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Everything posted by ScicleX

  1. It is labelled incorrectly in the planet drop down list, Section X has only provided bonuses to Operations during The Dread War. There are 2 good places to look at to see which bonuses are available for each planet during specific conquest events: In the Conquest tab Objectives area - If you click on each objective it will tell you what planetary bonuses are applied after your guild selects a specific planet. Conquest Spreadsheet located here - This is a good compilation of every event we've seen and every bonus applied to each planet. You can even view what bonuses you'll get before the event starts in-game.
  2. I can confidently give you the statistics for Conquest guilds on our server as I've been actively tracking them since before it launched, I can't give any solid information for PvP. The [New] ** The Shadowlands Progression ** should give accurate information on PvE Progression guilds, other than the select few guilds that choose not to update their progress, and shoot themselves in the foot by not being able to use it as a recruiting/promotional tool.
  3. You missed a letting in "spaking", let me fix it for you: Once my best friend and I were planning to meet up on Tatooine (we were spanking over the phone). My Shadow Tank managed to kill all 15 raiders with 1 droid in the first few weeks of it's release. Set up Phase Walk at the entrance door, everybody just so happened to stack up at the beginning for heals, and I Force Pulled the first droid as it had 1s left and immediately teleported away. Then stealthed out and danced on their corpses as they all yelled at me in Mumble. Good times. One of my Guildies and myself also make it a habit to get on our biggest mounts (Desslers) just before we get to the last boss of S&V, and run ahead to park our mounts just in front of the holes in the bridge and await people falling to their deaths. Another guildie of mine helped us out 1 time by telling them if they looked up they could see the Death Star being constructed... WHY WOULD YOU FALL FOR THAT!? (Pun Intended)
  4. Will you have funny red hats on?, because that also would make it "never been done before."
  5. Top Conquest Guilds: WOOK 17/18 Planets Conquered, 220 Million Conquest Points Total Triumph 17/18 Planets Conquered, 208 Million Conquest Points Total Old Republic Dads 16/18 Planets Conquered, 140 Million Conquest Points Total Covenant of the Phoenix 15/18 Planets Conquered, 162 Million Conquest Points Total HoB-Bit 11/18 Planets Conquered, 99.1 Million Conquest Points Total The Drunk Tanks 10/18 Planets Conquered, 137 Million Conquest Points Total Pandamonium 10/18 Planets Conquered, 155 Million Conquest Points Total Midnight Company 5/18 Planets Conquered, 94 Million Conquest Points Total The Darkness Reborn 4/18 Planets Conquered, 97.4 Million Conquest Points Total References: http://www.swtorconquest.com/servers/8/guilds https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15OExhlzHcMxsQ29WO1noVyBzpVPPAgzFm9b2tYVWJqw/edit#gid=0
  6. The Tank should have aggro on everything, making them the only one taking damage because they can mitigate some of it, the healer has to keep them alive by spam healing them, which generates initial threat on anything that is aggro'd and doesn't initially get hit by the tank due to range issues or mid-fight spawns. This means guarding the healer is the best option to keep yourself alive IN FPs. Taking any and all stress off the healer means they can keep you alive longer, and odds are the DPS who may pull aggro should be aware and prepared to use their defensive CDs if they do. Honestly guard all depends on the individual fights you're about to pull, and can/should be swapped around accordingly, but the easiest answer in all FPs is to guard the healer if you're not able or willing to constantly swap it around. To the OP: If you're ever having issue holding threat off a DPS, be nice about it and accept blame. Just simply say "I'm having trouble holding threat off you, would you mind waiting a few seconds to start DPSing after I pull? It'll make this a lot easier on all of us." The biggest thing that holds groups back in Pugs is communication, most players out there are willing to work with people if they let them know up front what they're getting into. If you think you might not be geared for whatever you queued for, say so in chat. If you don't know the mechanics to a fight, say so in chat. If you've never been in that instance before, say so in chat. If you don't have much time and need it to be a quick run, say so in chat. If after you've said something to your group about your capabilities, they decide they don't want to run with you for whatever reason, then accept it and move on. Some players come in under geared or inexperienced, and others are elitests that expect every run to be as fast as possible. You can't control others, but you can at least let them know where you stand so you can try to find what works best for all of you. I personally expect every run to be as fast as possible, but wont get upset if somebody tells me they need help before we start. I will either let them know I don't have time to do a slow run and ask them to replace me, or help instruct them on how to properly complete the content with the gear they're working with. Nothing wrong with either approach, and Group Finder isn't always perfect, sometimes the groups put together just aren't compatible with each other, and you have to be able to identify that and move on. In the end it's creating an easier way to group people up than asking in random chats for exactly what type of run you're looking for. Try to find a guild or some like minded friends on your server that will run with you the way you want. Just have fun and don't take it seriously, it's a game.
