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Everything posted by MrIrrelevant

  1. Answer to this and the person asking about swapping the exact same mods in the pants and chest: The mods are the things getting the upgrades, not the item itself. You cannot code the "shell" known as "Battlemaster Supercommando Chest" to have upgraded +shield mods. Otherwise, no matter what mods you had in there, even no mod, the piece in your inventory would be overwritten with the new mod known as "Shield Mod 25". Instead, I believe they are recoding the existing mod (forget the real name) "Awful Mod 25" to remove the accuracy and add shield stat for it to become "Shield Mod 25". Not being a dev, I can't say that's for certain how it's being done, but it makes the most logical sense to me of what is going on behind the scenes. With that, I would think that if you kept the mods in your inventory, they would change in 1.2 to the upgraded ones without having to be put back in. But I haven't heard a definite dev answer to that, and sure would appreciate one...
  2. Relax and come back off the ledge. You are confusing the issues here. The OP is only about the current BM mods being updated in 1.2 to have better stat allocation. If you have the original mods in, they will be upgraded tom the re-itemized versions come 1.2 (-ACC +surge for example). In you case, your armor will stay the same. If they did it any other way, everyone would just pull the mods pre 1.2 and load BM and Rakata sets with lvl10 mods and have those insta-upgraded to the 61's...
  3. You won't have to get any more rakata gear. All changes (Adding the armor slot) will be applied to the gear you currently have. The mods themselves are also getting fixed as long as you haven't swapped them out. Whether you already own the Rakata gear, or purchase it after 1.2 hits, you will never be able to transfer the set bonuses from tionese/columi/rakata gear to another piece of gear
  4. I really hope BW isn't choosing to not merge servers due to some pride factor that makes them feel like the game has failed if you start merging servers. It is just something that needs to be done with this game. They created a bazillion servers so that launch would be smooth. So, they put themselves in a situation where is every single sub stayed, the servers would be full and yet run smooth. Just do the merge or at least free transfer, a dead server is like a quickly spreading plague, and will give a far worse impression to the public and player base than a removal of a few servers. Your PR people can make the statement that you came out with extra servers to ensure a smooth launch and it wasn't suspected that that amount of servers would hold up.
  5. Please explain to me how my point was not clearly expressed? Every other poster was well aware of what I was saying? *edited 1.5 million just to unlock a race is not pocket change to many of the players here, especially with the other legacy unlocks coming as well.
  6. I'm confused at what you are saying? I know the plan now is to either pay creds to unlock races or they unlock when you lvl that species to 50. My point is they should unlock with creds or when you level any race to 50 you get a token to unlock any race for free. As I said, they want people re-rolling because the story is so different, having to run through a race twice is limiting that difference.
  7. Shameless bump, I really want this to come with 1.2 The current idea just isn't going to cut it.
  8. New classes (need mirrors obviously) need to be: Republic - Jedi Beast Handler Description: Jedi attuned to nature can call upon and control it and its beasts using the force Skill Samples: Summon Vine Cat, Eruption, Vine trap, Summon Adolescent Rancor Imperial - Sith Engineer Description: Sith proficient in both engineering and the force can create various machines imbued with dark energy, capable of torture and destruction. Skill Samples: Create Probe/Interrogation droid, Launch Mine Droid, Launch Stun Droid, Create Mini Walker
  9. Ok, I really like the idea of unlocking the races via your legacy, but having to level that race to 50 to unlock is one of those good on paper, bad in action things. Who wants to lvl a class just to play it again on another character? Re-rolling is often unappealing as it is, and you are trying to promote re-rolling alts as an end game activity by saying how different the story and all that is, and you need all the differences you can to help make them more appealing, and race is one. My suggestion is to reward a legacy token for reaching level 50, you can use this token (or creds still) to unlock a race for your legacy. I really think this is the best idea for the system without cheapening the idea of a legacy unlock. Please make this change for 1.2
  10. There should be valor given for any world pvp kill, period. Even if it is a small amount, like 20 valor. You still keep the bonuses available on Ilum and throw some on the Outlaw's Den (better designed pvp area imo) while your at it. That gives you the added incentive to bring it there, while not being necessary. I'm completely clueless as to the reason behind this not being in game currently, and would really appreciate a dev to answer that. I assume they wanted to funnel it to ilum, but hopefully they have now learned that world pvp cannot be forced into one area, a broken area none-the-less. As I said, world pvp will never exist in a forced senerio, it has to develop on its own. The only thing BW accomplishes by only allowing valor in one area, is the killing of world pvp. Please stop killing world pvp.
