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Everything posted by Sevvy

  1. I wouldn't say most people ignore Powertechs. People know what I'm capable of on my server. I'm just not an idiot that runs around in the open tunnel visioning one player like 90% of the people here.
  2. Anyone that thinks a Marauder/Sentinel is faceroll has never played the class, and is likely bad. You get facerolled by every terrible Mara/Sent because you yourself are terrible. So when you go up against a good Mara/Sent, and he completely obliterates your face, you end up here, mashing your keyboard through teary eyes that overflow and flood the PvP forums.
  3. Um, I didn't take it because I don't like that spec. Not many Sentinels/Marauders play Combat/Carnage. you can also knockback, stun, etc. This game is hard. Says the... ??? Bad player? I beat Sentinels on my Powertech, and Powertechs on my Sentinel. All of the PvP forum crybabies are bad players. It's true. All this "I CAN'T DO ANYTHING AGAINST ANYONE! NERRRRRRFFFFF!" Bad.
  4. Sevvy

    TTK Way too long.

    I'll take Saber Throw.
  5. Why would you be a Juggernaut tank in PvP?
  6. The current cost of War Hero gear is stupid. Bioware is out of ideas, and making the grind absolutely take a stupidly long time is their best bet at keeping subs.
  7. Guarded By the Force/Undying Rage is 5 seconds. I kite Mara/Sents all day long and own them. L2P.
  8. Buncha bad players up in here. It's amazing how long I'm able to survive on both my Powertech and my Sentinel with this out of control TTK. Meanwhile destroying bad players that eat entire Master Strikes when I have 0 resolve. Or people that open with a stun, or drop a stun on me when my resolve bar is full. Derp. Bads beget bads. And you all come into threads like this and "woe is me" together. Rise up and cancel your subs! Then go play another MMO where you will still be terrible!
  9. Noobs that play Mara/Sent get eaten alive. It is not a noob friendly class. Seeing as that I rolled one a few months ago and was pwning most of the ones that rolled a Mara/Sent at release with half the gear they have... yeah. Play one well and tell me it's noob friendly.
  10. The problem is, you are in the minority. There are definitely some Sorc/Sages out there that make trying to stay on them a serious chore. And then there are ones that knockback, I run back in and Master Strike, and they just eat the whole thing and die. Duhhhhh. Most people can't play their own class properly, let alone know ANYTHING about any other class in regards to their strengths/weaknesses/cooldowns/etc. Which leads to the masses QQing. The masses are bad players. /shrug
  11. Sevvy


    Don't get me wrong, I didn't say you have a chance to kill my Sentinel as a Sage/Sorc. I just said you can make it harder for me to kill you. Sorcs have lots of counters right now. Combine that with the 'fact' that most Sorcs/Sages suck at their class, and I faceroll you nerds all day long. But it's not because Mara/Sent is OP. It's because Sorc/Sage sucks. Roll something good until they fix your bad class. /shrug
  12. Sevvy


    LOL! "I can't Smash spec faceroll Marauders. Please look into this BW!" That's probably because some Mara/Sents spec into 30% less AoE damage, and we have Cloak/Rebuke up as soon as you get on us. That, again, goes back to talking about knowing other classes when you fight them in PvP. I have good fights with non-bad Guardian/Juggernauts. The rest come here and QQ about my class.
  13. Sevvy


    Don't "QFT" that post, the kid is wrong. Avoiding Master Strike/Ravage isn't about using your CC break and running away. Honestly, if you use your CC break to avoid that, you're doing it all wrong. Sorcs have a ton of utility. If you use it right, and you're smart, you're not easy to kill. The problem, is that most everyone that plays this game is terrible. And then on top of that, 95% of Sorcs are terrible. Because you all picked what you thought was a faceroll class, and it's not. Oops! The problem with Sorcs vs. me using Master Strike, is that I'm smarter than they are. They fill my resolve bar, and then I use Master Strike. And then they are dead. Be smarter, die less. This game is hard.
  14. Sevvy


    It's funny how on my Powertech, I ruin Marauders and Sentinels. And on my Sentinel, I ruin Powertechs and Vanguards. I must be OP! Or it could be the most profound thing anyone will say in this thread... 90% of the MMO population has no idea how to play their own class, let alone how to play against another class. That is why there is so much QQ on MMO forums about every single class being OP and every single class being absolutely worthless in PvP. The problem is YOU. I'd say "L2P" but you won't.
  15. I tried to backpedal and get away from this Marauder and he just KEPT KILLING ME! NERF NERF NERF!
  16. 1.2 made class balance even worse.
  17. Considering it was going to take roughly 4-6 months for people to go from a fresh 50 to full War Hero, I welcome the changes.
  18. I still don't lose to Marauders/Sentinels on my Powertech. /shrug
  19. People do this in every MMO. If that's how they have fun... /shrug
  20. Someone is getting destroyed by Sentinels!
  21. I think I'm going to stay with Strength since they're like 400% cheaper than Power augments. o_O
  22. I hope you're right. Every MMO has had gear grinds. But not every MMO was a soulless shell of a game designed solely to keep the gear carrot dangling.
  23. Lol. If you want to be good, completely ignore this.
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