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Everything posted by Kemosobe

  1. So making something easier is not making something easier? So you are also in that boat and think a game is only good if it caters to you and makes your life easier. Seeing how many people here just want everything handed to them on a silver platter, it is of no wonder why Demon and Dark Souls were not huge successes.
  2. So you only want things because they make life easier and more convenient for you, then try and claim you are not lazy? Does anyone else see the irony in this?
  3. It doesn't matter what you PLAN to do. Because you have stated that you are only going to stay if they put in a LFG easy button, this means that you see this game as being garbage only because it does not have one. Why stay paying for a game that you are going to quit anyway?
  4. Are you saying that you wouldn't purchase or drive a car simply because it did not have power windows? Or that if suddenly every car ever made went back to manual windows that you would stop driving at all?
  5. Seeing as you are going to leave anyway because this game does not have a LFG easy button, why are you still here?
  6. No, I want SW:TOR to remain SW:TOR and not have them implement all the crap that is in every other MMO simply because people whine for it. If you have other options, use those. It is not like SW:TOR's montly fee is any less than every other MMO out there.
  7. Main difference between us is that fact that you have other MMOs to choose from which offer this option. We do not have any good options to choose from. You want something specific that is already in other games, go to those and stop whining that other games should conform to your standards simply because you want to play it in exactly the same manner as your last game.
  8. Less than that actually. Along with the fact that those numbers can EASILY be inflated to make Blizzard and Ativision look cool.
  9. The only reason it is tedious is because you and other people are making it so. It took me from early access to April to "complete" my first character because I was doing EVERYTHING. When I got a flashpoint mission, I did it. No wait time, just pop up LFG, ask, and BOOM, group. I did every single heroic on every single planet. The only thing that made any of this hard is that fact that people are anti-social in a MMO. I would be asking people for a group for a heroic on a planet, then see 2 people run right in there not paying any attention. The problem with this game is its community, and adding a x-server easy party former will do nothing but make the community even worse than it already is.
  10. Ummmm, no. We do not want them because they do nothing but destroy the games that they are put in. We enjoy actually playing the game and talking and making friends, not having the game do all of that for us.
  11. Then let me elaborate, people don't use it because they are anti-social and lazy. Which makes the few people who do use it not get much out of it. How is something that shows EVERYONE that you are looking for a group for something not very useful? You can be on Tatooine and see that someone on Ilum wants to do a world boss kill on Coruscant.
  12. The tool is that great. It is the fact that no one uses it that makes it bad. Shall I bring back the examples I stated? I have formed a group once by sitting on fleet and looking at the LFG search and got 3 other people who were all on 3 separate planets. It pays to use the tools given to you and not be anti-social.
  13. Which is why people need to learn to use this little tool that is already in the game. You may have heard of it. It involves being in a LFG status and allows other people to see that you are LFG for something.
  14. So again, you claim the game is fun yet say you can't play the game without a x-server LFG tool. Which is it? Is the game fun right now, or do you need an LFG easy button to make it fun? It can not be both at the same time.
  15. First, no I do not use my fleet pass. I rarely use quick travel. I only used those shuttles before I obtained my personal ship. You only claim the tool is not useful because no one uses it. I have sat in the fleet just watching people spam for flashpoints, then go into the LFG search and see that NONE of them are using it. I have seen people spamming for a flashpoint that 5 different players are all looking for in the LFG search. Probably was not a complete group, but the fact that he had 5 different players who were specifically saying they wanted to do it and then not asking them first proves people do not use it. Again, if people learned to use the current LFG feature and not be anti social and actually talk with others, maybe stuff would get done.
  16. Too true. Funny thing is that someone told me WoW does that now. So yes, people will claim they "need" it because they can do it there.
  17. If everyone on the server is using the current LFG feature, which is VERY useful even though it isn't x-server, there won't be much wait time. Simply because it doesn't involve the game forming the group for you and teleporting you magically to the flashpoint doesn't mean it is useless.
  18. You believe they are becoming the standard because you WANT them to be standard. And you also try and claim that you are still enjoying the game even without a LFG tool even though your signature states specifically that you will stop playing the game if they do not implement it. This is saying that you need it in your MMO for that MMO to be satisfactory to your standards. If you want an MMO that has a x-server LFG tool, go to one that already has it. Don't try and bring it to other MMOs that don't need it.
  19. No, I did those raids, and they were hard for Wrath standards. But were not hard at all if the group had a clue. Only problem I had with doing raids and dungeons in WoW is the community. There is a reason that they put the "Don't stand in fire" hint on loading screens.
  20. So they are professionals at rolling their faces on their keyboards?
  21. Again, people just need to learn to start using the LFG feature that is already in the game. Guess what, you can put yourself in LFG status and still run around doing things without sitting in fleet spamming. Main problem is people do not use it which is why sitting in fleet spamming is the main way to get groups. If the game automatically put you into the LFG status and then brought up the /who window with LFG already searched whenever you mentioned a flashpoint for around a month, people would then understand that the game already has one built in and maybe people will actually start using it.
  22. The only reason you think they need them is because YOU want them. Ever heard the old story about comparing "needs" and "wants"? Because you are trying to claim that something you WANT is something that you NEED. When in fact it is not needed in the slightest for the game to function (otherwise the game would have died during beta and early access) If you want to play a game that has an LFG tool, go back to WoW or find another MMO that has it. Having an LFG tool is not something standard in MMOs. You just want it to be.
  23. And many of those "top guilds" were not even playing WoW in vanilla or hardly in BC. If you are talking about having a community drop off, WoW actually had a drop-off of players in late BC, early wrath because the people from vanilla saw that Blizzard was doing nothing but destroying the game that they knew and loved. Yes, it was not very significant and continued growing, but the majority of people currently playing it do not care about the world and lore that is the world of Warcraft. They just play it because there friends play it. I had a friend once that equated WoW to bro-gaming, and he is right.
  24. They are already putting time and money into updating the game as we all have seen with patch 1.1 and 1.2. I am not even saying doing this with a patch. I was mainly saying that these were the only 2 classes that would work cross faction and then shot out some ways that they could do it (or could have done it). If they did this in the first expansion, wouldn't that be awesome?
  25. No, I am just someone trying to keep this game SW:TOR and not turning into yet another worn out complete copy of WoW. Simply because something being implemented will make the game easier for you does not at all mean it is a good idea to do it. I have seen much more people, both in game and on the forums, who are against a LFG tool than those for it because we all know how horrible it made WoW and we would all unsub if they put one in. You are complaining now that the game needs an LFG tool or will fade and die out, it will die out even faster if they implement one. The game does need server merges. I said that in another forum thread about LFG tools. But it does not at all need an easy button to form parties simply because people are lazy. What people really need to start doing is learning how to use the current LFG tool in the game right now. Either put yourself in the state and wait, or look for others yourself. If everyone on a server was actually using this when they wanted to do something, no one would be complaining about needing an easy button party former.
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