heal themselves, don't shield other people AND STILL usually come out on dps. Then you have the "I HAVE A DOUBLE BLADES SABER LIKE DARTH MAUL" kids, who have the single best duel class in the game and are calling for nerfs on the class they should be wrecking one on one. PLEASE reroll op/scoundrel. When you do LESS overall dmg in a 50 vs 50 warzone then your sage/sorc/commando/merc/sin/shadow? Come back here and say you were wrong. You don't want that though do you? You want to be the best warzone dmg class AND have no counter. WHAAAAAA Someone killed me out of stealth. I guess I am supposed to make posts saying I was 100-zeroed from range by some mouthbreather spamming tracer missile from 30 yards away. Melee is supposed to hit hard. If they don't? There is no reason to play anything other then range.
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