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    Bounty Hunter
  1. Thanks for all the replies, Any thoughts on what Accuracy % I should be aiming for?
  2. Hi, I'm a Bounty Hunter - Mercenary using the Pyrotech Spec, currently full champ gear and getting close to Valor 60 for Battlemaster Gear. I've noticed that in my current gear I sit at around 110% Accuracy. When I google the cap etc there seems to be some debate around requireing 105-108% Accuracy. Looking at the BM gear it seems that all the Enhancements are stacked with Accuracy even the ones currently slots which as Champion are stacked with Surge (such as the Head slot Enhancements) Surely this will push me even higher Accuracy rating is it really necessary? or should I use surge Enhancements from old Champ gear / another class BM gear are there any BiS with Mods lists out? Just a side thought also does Alcracy afect DoT ticks? (i.e should i get some Medic BM Gear ?)
  3. I'm a PVPer I don't do run Hardmode Flashpoints or do any other PVE, I've been there done that got the T-shirt it other MMO's, however it seems to get my social rank up to be able to buy some of the cool stuff I have to do PVE? why is this BW? I get the point its to encurage people to play the game together but is running WZ and queing with others not considered social in this game?
  4. Merc PVP gear just makes me feel like a film extra on Mad Max
  5. I have the same problem when a well geared Smuggler gets on me from stealth.... I guess best aproach is bubble to mitigate dmg, then knockback, try using your next cast instant ability (forgot the name) then CC the target... they will most likely break it, then use the normal stun... atleast that way you can fill them full of missiles and an unload to slow them down
  6. PVP isn't always just about standing still and blasting people from distance with just TM (unless your playing Hutt-ball ) theres lots of other elements such as knockbacks/stuns and making use of other abilites to max your DPS and survivability All I ever see in PVP is lightning but I don't get angry I get even!
  7. Me and a guildie have the exact same issue. Will try this solution tonight and post back if it works
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