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Everything posted by Slashtwo

  1. I just played a huttball where 6 hybrid light / madness sorcs were on the opposite team, each did over 100k healing, when I looked at the other dps classes They didn't do over 15k heals. So why should sorcs be able to heal 7-10 times what another average dps heals for? And why is static barrier still unaffected by trauma? 4.3k absorb every 17 seconds.. And why are dps sorc's main heal larger than every other dps classes main heal. (5k+ compared to 3.5k crit) I mean sorc's seem pretty balanced with their damage output, but someone should look at their healing. For a hybrid dps spec they should not be rivaling healers numbers.
  2. Actually our unload is bugged 20% of the time, where it dosen't cast at all. Not only does it not cast but it actually starts to channel unload with no damage being done locking us out of doing other things for about 1 second.
  3. Actually for people complaining that mercs have too much defense, we have almost none. We wear heavy but lack decent defensive cooldowns. We pretty much only have energy shield and knockback. Kolto Overload is pretty useless, ticking for 130hp at lvl 50. TLDR; Mercs are probably the squishiest class.
  4. 60 Valor Pyro Merc. I'm not sure why people have problems with Arsenal [Tracer missle] spec. It's really a bad pvp spec, only useful in the following situations. 1) You're on a ledge not getting focused. 2) You have a pocket healer or possibly guard. 3) Whoever you're fighting is too dumb to interrupt or LoS you. I've been playing pyro for quite a while, and it's obvious to me that it is the superior PvP dps spec for merc. Some reasons: a) Better mobility! b) BETTER MOBILITY! c) Dot damage for frequent LoS situations. d) Burst almost as high as Arsenal e) Able to dps targets at max ranged that are moving out of range. f) No real heat problems g) Better AoE Disadvantages a) Longer cooldown on jet boost b) Loss of consistent burst c) No rocket punch knockback
  5. If you really need mouseover macros to heal, you've got problems healing. Maybe we should add a raid finder too, just in case you have problems getting loot too.
  6. Arsenal is such a laughable PvP spec. I mean, I play a merc and I PvP all the time. But I can't believe kids are still dying to arsenal. They're probably the most squishy spec in pvp. I play pyro merc and I think I died maybe 3 times in the last 30 or so wz's to some arsenal noob. Spec has horrible mobility and slightly above average dps output. So they're pretty much useless unless you let them stand on a ledge and beat the crap out of you. It's the WoW equiv of Arcane mage with slightly more passive mitigation and 0 mobility.
  7. Nothing like trying to tab target someone right in front of you in huttball, and getting someone off screen to your left on the platform 40 yards away who is 3/4 behind cover.
  8. Don't know if anyone has mentioned this but, when casting resurgence you can still clip an extra 1s reduced cast time dark mending (big heal), when the talent was only intended for you to be able to cast one at reduced activiation. **BUG**
  9. Slashtwo

    Remove the Bubble

    Bubble SHOULD Stay, but there's no reason for it to put up that big of an absorb on a 20 second cd. I mean it heals for about 5k(absorb) and considering you can precast it you're doing 10k -20k healing worth of absorbs in any given fight. I'm not saying it should be taken out of the game, I'm just saying they gave the best healing tool healing specced sorcs get [static barrier] and gave it to the dps spec as well. I've had fights where I easily do 25-30k damage on a sorc and they're constantly popping sprint running behind a pillar and getting big 6k heals off on themselves and recasting static barrier. Can't really think of any class that has that much effective health in a fight. Here's a solution, for sorc dps, make the cool down on static barrier start after the shield wears off. Or reduce the force healing coefficient for dps casters. **I dont have any problems with healing specced sorcs having static barrier the way it already is**
  10. I'll put it this way, talented - static barrier is a 5k absorb. Letting a Sorc / Sage start off with 5k more effective hp, sure that should make up for the armor gap between them and heavy armor classes. It's how frequently they can cast this though, in a minute fight the sorc has 3 static barriers at their disposal with the one precast that adds up to about 20k healing or damage mitigation whichever way you look at it. I don't know any other class that can consistently put out damage and heal themselves for more than their max hp in any given minute fight.
  11. TLDR, ops are 4 shotting people, and you can't have a class that can just pop stealth and 4 shot someone in a stunlock. It's not like they're globaling people in light an medium armor, they're killing mercs in 4-5 hits while conserving debilitate. The operative class is still going to be useful, and people are still going to play it. You're just not going to be able to kill any class with the exception of sage / sorc in 4 hits. Cry all you want about it, but people have posted evidence of 7-9k openers. And you just can't have that.
  12. I play a merc and it's pretty nice to hear operatives gettin nerfed. There's geared operatives on my server that literally global people, On my merc with 17.5k hp and heavy armor mind you, an operative can flat out kill me in a stunlock if my determination is on cooldown. Been waitin for this for a long time.
  13. I'm not really here to feed the qq, but I've played hundreds of warzones, and the absorb that sorcs get is broken, not only can they precast it but they can use it 2-3 times during a fight. Which is about 7-8 times more healing more than my 3 min healing cd is on my merc. In short sorcs / sages are op, just as concealment operatives are. Enjoy it while it lasts kids.
  14. Slashtwo

    Good melee class?

    Operative Concealment for PvP is the most broken class around, you'll stunlock and kill kids before they even knew what happened. Only problem is it picks up at lvl 40
  15. Shrink Illum pvp zone to 20% of its current size, make it queuable and make it a 16v16. Problem solved. Dev's attempts at world pvp have failed miserably considering there is a giant faction imbalance. You're going to need to make a queue and you're going to need to make the queue repeatable for a) people that lose and b) underrepresented factions With crappy rewards for the underrepresented faction like 2 centurion coms per win.
  16. I would defiantly put 3 points into the powershot pushback talent. Maybe its just preference, but with full dots a powershot / railshot spam can be unbelievably bursty.
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