  7. On behalf of Covenant of the Phoenix, we are indeed the same name on both factions. As far as Conquests goes we are very strong on Republic side for our 3 remaining planets: Oricon, Rishi, Yavin-4. For all other planets we are attempting a 2nd run through on Imperial side to get all the planets again. Top Conquest Guilds: WOOK Triumph Old Republic Dads Covenant of the Phoenix HoB-Bit The Drunk Tanks Pandamonium Midnight Company
  8. There is a SWTOR Encyclopedia that was published a while back that included hints and spoilers of things to come (such as RotHC and SoR) that is a very nice summation of the game. As far as the mechanics and playstyle of the game your best bet would be to browse the Fan Sites that compile everything the game has to offer to help players. Dulfy.net Swtor-spy.com TorHead.com AskMrRobot.com
  9. The same reason they fought for it, and why your guild is currently fighting for it: The Title. There's still an achievement and title for it, so it's still sought after and has value for that. We prioritize getting the planets that count toward Galaxy Conqueror first, but have moved past needing any of the planets that go alongside CZ-198, making it a viable option every week it's available.
  10. <Covenant of the Phoenix> would like to congratulate Pandamonium on their win against us this week. We have beaten them twice before, including last week by a 1.2m deficit due to crafting bombs on the last day, but they showed true determination this week and managed to end with 3m points more than us after we closed the gap to less than 400k. Good Show!
  11. Are you able to elaborate on what happened?
  12. I'm very concerned with what this could possibly entail, as this last week's conquest was rather rough for my Guild; but I do appreciate your efforts to fix something before it could cause players to lose out on their hard work. -Thank you for the timely maintenance, it's one of the most important things to keep players happy in an MMO, and is always appreciated.
  13. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone in CotP for your collective effort in this Sunday's Conquest. From being down by a 750,000 point deficit at 2pm, to cranking out over 3.6 Million points in 17 Hours, putting us on top by over 1.1m points! We would also like to extend our appreciation toward Pandamonium for this exciting competition. It was a nail-biter through and through and we were all very worried near the end when you pushed out ahead of us by 900k on Friday night!
  14. I would like to thank and congratulate everyone in CotP for your collective effort in this Sunday's Conquest. From being down by a 750,000 point deficit at 2pm, to cranking out over 3.6 Million points in 17 Hours, putting us on top by over 1.1m points! We would also like to extend our appreciation toward Pandamonium for this exciting competition. It was a nail-biter through and through and we were all very worried near the end when you pushed out ahead of us by 900k on Friday night! <Covenant of the Phoenix> is always recruiting for Conquests. We're an active community w/ players ranging from hardcore to casual. We've conquered 14/18 planets on our Republic guild, run scheduled Conquest events weekly, and have our own Forums & Mumble. We're also running through all 18 planets again on our Empire guild, so now's the time to get in for your Achievements!
  15. There are many different levels of "Progression". Whether it involves end-tier content, or first tier content, it is still a form of progressing through content. Some guilds don't regard themselves as NiM teams but still enjoy to steadily progress through Story or Hard modes and deserve to feel accomplished when they do so. I myself appreciate the amount of Guilds we have on this server fighting for Server Firsts in NiM modes, but would like to ask them to show the same respect for the more casual progression Guilds that would like to show their achievements on the leaderboards, regardless of where they lie. And yes this particular expansion was plagued with bugs and exploits and included a race to level cap, but like every expansion before it these are all the same hurdles for all teams to jump over before they can progress through the content. No reason to not post proof of kills regardless of how the content was implemented. The only deterrent is if a player/character is revealed to have used the exploit, that whichever screenshots/videos submitted with that player/character in it be excluded as proof of kill.
