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Everything posted by Sendai_S

  1. It is slower. And the other part... the best part that practically proves it - that as that rock hangs in the air (having consumed the cooldown to allow this ability to be used again) I have seen a target vanish (several targets in fact at various times in my Shadow career), leaving the project rock floating in mid-air and not applying the damage. There's no such issue with shock as I play it on my Sorc. ( I have a 28 shadow and a 50 shadow and a 50 sorc... I do love me the shadows...)
  2. ATI has a multi-monitor thing (although I'm not a fan of ATI). You can see a few videos at Youtube with people playing on anywhere from 3 to 5 monitors.
  3. I don't know what gaming system introduced the concept of "beat him before a certain amount of time run out or he kicks your ***" but I personally think it's a cheap shot. And quite frankly it goes against allowing groups to be more flexible in their make up. On low population servers they may not be ble to field an exact group make up needed to take on the bosses. Bottom line: do something original. Lose the enrage timer and come up with an alternate challenge to replace it that doesn't wipe a team all over the floor. (Really? All of a sudden a guy who is out numbered and being beat on incessantly suddenly developes the strength and power to wipe the guys fighting him out in one shot? Please get real.)
  4. If you get each one as you go - it's nothing. It astounds me to no end how people want everything for free all the time. You have a toon - you get the datacrons for that toon. You make an alt and all of a sudden you can't be bothered to get the datacrons? Funny - it was easier the second time for me. Even more so the third time. Now I can jump around in this game better than most. Get them as you go and stop being a member of the I-deserve-everything-for-free generation. <sarcasm> Or wait!!! Even better... why don't we jsut give you all level 50 characters right off the bat when you log onto a server. You won't have to level anymore! </sarcasm>
  5. I'd have to say this would be a good thing myself - I too use a 64 bit OS. So bumpy for the likey. Not to mention - longevity - the watchword is that in the future more and more machines will be going 64bit and really now, how far off are we from 128bit or even higher? Foreward thinking wins the day!
  6. What I see when I read the original post: "I don't wanna work hard for my rewards. Just give them to me for free." Also I see this: "I didn't realize I needed social XP!" And what they do: They only group for Heroics and Flashpoints and disband the instant the hard part is done. They don't find a leveling partner cause they DON'T know that you can make social level 5 by literally grouping all the way from lvl 10 to 50. Then they whine cause they don't want to work for rewards and want everything for free.
  7. Just because I saw this post I'm posting it here: I would love to see the Casinos on Nar Shaddaa actually work. All the gambling games from the star wars universe in one place.
  8. I use "vanish" aka Force Cloak all the time and combined with Resilience (aka from DAoC "Purge") it works 100% awesomely. Exactly when are you using it? After you die?
  9. Macro's are a bad idea..... they lead to too many ways for players to exploit things that were never meant to be exploited. Instead of saying you want macro's - try saying what you want to do that you DID with macros in other games and seeing if there is a NEW way to get that functionality.
  10. As much as I am not a fan of all my companions as well I disagree wholeheartedly with this. There's a logic and reason behind how all the companions are awarded and their abilities.
  11. Huttball jsut needs to be scored differently. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< Assists. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< Goals. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< Protection. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< Interceptions. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< Defense. >>>>>>PASSING<<<<<< And I propose that certain areas be un-leapable. As it stands - achem! - CERTAIN archetypes have it way TOO easy in Huttball.
  12. Definitely. I'm an artist and a damn good one too. I get paid to work on stuff that get's published and I know about design as I have to designs on the fly as well as researched ones. I don't know who was in charge of production design (I assume that's the title - in movies this is the title of the person who does most of the "look" of the movie) or I assume maybe in this case costume design, but they didn't know Star Wars in my opinion. They lied to get the job. Heh!
  13. To be honest, I thought it was a no brainer that the client would automatically include certain basics. Apparently it doesn't though. At the very minimum it should record current world and server locations and the character being played from the account that is currently reporting the bug.
