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Everything posted by MrIrrelevant

  1. So you're saying an added stat is what is making pvpers better than pve carebears in pvp. WOW, if you don't think there's something wrong with what you just said, I don't know what to tell you....
  2. horrid ideas, while it isn't fun to get face rolled by a pre-made 50 group, pvping in a group with communication is far better than a bunch of solo people running around like idiots, especially being that it is objective based. If anything needs to be changed, they need to allow 8 man's. They do however need to delete the expertise stat. So dumb. Should they add a raid stat to all raid gear? PvP Gear = Raid Gear, nothing more, nothing less
  3. ?? This really doesn't make sense. You are saying by removing the expertise stat, raid gear becomes the best, that's incorrect. It should just make it equal? It's stupid to have an expertise stat because you just reversed your whole "unfair" gear system. Instead of hc pvpers being gimped to hc raiders, hc raiders are now gimped to hc pvpers. Rough example; Best Gear non-raid; +50 aim +100 end Best Raid Gear; +80 aim +150 end Best PvP Gear; +80 aim +150 end +10% exp(shouldnt be incl)
  4. Hopefully we can get an answer to this^ because it is really not making any sense what-so-ever...
  5. man the tears are flowing in this thread, it's quite laughable... The game isn't even a month old and they are already making world pvp better very shortly and adding the 50 bracket. If you can handle getting rolled in a WZ and cry about everything adios, I guarantee no one will miss you in game, except maybe for the easy pvp kills
  6. This is your answer people^. Nothing is broken or needs fixing, it is working as intended and makes sense to boot. You can raid every day and not get a single drop of loot, some other guy may get two T1 pieces in his first raid...why should pvp gear be any different? Weren't all the hardcore pvpers crying for pvp gear to equal raid gear??? Well, here ya go....
  7. It is impossible that you have not skipped a quest and are too low level for a planet, unless you have skipped an entire planet or are trolling. I have skipped more quests than I would like to have because i was just out-leveling the planet to much and wanted to get back to my class quest before that was too far out-leveled....
  8. c'mon don't tell people they have no money because they send out crew missions constantly. Go the easy route and blame it on slicing until they nerf it to were you go on missions for 30minutes just to lose credits...
  9. People greatly exaggerated how much money you made with slicing. The only reason slicers had so much money is because slicing would typically take the place of a mission skill. Therefore, you were not only making a few credits, but you also weren't spending a ton sending your companions out on missions. This made bank rolls looks large for slicers, because it was early game, and there wasn't much to buy on the AH. People are just to simple minded to look at the bigger picture. It's like someone sitting on 500K cash and another on only 100K but with a 500K house, and thinking that person has less then the one with the most cash.
  10. What did they get right? They got over a million people playing the game, and still a million if you leave.... I'm loving the game, and the only reason I'm not playing is because I'm at work... to each his own. I'll still have hundreds of thousands of people to play with as soon as all the whining babies leave the game.
  11. I think its a cool idea, except when you unlock it after only 7 days of early access and someone already had taken the name you planned most of your character names off of.... Seriously, who took Targaryen on the Hedar Soohgn (sp?) server if I had almost every Targaryen first name all locked up?!
  12. I play it on my laptop during downtime at work, but really just able to run mats fight easy mobs. I have everything off or on low and framerate is just brutal...do not enter a cantina whatever you do...
  13. You should add that unlearning a skill deletes all "XP" gained for that skill, as well as any blue schematics that you have learned for that craft! So choose your craft wisely! Also, reverse engineering stims or health packs will destroy the whole slot you choose, so if you have multiple items they will all be destroyed.
  14. They will let everyone in on launch. This is not launch, it is early access,meant for the few, not the many. Truth
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