  16. Yes, we will eventually get Rishi and Yavin-4, I'm upset about inconsistency. We have a Guild on our server who has the Conqueror of the Galaxy title already without having the achievement for CZ-198, why when they added CZ-198 they didn't change it but when they add Rishi and Yavin-4 they do? Either include CZ-198 for the achievement or don't include Rishi and Yavin-4. We went into post-3.0 conquest knowing that Rishi and Yavin-4 would eventually be added to the Conquest achievements, we were assuming that because CZ-198 wasn't retroactively added to the requirements of The Galaxy Conqueror that these wouldn't either. Worse yet there was no announcement that the achievement would change or be updated when SoR launched, or even in this week's patch notes. Lack of information is frustrating and inconsistency is even more, making amends for not giving out ANY information is what I ask for.
  17. They have changed the requirement for The Galaxy Conqueror achievement to include Rishi and Yavin-4. They didn't change it when CZ-198 was added as an achievement which is very inconsistent. This is a very frustrating and unannounced change for the Guilds/Players that were closing in on their titles, only to be set back an addition 2 planets; which could take months to come into the rotation. Please revert it back so they aren't required for the title, it's not fair for the community to let the Top 3 Guilds on each server get their titles with less wins than the rest. -ScicleX Formerly 12/15 for Conqueror of the Galaxy, now 13/17.
  18. Thanks! It was a very stressful fight down to the wire, you guys put up one hell of a fight.
  19. Found this video of us dropping crafting bombs on Alderaan... Thanks to all my CotP brethren for pulling out all the stops this week.
  20. Make a new Thread!
  21. I'm a veteran player but a complete newb when it comes to PvP gearing. I have enough comms to buy a full set of ranked gear using legacy transfers, but would like to know which relics/implants/earpiece to go for, which augments I should put in, and what my best stat allocation I should aim toward when I can start replacing the default mods/enh in the Dark Reaver gear, i.e. Alacrity/Surge/Accuracy and Power/Crit.
  22. http://i1061.photobucket.com/albums/t468/Scythex25/Level60.jpg 12/02/2014 - 10:15:48 PM EST First in my guild to 55, and first to 60.
  23. I would like a distinct clarification on this as well. I do know that they have said in the past that they try to match class roles against each other, so 4 DPS against 4 DPS, or THDD against THDD, etc. I would definitely prefer a system that locks you into the gear you queue with to go along with the skill tree (soon to be disciplines) lock, so it can also take gear as a factor for queue matching. I think it would be better to go with Legacy wide achievements and stats over just the valor rating, as someone could have a brand new toon with only 20 valor but be an amazing player. And even though this is a bit off topic I still think some PvP gear should be craftable to allow more PvE Heros to pay to get in with entry level gear like everyone can do with PvE (PvPers included), so there will be less of a gap between gear, resulting in more challenging and even matches, and less QQing from PvPers about PvE gear.