  11. Ok I know it's early, but it wouldn't hurt to get started on this now. I think an awesome idea for some SWTOR Halloween action would be to have hard to get, moddable species helms, ala "masks". Everyone was upset over the lack of alien races in this game and this would be an amazing compromise. All the textures are already in game for the npcs, you just have to lay them over some helm frames and you're all set. Would finally get to run around looking like your favorite alien race that you couldn't make at launch, and still appeal to BW's "hero's were always humanoid" motto. C'mon lets make this happen, would be epic
  12. This was pretty much exactly what I was going to post. You can't add a vendor to add augment slot to existing, but almost every player I know is hoarding orange gear for looks, some have them modded a bit. It would be absolutley brutal to have to hunt down all these sets again. And what would you do about oranges that drop from epic boxes? The best solution is for crafters to make an augment consumable type item that you can use to augment existing gear. Think this absolutely need to get implemented as asap after 1.2
  13. Raid loot tables were broken, hopefully it was that... love running HM EV and getting double gear drops on every boss for the 1 class that wasn't present...
  14. They have already said in an early interview that they need 500k active subs to be considered successful. They sold over 2 mil copies, they will not be losing 3/4 of those if 1.2 doesn't come out a month earlier than planned, no chance this game is dieing off 2 months in, regardless of what the doom sayers say.
  15. I have only played 3 classes so far, but Male BH definitely sounds perfect, the best so far. Sith Warrior sounds pretty good to. The absolute worst has to be a Jedi, especially after going from a BH. I am still questioning whether to put on subtitles and mute the sound when I play him. My apologies to the Voice Actor, but it is honestly that bad.
  16. It's time we the player base, and BW, admit to each other and ourselves, that World PvP is non-existent at this point in time, so that we can stop putting band-aides on the situation which is only making matters worse. With all this population imbalance, horrendous lag, etc. You must just instance off the Ilum PvP area immediately and turn it into a 24 v 24 open faction warzone. You put it on a separate queue and put a 30 minute timer on the instance and whoever controls the most points at the end gets bonus valor or what not. You don't get a WZ win, but you get the kills to count for those dailies still. Problem solved, and you just gave us another WZ, what's the holdup? Hell, if you want to keep it rep v imp 24v24, just never let there be more than a 2-1 ratio, (or less if you want) and let people queue up and bring them in as more join the other side. Throw a 5 minute cooldown on queuing to help all the imps get in on servers where the ratio is that poor.
  17. Really? This isn't just one person complaining about it, it's majority. I actually logged in around 11am CST and seemed to be getting credit for every kill and valor up until about 43 when I logged off (only about 45minutes or so). When I logged in later during peak hours, I got credit for about 3 kills over an hour of killing. Whether it was outside of the republic base, chasing them from the south point, or by myself killing a loose guy at center when I gave up and started PvExPvPing, I still got no credit. Very strange bug, but very real. My first thought/hope was they were trying to limit kills/valor on a per day or per hour basis, because no one should be able to complete a weekly in a couple hours of play max. I mean that's a day's worth of play for a casual player, so it makes no sense that it should be that easy. At the same time, what was going on there isn't the answer. It needs to get fixed badly.
  18. And if they don't ban him for trolling the forums, ban him for buying a limited edition guide for a FF game in 2012...
  19. Man, if only I could attach a .gif of Barret doing his mad fist shake, this thread would be complete.... Oh gawd, even FF7 forums were better...
  20. I will agree, there have been some good ideas for things to do for champ gear, and some valid complaints for the RNG on them... but they have to stay. With dailies and weeklies, you can get up to, what, 20 bags a week? That's insane if you are turning them in consistently, and you could almost argue that the bags give out too much Champ gear (Yeah, I said it). Because no one should be hitting full champ gear until the hit or are close to hitting battlemaster. Hear me out; Whether you agree or not, it is as the saying goes, champ gear is a privilege, not a right (until you hit Battlemaster). Champs bags are made to gear you out early with centurion gear, and have chances to receive champ gear, so really, they are working quite well. The problem is everyone looks at their character level and thinks just because they are 50 they should have full champ gear. No you shouldn't, you should be only looking at your valor level. I want full champ gear as much as the next guy, but I don't believe you should have full champ gear at valor lvl 20. My only suggestion would be to slightly lower the base drop rates and put a +drop % bonus on every 10 valor lvls for champ gear. This way you are keeping everything the same, at roughly the same pace, but making sure that someone who has hit battlemaster isn't cursed with no champ drops.
  21. My thought is that You title and thread should read: BW had multiple MMO's to model after and...... ....they didn't chose the one I like :"( the end
  22. Oh and 1 more thing, class balancing right now is better than any other MMO I have played in the first Month. L2P
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