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Everything posted by Kemosobe

  1. And for this statement, I bring back one that I said a while back on another thread, WoW came out in 2004. EQ came out in 1999. WoW did not have every single little thing that EQ had 5 years later. By your logic of, "they have to be there or game WILL die.", WoW would have died shortly after launch because everyone would have just gone back to EQ. Now stop trying to use time as logic because it does not work.
  2. You actually play the game. You actually pay attention. I have left a few heroics/flashpoints because one person was doing nothing but standing around during combat and the leader did not want to kick him. If everyone is doing their job and the boss is not going down, actually inspect people and see who is undergeared. As was said about 5 times now, nobody says they give you an edge. Minus the UI one, which was still never even a part of the conversation, they do nothing but allow you to mindlessly play the game because, "hey, I got meters that tell me I am good".
  3. Actually, you are in the wrong. If you honestly think that there is nothing but guessing going on, you need to start using that part of your body that SHOULD be between your ears.
  4. So wait, you are mad/frustrated because you have to actually PLAY the game? How dare Bioware make you have to actually play the game. Also, the UI is not broken at all. You don't like it, do not play the game. Problem solved. And if you want JTLS's space combat, go play SWG. Oh, wait....
  5. Curses, guess I need to go back to WoW then because I don't do PvP.
  6. I honestly do not know whether I am supposed to be laughing at this or take it that you actually mean it. While reading it though, I laughed my ars off. Ya, if you are intelligent. But then again, if you have a brain at all you do not need to know how much damage you did.
  7. Those aren't the add-ons we are talking about here. Either quit trolling or just leave the thread. EDIT: Well, the Damage Meter is one of them. That doesn't give them an edge so much as it makes them stare at the meter so they can try and top it rather than actually paying attention to the fight mechanics.
  8. If I am stupid and mediocre, why is it that, like I said in the post you quoted, said that I could still play better than all the people using those add-ons as well as people using other easy-mode add-ons? It is not even a guessing game at all, it's called paying attention and doing what is needed when you see that it is needed.
  9. Seeing as that is how I played WoW up until SWTOR came out and still managed to somehow play better than people using those add-ons, as well as plenty other easy-mode ones, I am happy playing what you call "the guessing game".
  10. If SWTOR was half the price of WoW, all you people would still be on here fuming about how much SWTOR sucks. If all you hated it as much as you seem to express on these forums, you would have unsubscribed and never looked back. Stop trying to say this game is bad and not worth your money when you are obviously still supporting it.
  11. That made me laugh so hard. And to answer the question, probably a good chunk of society.
  12. I have no problem with add-ons. If people want to create/use add-ons that make the game play itself so they can smash their face against the keyboard and win, go ahead and use them. What I hate is how most people come onto the forums (not necissarily this thread) and just complain how Bioware needs to put straight into the game something they they want simply because they have no clue how to play the game without it. EDIT: Also, I forgot to say in my previous post that Skyrim, Doom, Oblivion, and most other games that have mods and such are single player ONLY games. Having mods for you to personally use will not effect anyone else in anyway. When you start making/using add-ons in a multiplayer scenario is when shat starts hitting the fan and people start F'ing up other's experience.
  13. I see no mistakes at all. And seeing as I went years playing WoW without a single add-on, I saw no mistakes there either. Maby you should just play the game the way the developer intened rather than whining they change it because you want them to change it. If all you people are so against allowing a developer to do things the way they want, why don't you go become the COE of EA or Activision or whoever so you can instruct all the developers uner your publishing brand to make the game how YOU want it to be made?
  14. I have been telling people this for years. Well, not the WoW-SWTOR thing, just that people need to stop comparing games and saying they are crap or need certain implementations simply because it is in their favorite game. Each game is built the way the developer wants it to be. If you do not like it, do not play it. There is no reason for the developers to bow down to anyone simply because they want something that they are used to. Put it this way, if you do not like a single player game, do you whine and complain to the developer for months until they patch it to make it the way YOU want? Or do you just stop playing it and move on to your next game?
  15. If you think the game absolutely needs these to be successful, I think you are doing things wrong. I do feel like a target of target would be helpful, but I can wait for it. As for everything else, I went YEARS without using them in WoW. Started the game in Vanilla and did not download a single ad-on till Wrath. Even after I downloading certain add-ons that gave me things that you are complaining not being here, I never used them.
  16. Original Poster, you are completely full of win. Game is amazing and needs to stay in the form it is now (minus bug fixing of course).
  17. Seeing as this is actually fighting Final Fantasy XI for being my personal favorite MMO, I will be here. YES I still do not understand why people keep bashing this game simply because it does things different.
  18. A looking for group TOOL is not needed. A LFG chat channel that goes cross galaxy that we can turn on-off at will would be ok though. We do not want any form of tool that creates a group for you without needing to socialize in any manner. The players should ALWAYS have to start the group and actually do the inviting themselves.
  19. You want proof, actually go into the game you are complaining about it needing (SWTOR) and go to at least 5 different planets and in the general chat for each, suggest a LFG tool be implemented into the game. After you get bashed by a lot of people for wanting to destroy the game, do not come and tell me that I somehow influenced all those people.
  20. If they were both born before the Galactic War, that means they are both around 40 years old. If they were both born before the Sith Empire even exsisted in known space, that means they are both around 2000 years old.
  21. But those are not improvments. Those are tools "baddies" want because they either can't find people to play with or want to show how cool they are because they can top the DPS meters. When you said "baddies", I interpretted it as people who were actually bad at the game, not people who are good at the game and don't need anything to tell them that. The point was not to say your logic is flawed. The point was to show you that simply because you and some friends think something is a good idea does not at all mean everyone will. Seeing as I see way more negativity for things like an LFG tool or dual spec in game than I do positive ones on the forums tells me that the people who are actually playing the game want them to not be implemented.
  22. FYI, the more you do things like this, the faster the Moderators will close this thread because it is no longer on topic. So again, have fun bumping this thread or any other you make for the next year because you, yourself, made a mistake and want Bioware to rectify it.
  23. If it is an improvement to the game, why are so many people so dead set against it? Just because you and 10 other people come on to the forums to say, "I want *XXXXX* in this game because I liked it in my previous game" does not at all mean the rest of the people who NEVER come on the forums do not know it is a bad idea. Was Hitler in the right for wanting to kill all the Jews simply because he thought it was an improvement for the world? I am not religious at all, but I already know, and agree, that the answer should be no. I told many of my friends back when ever the release date was announced for SWTOR that I can not wait till Feburary/March area so all the people who came because they wanted everything from WoW to be in this game to have left back to WoW because their free month was up.
  24. I, and many other people, are able to play the game without an LFG tool. Why you aren't is beyond any of us. Why not go into the game and request a LFG tool. I know I have done it just to see what happens, and I pretty much got shuned off the planet I was on.
  25. Again, someone who thinks that they are the only ones who have lives. I did not know there were so many people in this game who thought they were the only one who does stuff besides play this game.
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