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Everything posted by Sevvy

  1. lol @ buffing Sentinel/Marauder. Oh, Bioware. First you have no idea how to itemize or implement a system to obtain gear, now you have no idea how to balance your classes. After 1.2, class balance is going to be much worse off than it was in 1.1. o_O
  2. Every class is overpowered to bad players.
  3. Are they doing something to the stats of PvE gear that makes it useless in PvP or something? I like wearing my 4-piece PvE set in PvP. o_O
  4. AP is so awesome that I put 6 points into the tree.
  5. Sevvy

    Zee nerf!

    Is it even a nerf for Mercs? I thought it was more about reworking the class and the way they play. Which they needed badly. Give them an interrupt, too. Sheesh.
  6. I'm probably around 7 for 60 or so. That's 25%, right?
  7. Rage just felt so clunky to me. I was ready to shelve my Warrior for good until I spec'd Vengeance. Vengeance flows and the rage generation is good. Although it doesn't seem to have quite the burst that Rage does. But it's still good. I can't wait to have solid gear so I can see how it performs.
  8. For the Vengeance tree to stop with the dots and just have our abilities hit harder, especially Shatter.
  9. Yep. I'm assuming that's who they will target, Pyrotechs. Yeah, if I spec into one of the hybrid tank/DPS specs, I can reduce the amount of damage I receive from targets by quite a lot.
  10. Merc/Commando needed a re-work. I would be okay with a Powertech nerf if they buffed our mobility and survivability. But we all know that won't happen. They'll just cut our ***** off when that's all we have. o_O
  11. I like having 500 Accuracy. I'LL NEVER MISS!
  12. A perk of being Advanced Prototype spec SHOULD be that you can use Flamethrower on the move. That would make that spec so much cooler. o_O
  13. I'd be willing to bet that I'm the highest DPS in my raid. But I have no idea because Bioware is bad.
  14. I pay the price for the damage that I do and the gear that I wear. When I get focused, it's a frustrating game. I do blow people up with or without cooldowns. But it's just like Operatives, really. The most QQ came from the string of crits they got and how they ruined people with those crits. If I happen to string crits together, it's lights out for anyone. If I don't, the burst is manageable if I'm playing against a good team. One of the things people NEVER do is dispel my DoTs. When they do, it helps them tremendously. If they can survive my burst and dispel my DoTs, my damage is significantly affected and so is my Heat bar. I really think they should hold back on any major buffs/nerfs for any classes until after they get some metrics from ranked WZs. Because good teams are going to react properly to other good teams.
  15. There are times where there are exceptions. I try to kite and wear down Marauders. A good 10M kite when they can't hit me while I Flame Burst is effective. But people pretend that Powertechs are a ranged class. They are not. They are a hybrid that heavily relies on being in melee range to get the most out of the class/spec.
  16. That's because 90% of the people that play MMOs don't understand that PvP isn't just about leveling and gearing. They might think they know how to play their class, but they don't know how to play AGAINST other classes. They don't know how to spec or what mods/enhancements to switch out. They don't know when to use offensive or defensive cooldowns, when to burst, when to kite, when to LOS, etc. So they fight someone that knows how to do all that....... NERF NERF NERF! CLASS IS OP! It beats me while I tunnel vision and spam buttons every time their cooldown is up while my toon has 70 Power and 500 Accuracy! NERF NERF NERF!
  17. We're not glass cannons, but it's not like a true Pyro Powertech is a tank. I've played every class in beta and release. So yes, I know what I'm talking about. And yes, a Powertech is melee/ranged hybrid. But if you're not playing a majority of the time from 4m away, you're doing it wrong. Try playing Pyro from 15m+ away from your target and let me know how well you do. Keep in mind that Rail Shot is weapon damage. So it suffers the same kind of penalties that other weapon damage abilities do.
  18. 4-8k my ***. I'm a full BM/Rakata/Columi geared Powertech with the PvE bonus of 8% damage to Rail Shot. I have swapped out ALL of my Enhancements to have 23 End/34 Power/48 Surge. I have to pop my Relic + Adrenal to get my 5k medal against someone with 12k HP in WZs. So 4-8k Rail Shots is COMPLETE BS. Pyro Powertechs hit hard and are a good burst damage class. But exaggerating just makes you look like a fool that got owned and runs to the forums to cry. I guarantee that I hit harder than probably 90+% of Powertechs out there. I've never seen a Rail Shot hit harder than about 5.5k. And again, that's fully geared, fully buffed with Relic and Adrenal, and hitting a 0 Expertise target. In conclusion, bad kids are bad. And they start threads like these and lie through their teeth.
  19. Sevvy

    Open PVP is DEAD

    The game being released. Bioware has no clue how to implement open PvP that isn't a zerging lagfest. Honestly, if they introduced PvP like the RVR lakes in WAR, PvP in this game would be so much better. They should have built on and improved the ideas that Mythic had in WAR. That was not terrible PvP. It just needed some tweaks.
  20. My alt easilly has you beat on the number of bags opened without an item. And yet my geared main keeps getting Champ pieces. Lulz.
  21. Sometimes I go Iron Fist or Parakeet instead of my 31 Pyro build. It's fun. It's good utility, and I pester the hell out of healers with Iron Fist's 6s CD interrupt. But I annihilate people with my Pyro build. I run with a healer that is practically indestructible. So Pyro is perfect, because he stays alive, and I kill everyone within 30m of him. It's all about the role you need to fill. And to a lesser extent, the gear you have/have access to. If you run with a crew, and they don't need a tank... Pyro all the way imo.
  22. That set and the PvE set are probably the 2 sets that synergize best with that build. I wear 4-piece Rakata/Columi when I go Parakeet because i prefer the stats and the 8% damage on Rail Shot.
  23. Move away from clicking abilities and turning with your keyboard. Binding everything to keys and using a mouse to move/turn will make you so much faster. You don't have to use WASD, but find a setup that works for you and is comfortable.
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