  14. I actually disagree on the Consular PVP gear. It's OK. It's certainly better than the Consular PVE gear with the duck bills pasted onteh shoulders and hands. Honestly, it's the same for hte Inquisistor PVE gear. That stuff would actually be 100% acceptible if it lost the shoulderpad pointies and the weird half pointy skirt that hangs off the back.
  15. I just believe they're going too far with the designs. Simple solid functional designs would suit the game much more than these ridculously overthought monstrosities they have. Also, more variety is good. I really do go out of my way to try and wear things that other people aren't wearing.
  16. Well, I'm not saying to copy them - just use for inspiration. All I know is the ridiculous ornate stuff doesn't feel like Star Wars at all. Republic had black robes yet - in this game we have no black robes in the republic. Jedi can and sometimes should look similar. All I'm saying is give us a way to customize our looks more and the big thing I'm saying is to remember to Keep it simple. Stupid.
  17. Ok, the problem with the Republic (and some of the Empire) designs is that they go too far. The one design rule they apparently forgot was K.I.S.S. "Keep it simple, stupid." Looking cool is about flow. It's about being sleek. It's not about duckbills on your arms and hands or wearing what looks like animal fur with wooden circles on your chest. Their are a few new costumes coming in 1.2 and I thank the Force that my consular characters are female... cause the new consular costume for PVE will look GREAT on females. But for males???? What???! I seriously recommend that you folks at Bioware take a few more cracks at the designs. Reel them in some. Get rid of the stupid hats. (Smuggler Hats are ok. Consular helms are 99% YAK! And omg the spitoon that Jedi Knights get! <shudder!>) Use Han Solo, Luke, Leia, Lando, and the movies as your inspiration. Don't use Lady Gaga. ( P.S. I wouldn't mind the Consular PVE armor so much if the duck bills were gone.)
  18. This. And if anyone says it doesn't then they are obviously making crap up.
  19. Although in epic boss fights I tend to need to use it more than once. Those fights can go on for a lot longer than the standard fight.
  20. This has happened to me as well once. I was a little wierded out. Finally a couple of enemy players took me out and I got back to playing again. But it was like nearly 2 minutes that I was stuck in "stasis".
  21. I know a few people having issues because they are also color blind.
  22. Huttball itself should have a completely different set of scoreboard lists - or at least other main categories other than damage, kills, and deaths. Passes. Assists. Goals. Interceptions. Carrier Take downs. Basically the scoreboard for Huttball should be more like a soccer scoreboard than a PVP scoreboard.
  23. This isn't REALLY a how to... it's more of a BUG REPORT that I am trying to make known. After reporting it in game and not really seeing a response, I'm gonna post it here to allow it to proliferate and hopefully gain some widespread noteriety. If someone who flags themselves for PVP wants to force other non-flagged players to PVP them - they CAN DO IT. Conditionally, their intended victim must be fighting an NPC that they can HELP. I.E. I'm republic and I'm fighting an imperial NPC on Ilum somewhere. A flagged group of imperials can - while flagged for PVP - run up to me - heal my target and the next hit I strike that target with will then flag ME for PVP. This is currently on our servers, live and fully operational. It is also not intended by the devs, so anyone doing this is considered griefing and may in fact be reported as doing so. They went through great pains to remove other methods of inadvertant forced PVP flagging that people were using... this one is just another overlooked method.
  24. Well, some repubs on my PVE Imp server figured out how to use their flags to flag us and forced us to "PVP" with them. Of course, we were fighting a big single target champion mob that proceeded to kick our *** since now we had players AND the huge 100k plus mob chewing on our butts. I don't AE on single targets so whatever they did to force my flag, I consider it an exploit. Didn't they fix this a few patches back where they couldn't do that??? What the hell happened?
  25. There's world PVP atm. Flagged Republic's forced a flag on my unflagged Imp today. How'd they do that? They FORCED me to PVP - and took advantage of the fact that our group was fighting a VERY high level champion.
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