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Everything posted by Sevvy

  1. Sevvy

    Final blow to pvp.

    Classes are fun and I have a lot of friends playing. If it weren't for that, I'd have been gone a long time ago. It doesn't change the fact that instanced grinds for PvP gear is terrible PvP. And that playing in a world Bioware created, and playing in such a way that the developers didn't intend, doesn't mean that the developers' short-sighted and pathetic attempt at world PvP is the fault of the playerbase.
  2. Sevvy

    Final blow to pvp.

    Wrong. What game companies need to understand, is that almost every player that plays their game will grind/play in a "path of least resistance" way. Is it easier and quicker to kill trade? Then players will kill trade. They need to build their PvP system around that fact. Because it happens in every game. It happens in real life, too. People constantly take shortcuts. /shrug It is 100% Bioware's fault that PvP sucks in this game. Especially the Ilum flop.
  3. Sevvy

    Final blow to pvp.

    You're the reason that PvP sucks. LOLGEAR. PvP is not supposed to be a grind for gear. And it wasn't until WoW. And guess what? MMOs prior to WoW had amazing PvP. MMO PvP sucks now because it's about gear, and not the spirit of competition or destroying what your enemy created, or defending something meaningful to you like a base/keep that your guild owns. Please list examples of how meaningful PvP is and the consequences of modern day MMO PvP. Wait for it.... you can't. Because it means nothing, and people get rewarded just for showing up. I'd love to see a show of hands of people that played UO or DAOC or any of the old school MMOs that think modern day instanced PvP mini-games for gear are better than old school meaningful PvP.
  4. Sevvy

    Final blow to pvp.

    It's not the players' fault at all. It's the fault of the game companies that decided they needed to turn PvP into PvE: Intanced grinds for gear. PvP was fine in MMOs until Blizzard ruined PvP and set a precedent for other MMOs. In turning PvP into a grind for gear, they also removed any and all consequences from PvP. To the point now where if there is any sort of consequences at all, people lose their mind and will completely boycott the entire game. It's all just reward reward reward. Even for getting destroyed, you get a reward. It's like kids sports leagues where they don't keep score and everyone gets a trophy. That is some sad ****. That's what MMOs are now. All of the excitement and meaning has been sucked out and replaced with the drudgery of grinding for gear.
  5. Sevvy

    Final blow to pvp.

    As soon as I realize it's a lost cause, I afk. GG Bioware. I'm tired of games that feel like they need to 'reward' people for every little thing, including losing and being terrible. It creates crap like this. The best PvP I've ever encountered never had any kind of material awards. It was for the sake of fighting the other faction, and destroying what the other faction created. MMO PvP is dead.
  6. I seem to beat Assassins/Shadows without issue. But Mara/Sents are another thing. If they didn't have that 5 seconds of almost complete immunity, it would be something different. They are brutal. And with a buff to Knight/Warrior and a nerf to BH coming, it's only going to get worse.
  7. I can Rail Shot crit for 5k. I have a mix of BM/Champ gear with 4-piece Columi Combat Tech for the 8% damage to Rail Shot. Mostly I have to pop cooldowns/Adrenal on a low Expertise target to get the crit. But sometimes the stars align and it happens without cooldowns. /shrug
  8. Knowing BW, stupid people don't use every tool at their disposal to counter classes, so BH needs to be nerfed. Sucks. I really felt like this class is about where it should be. I hope they're not nerfing Powertechs. It's probably a Tracer Missile nerf, because that's what people cry about the most. Although, that would require a buff in another area. And I don't have enough faith in Bioware to do that.
  9. What really needs to be nerfed for BHs? o_O
  10. I'm really not looking forward to cross server queues. The Republic on my server are really fun to play against. There's a lot of good players on both sides, we know each other. We have a good community. And this garbage is going to destroy all that.
  11. I hit hard when I spec Iron Fist and have a 6 second CD on my interrupt. I can kill a healer, but more importantly I shut them down.
  12. I generally do so much burst that an interrupt or 2 and a well timed stun is enough to solo a good healer.
  13. Sevvy


    This is a bad change. There is honestly no reason at all for it. It's just another example of how bad/out of touch Bioware is with their own game. Anyone worth a damn in PvP seems to dislike this change. Hrmmmm... What's next? Bad PvE stats on Battlemaster gear? Oh wait...
  14. I have no issue getting gear. I don't want anyone to ever think my viewpoint is a way to get around the fact that I don't put in the effort to get gear. I do. I'm always geared. I just like how stuff used to be. And with the new patch killing Ilum, this game is going to be WoW in space, for real. No reason to leave the fleet whatsoever. Just sit in queues while tabbed out of game.
  15. It has been. The problem is that PvP is now treated like PvE. Instanced grinds for gear. There is nothing unique about it, nothing that gives it any meaning. No penalties, no risks, material rewards. All that matters is grinding out PvP to get valor ranks and quests for bags. And all of that is because their little studies show that the carrot dangling for gear keeps people addicted and paying. I enjoy playing with my friends and against opponents that I build rivalries with. Gear is just a perk for me. If you got nothing out of killing other players, I'd still do it every time I logged in. I think it's terrible. But it is what it is. I don't blame anyone for it. Though I wish that people that poured their heart and soul into their games would come up with some ingenuity in PvP rather than the same old crap.
  16. You people want to know why MMO PvP is terrible these days? Because MMOs cater to this...
  17. Since Bioware made their choice early on in development that this would be a gear driven game, you can pretty much bet that superior gear and/or mods is what you're going to see with every given content update. New Operations/Flashpoints means slightly better gear, new ranked WZs means slightly better gear. This game is nothing more than a grind for gear.
  18. So what do you do if you don't have an Eternity Vault group? It's really no different. If you don't have 7 other people that want to group with you for ranked WZs, spam general. This game is hard.
  19. Yep. It's terrible. Ilum sucked, but it needed to be fixed, not abandoned. Now people are never going to leave the fleet as they sit half AFK waiting for queues to pop. Sounds like another game that I stopped playing because I hated how they dumbed it down and ruined it. So much potential with this game, yet so much fail.
  20. That's an interesting thought. Someone was telling me the other day that body type 1 doesn't jump as high as other body types. I'M BODY TYPE 1! Noooooo!
  21. 4-pc Columi or Rakata Combat Tech >>>> PvP gear 8% damage on Rail Shot is awesome.
  22. Make Flamethrower usable on the move as deep AP and it's not so bad imo.
  23. I do sometimes change cylinders to Ion out of necessity, and my damage suffers noticeably. No thanks.
  24. I don't like to PvP to anything too hard/powerful/etc. I need to stay calm when I PvP, otherwise I'll start doing dumb stuff like tunnel visioning and chasing 12k HP players when healers are freecasting.
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