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Everything posted by Slashtwo

  1. Sorc heals are pretty valuable for a force cleanse, aoe heals (or a low resolve breakable stun), static barrier which mitigates some of the burst people take and finally not to mention sprint and a really good snare. So, I think it'd be really foolish to just run a double operative comp.
  2. We already explained it's NOT a matter of guarding a healer and forgetting about him. In a 8man premade there's at least one dedicated tank with the healer at all times taunting and peeling and holding objectives. Our tank gets at least 600k protection per game. I mean when random pugs start playing a tank like they were meant to be played, the entire game changes and it's like playing pre 1.2 (I actually think healers are more op now in 8 mans because of the extra hp from WH / Augs). Most of the time I see tanks running around slapping guard on people and trying to dps. You cant play a tank like a dps, it's a complete utility class.
  3. I would fraps one but I'm a DPS and you wouldn't get the right perspective, I'll see if our tank and healer can make a vid.
  4. In double premades I've played against other double premades, it's almost impossible to kill a healer with all the peels, cc, cross healing and dedicated tanks guarding and taunting. Removing trauma would break rateds in a way you couldn't imagine. It kinda sucks to be a healer with pugs, but rateds are a different story.
  5. So, playing the sub 50 bracket is probably where I have the most fun playing the game, I'm going on my leveling my 7th 50 via pvp. What I do: Get to about lvl 25, Craft full sets of epic mods / armoring offhand etc.. xfer some stims and abuse the crap out of the bolster system. I mean, it's fun for me on my sniper I was killing people in 2-3 hits. But i'm sure this isn't too fun for people I'm playing against. If everyone were doing the same thing, low lvl pvp would be extremely competitive and intense. But right now it's really a beat down fest.
  6. I mean, what spec are you on your sniper where an opponent cant leap you in cover with obliterate, or that you're specced into the snare on the int probe... did you really forego 30% crit damage bonus on your major abilities to get that 30% snare? It's not really sounding like you play sniper... maybe like a level 42 one or something..
  7. There's no point in cleansing a pt's combustable off the flamebust as a dps merc. It'll be reapplied almost instantly and you've just lost a gcd.
  8. I don't think a 5% buff to some core skills really broke the class. Sure they're kind of broken in low lvl pvp but they balance out pretty well in the 50 bracket. Snipers have a ton of utility, you just don't see many good ones playing the objective. By the way, it's the most fun class I have played, it can be really complicated to play in certain situations and in my opinion has a higher skillcap than most other classes.
  9. Just a thought about flameburst in regards to the merc pyro tree: The merc equivelent of flameburst is powershot, and it's ranged damage so it is mitigated by armor and can be deflected and dodged, it also has a cast time and can be interrupted and does not apply combustable gas cylinder. (We have to use autoattack and pray that we didn't waste a global and procs a cylinder because it's not even 100% chance)
  10. Well, to be fair I don't think powertech's are incredibly overpowered, considering they have bad defensives for a class that has to stay near melee range to sustain dps and not overheat.. It's just really sad to see all the advantages the powertech pyro tree has over the merc pyro tree.
  11. So apparently using and ability and waiting a global and using another ability, is the same thing as using one ability. Yes you can use shattershot, but I was trying to compare apples to apples.
  12. Shatter shot is 20%... and we're talking about single abilities. It costs an entire global to use shatter shot.
  13. Ambush = Railshot equivalent in damage Ambush: Activation -1.5-2.5 Seconds Cooldown - 15 Seconds Armor Pen - 20% in mm tree. Railshot: Activation - Instant Cast Cooldown 6 - 15 seconds Armor Pen - 90% with 3 talents in the adv protoype tree I mean I understand that you're trying to justify powertech abilities, please don't make up your own attributes for other classes skills.
  14. 3. Sniper mm has instacast abilities way more powerful than railshot. No big deal here. Just wanted to comment on this, because snipers do not have an instant ability that does as much as railshot. My followthrough does crit for 4k sometimes on a sorc. Where my guildie's pyro pt's railshot hits for 5-5.5k crits on any armor class.
  15. It's 90% if you spec into the advanced prototype tier 1 talent... which everyone does. Compare this to a pyrotech merc's 30% maximum
  16. Was gonna post the same exact thing but was pvping.. : Mercs and commandos are probably the worst classes for pvp atm.
  17. Slashtwo

    Fix Mercenaries

    I have a 50 half war hero merc, I play sniper now. Sidenote: Pyro merc spec is also useless. I didn't play arsenal but after 1.2, both specs became almost useless.
  18. Yes, the problem is you. Are you upset because you're losing to people better than you? Are you upset because you are losing to better geared players, or are you upset because you're losing to premades? The difference between a battlemaster set and a warhero is marginal. A bot could average 8 medals per game just by standing on an objective, Bioware has made it insanely easy to get gear. I have no idea how people could even complain about the PvP gear progression in its current state. It's far too easy to get gear imo. TLDR; Don't like premades? Make your own. Can't beat other premades? It's because they're better. Cry about gear differences? It's really class mechanics and skill. Cant average 8 medals per game? Go back to huffing glue and fingerpainting.
  19. Slashtwo

    PvP Food Chain

    Now that I think about it I might place sniper /gunslinger above pyro pt and tank sin above marauder.
  20. Slashtwo

    PvP Food Chain

    Lemme just leave this hurr. DPS/Tanks Tank Sin Marauder Sniper Pyrotech Powertech Juggernaut Sorc Operative Merc
  21. I do 500k dmg on my sniper, with 0 deaths and over 50 kills. I used to play pyro and pull good burst and good dps in warzones, but because my guild trying to compete in rateds I am forced to reroll sniper. And it is a far superior class in almost every aspect. Better burst, better control better knockback with a root, the only thing it doesn't have is the ability to throw out crappy heals or cleanse which doesn't really work on some effects it should anyway.
  22. Here's my theory on why this patch was so terrible. NO ONE TESTED ENDGAME CONTENT ON THE PTS. Because maybe 5 people got to max level. (Make a character copy ffs..)
  23. 900exp is not full BM maybe that's your problem
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