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  1. Solo Ranked Queue's were promised with the implementation of Ranked Warzones. BioWare stated you'd have 2 different ranks one for solo and one for group. I enjoy the guild I'm currently in and when we do queue for ranked its the same team your playing over and over and over again. With the way PvP is currently there is no reason to PvP no reason to gear. PvE you run Hard FP to gear for Ops and then HM Ops and so forth. PvP you run reg to gear for ranked then you try to play ranked and realize your only playing 1 team all night or you queue is to long so you might as well run regular warzones.
  2. BioWare please give me a solo ranked warzone queue. It's a very boring long grind to do countless regular warzones only to then sit there and convert them over to ranked comms. I would rather do ranked warzones and lose because at least im getting ranked comms and some sort of rating as opposed to regular comms to convert over to ranked comms and nothing else. Give mean a reason to PvP or something this is getting to the point where there is no reason to log on or even pvp. If your not gonna give PvPer's a reason to PvP or motivation to PvP then make the PvP gear useful in PvE so at least the gear has some sort of meaning to it.
  3. -Better Flexibility with Op Frames to be able to have groups horizantal as opposed to verticle only. -Raid Frames that will darken when another player is out of line of sight. Very annoying on maps like huttball and cival war middle. When players are above you or below you can your sitting there targeting them but cant heal them please improve this. -Improve Naga Mouse support right now holding down the right click button causes the mouse cursor to click through occationally which will cause the camera to spin on you. -Some sort of pulse cooldown where when something comes off cd the icon can flash in the middle of the screen. -Something to the Frames that lets you see purge able debuff's currently its annoying to get a debuff or a dot and just spam purge hoping to be able to purge it maybe add a green lining around the icon for purgeable and a red lining to unpurgeable. -A Proc Indicator when you get a proc from a spell can we get something noticable that we can modify to the procs we want but maybe something that shows up around your character on the middle of the screen.
  4. I don't think many of you understand why people are quitting guilds and this game. It got nothing to do with the guild or the people in the guild. The major issue is content there is no content to play through and enjoy. ROTHC brought nothing new to the table a new planet and operation is all. The planet roughly even at a slow pace takes 2-4 days to complete. The new operation is nice but after those 2 things what else is there? Flashpoints? Ok but these are the same flashpoints I ran hundreds of times leveling my toons. Warzones ok I enjoy pvp I can run ranked but now lets see whats my rating XXXX ok lets compare to other Ranked Warzone toons......hrm no way to track my ranking so no point in running ranked. This is the issue the lack of content lack of features. I like Star Wars and really liked this game but at this point I don't know whats the point of my $15/mo sub since there is no news on whats on the horizon no communication from the devs. Whats the point of investing $180 a year in this game when you have no idea what your getting for you money. I like small QoL improvements but its pointless if all I'm doing is nothing but logging on to send my companions on crafting / gathering missions and doing my PvP dailies/weekly. Thats the issue with people leaving guilds because they quit the game nothing fun to do. It doesn't matter what any GM says to guildies if there is no content or information on upcoming content / bug fixes people will quit guilds and swtor as a whole.
  5. Yes but your talking about grinding the same stuff after a major expansion pack with nothing new.
  6. The problem with all this is that after the release of SWTOR they heard all the concerns and suggestions from the community of player both PvE and PvP. When ROTHC was announced every one got excited at the new possibility that issues of the past would be address. ROTHC in my opinion was fun and short lived one new planet, 5 levels, and 1 new op. The rest was rehashed old content no new FlashPoints, warzones, game modes, mini games...etc. Aside from that PvP was a disaster extemely bugged on the PTS and onlive. If you can't put out a finished product then postpone until its polished. I know warzones are hard to push out due to making sure they are balanced and fun but this was an expansion pack it should have included at least 1 new warzone. Even if they didn't include a new warzone for the PvP community where are the new flashpoints for the PvE community? Not even 1 new Makeb / Hutt related flashpoint. All they did was take old flashpoints and ramp them up to level 55. They even had to do that with TFB. I mean come on I wouldn't have minded paying more for the xpac if you at least added more content to it. Bottomline is they saw declining numbers they had no idea what else to add before the xpac and they rushed development and put a broken product out. If bioware wants to make a better product give us previews into the future, patch notes, utilize ptr so people can play the content and find bugs for you. Let us know about class changes or updates. Acknowledge your player base don't keep us in the closet about things. If I'm spending $15 a month on a game I want to know whats on the horizon for the future to see if its worth investing my time and money. If don't tell me what you plans for the next 6 months / 12 months are going to be for the game its just not worth time or effort.
  7. The devs will never answer any of your questions?
  8. Let me start by saying I am in the OP's guild and what is frustrating about this game. There is a long list of things that Bioware was supposed to do and/or could do in order to revitalize people who want to play this game long term. I mainly play this game for the PvP and the fact that I really enjoy the whole Star Wars universe. When ranked WZ were announced I was excited that they were adding more value to the TOR PvP player and giving it a competative edge. I was excited at the Group and Solo ranked queue feature for when I just want to hop on and play a few quick matches instead of getting a full group. So ranked WZ are out and we start with preseason 1.....fast foward 1 year later we still have preseason 1. Also whats the point of WZ rank when there is no way to track your progress vs the rest of your peers? So now when I log in whats the point even doing ranked PvP? Just to say I run ranked? There is no way to measure or see how I am doing compared to others. I could run ranked for comms but in the end if i run a 4 man premade of regular wz I can get more ranked comms by converting them than i would if i just played ranked instead. Unless you have another team from your server queuing you will be stuck in queue. This could easily be fixed by Cross-Server warzones because also who wants to play the same team over and over again all night long. To finish off this isn't a GM or guild issue. It's the games issue the dev's don't give you anything to look foward too no information about patches or anything. Say what you want about WoW and how bad or good the game is but you log onto mmo-champion and you see a long list of questions about balance being addressed proposed changes to classes and all that stuff. This game we get nothing no development information just a bunch of stupid information on cartel market additions. Give us insight on character class changes new pvp and pve content upcoming and not the load of **** that your currently telling us.
  9. Are you still able to get codex entries or are they just grandfathered?
  10. Can you still obtain Codex Entries in ROTHC 2.0 or is the codex system going away?
  11. Currently I have a level 50 Sorc Specc'd as a dedicated healer in PvP. Doing tons of warzones I've seen Ops and Sawbones that healer just like me for 300k+ but end up with 100k+ damage compared to me pushing 75k is a struggle. What it looks like is that sorc / sage healing is strictly healing where as these other classes have alot more versatility when it comes to dps / healing. Any one out there with both classes at 50 who can share thier experiences?
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