  24. So you buy stuff like that just to steal credits away from those not smart enough to check the vendor prices, because you're not making a profit off this, just giving the other player slightly less profit than if they sold to a vendor, and sacrificing a few credits of your own without even explaining to that player why they were wrong in listing it that cheap. Seems Legit... If I post something on the GTN I will ALWAYS search for the item first, sort by lowest cost per unit, and list my items at 1 credit less than the cheapest, because that's how you maximize profits. If you're playing the GTN, what other purpose is there than to make as many credits as possible in the fastest time with the least effort. I also like to give a fairer market to those that wish to find good business practices in other players by standing around on fleet and spamming what I can craft and what my costs/fees are for those items. I offer to trade pre-made items to players face to face for either the materials to craft it, or materials + fee, or materials + tip appreciated. This allows you to get your name out there so people will remember you and give you repeat business, and if you always have pre-made items for sale/trade they don't have to worry about trusting you with their hard earned crafting materials and waiting impatiently to see if you actually give them something back. On the contrary you can also build a good reputation by letting them know you can craft an item even if you don't currently have 1 pre-made, take the materials from a trusting player and deliver to them what you promised in a timely manner, creating a good reputation for yourself by word of mouth, so that when a not so trusting person requires the same deal but says they can't trust whether or not you'll "screw them over" you can tell them to ask around about your reputation before they entrust you with their valuables. I've also had many people give me repeat business from this because they liked how I handled the transactions in the past, and have also had buyers state they have also looked to buy items off the GTN and even though somebody undercut me on an item, they still bought mine because they recognized my name. In summation, you can create a good name for yourself, and in turn create a good market with people that are willing to take the extra time to trade and talk with somebody in person. If you're dealing with the facelessness of the GTN then you should assume 99% of the buyers are only looking to spend as little as possible. So it doesn't matter if you undercut by 1 credit or 50% of the item cost, the only people loosing out are the sellers. The buyer will first and foremost look to buy the cheapest item regardless of how much that item has been undercut. So save the market and YOUR profitability (which will allow you to enjoy more of the game faster) and undercut by 1 credit at a time, and if you have the time and patience feel free to sit around watching the market and throw away your listing fees to cancel a sale, just to re-list it cheaper than the guy that just re-listed his item 1 minute ago. So if you were patient and waited your turn to corner the market you could store all of your items that aren't selling as well on your 14 alts until the market gets less competitive. The constant need to get rid of inventory exists only in markets where items are time sensitive, such as food, not video game items. As long as this game is around those items will always have value and a chance to be sold. The exception would be when items are the relevant end-tier gear. As far as people "waiting their turn", you're saying that if you listed something at 100k at 5pm, and someone else logs in at 6pm and lists for 100k, that when you come back on at 5pm and notice you made a sale, you're going to craft a new one and list it at 100k again, cutting the window that the other seller's item would be the top of the list down to the 1 hour remaining before their listing expires + the time between when your item sold and you re-listed it. So in all actuality by having people "wait their turn" you are monopolizing the time your item is listed as the "cheapest" by being the top listed item for up to 23 hours each day, while the next person who logs in after you could potentially never see more than 1 hour of being top listed.
  25. This list only takes into account the top 4 Guild on The Shadowlands, that stand a viable chance of reaching Conqueror of the Galaxy title first. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15OExhlzHcMxsQ29WO1noVyBzpVPPAgzFm9b2tYVWJqw/edit#gid=0 This is my current spreadsheet plotting out all weeks and the likely selections of each Guild considering: Guilds will most likely only go after planets they haven't Conquered once yet Guilds will try to avoid direct competition on weeks with the option to choose an Uncontested Planet The C/O/T/W denotes which Guilds still need to Conquer that planet for their first time. The colored boxes in Columns S/T/U/V/W predict the planets each Guild will choose in the next 5 weeks. For the weeks of 11/11 and 12/2, Triumph has no available new planets to Conquer and can choose to fight another Guild for theirs. For the weeks of 11/18 and 12/2, Old Republic Dads has no available new planets to Conquer and can choose to fight another Guild for theirs. IF each of the top 4 Guilds get a new planet every week they are available, the remaining list of planets to acquire to be first to receive the Title are: Covenant of the Phoenix: Oricon, Section X, Taris OR Alderaan Old Republic Dads: Oricon, Taris (Old Imperial Dads has already Conquered Taris) Triumph: Balmorra OR Alderaan and Section X WOOK: Ilum OR Belsavis Considering that Oricon and Section X only appear in The Dread War or Emergency Operations, and Belsavis and Hoth are both available during those and other weeks; this puts WOOK in the position to receive the Title first IF those 2 specific weeks don't occur on 12/9. This will also mean there is a high likelihood that Old Republic Dads, Triumph, and WOOK could all receive Conqueror of the Galaxy title during the same week if no competition exists between now and then. There is also a tab at the bottom titled: Conquest Types that shows which Guilds can Conquer a new planet when each specific type of Conquest comes up, to help plot past 12/2. There is also a tab at the bottom titled: Title Race that is tracking which Guild will be the first in the World to achieve the Conqueror of the Galaxy title (work in progress). It currently only tracks North American Guilds as there is still some missing data on SWTORConquest.com for the European servers in the first few weeks.
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