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Everything posted by Kemosobe

  1. Just because they said they are looking into it does not at all mean it "exsists". It just means they are looking into it which I read as, "We see that you all think it exsists. Now we will do our own research to see if our game really does not play how we wanted it to." Also, you yourself just said, and I qoute, "It's not as responsive as WoW's combat and feels clunky." I am sorry, but by saying that after saying, "A new play style?" pretty much shows that you only want it to play exactly like WoW and do not wish to learn to play SWTOR like SWTOR plays. If you actually look at this game as SWTOR and do not look at it as "IT MUST PLAY HOW MY PREVIOUS GAME DID" you will find that there is no delay. I played WoW since Feb. 2005 and know for a fact it is pretty much designed around your twitch play style. SWTOR is not and therefore you actually need to learn how to play differently. Only took me one day, why is it taking all of you longer?
  2. So you only see it if your only goal at the game is to top the DPS charts? No wonder you see it then, you are playing the game all wrong. And if you are going to say something along the lines of high DPS means everything because you are a min/maxer, then you are still doing it wrong. Smashing the keyboard as fast as you can to get off every single spell you have in a one second time period is not how this game is ment to be played. If you actually start playing the game with these "delays" in mind, you will: 1) start doing more DPS because all your skills wil actually be activating/hitting 2) enjoy the game the way Bioware wants you to and not thinking it is bad because it is different from the twitch mindset.
  3. If they are instant cast, then the effect will activate as soon as you hit the button. I know this because I have reduced a 3 second cast time ability to an instant and guess what......they are now effected the second I hit the button even though my character does have to do an animation.
  4. Basically a longer more well thought out version of me saying that people just do not wish to learn to play SWTOR the SWTOR way.
  5. I have done the mount test and I have to actually be on my mount in order to move without uncasting the mount. I do not see a problem with that because it is more realistic. My philosphy still stands where it is just people complaining because they do not want to learn how to play the SWTOR way. BTW, I do also have a talent which does effect me in this "delay" way. I am a Jedi Sage specced in the Balance tree now and there is a talent that gives me the chance to throw a second chunk of garbage at the enemy when I use that spell (do not remember what it is called. It is the one where you lift something out of the floor and throw it at the enemy). If my character does in fact cast the second chunk throw, I (believe, have not fully tested it) that I have to wait till the second one is actually thrown before I can cast another spell without negating that second throw. I actually fully accept this as it is more realistic and does not allow me to simply face roll and win. I have to pay attention to my character in order to do the best I can.
  6. The one that showed him doing the cast on one then the instant on the other also stated that he has seen where he will be casting his lightsaber hitting attack and then use his lightning before the animation is done and also claimed that even though his lightning animation is not going yet because his lightsaber attack has not finished, his lightning IS doing damage. I still do not see a problem.
  7. But he is complaining about there being a patch period. Even if they waited till tomorrow, he would still be complaining about there being a patch.
  8. Which would you rather have, a game that never gets patched and is buggy as hell or one that gets patched fairly often and gets running smoothly? Can't have both. Personally, I would prefer the patches.
  9. I actually feel this way about it. I am level 35 and I have yet to actually see any delay. My personal opinion on the matter is because everyone is so used to playing WoW. They come here and the game does things differently (for the better in my opinion) and rather than learning how to play SWTOR, they would rather Bioware change SWTOR so they can keep playing how they already know how to play. I did read that someone in here mentioned something about reducing cooldowns and instant cast being effected the most and I also do not see this at all. I am a Jedi Sage and I have reduced my Force Lift to be instant cast and it still lifts them the second I hit the button. I personally hope they don't ever change it because it makes me feel like my character is actually engaged in combat with the person I am fighting and not just flailing his arms about trying to cast things and hit the enemy. The battle animations was actually one of the things I really hated in WoW.
  10. I played WoW since Vanilla and only really had one 85. Got a Death Knight up to 80 before Cataclysm came out, but seeing as they start at 55, they don't count. I tried doing other characters but would just get bored leveling them because there really was no reason to do it except to have a different character to play in end game content. For this game, I am already planning on having at least 8 different characters so I can experience all 8 of the different story lines. Yes, the side missions are all the same, but the main class missions are dependent on......well, your class. I have a level 35 Jedi Sage right now and will be stopping her as soon as I complete Chapter 1 so I can start my second character, which I am thinking Bounty Hunter Mercenary. I do not know if I will follow through with it, but I am actually also planning on making 16 characters so I can have one of each advanced class. This will probably not come to pass though.
  11. Only names I consider to break the rules of being straight Star Wars rips from current lore are the ones from the movies. Pretty much 99% of the community on this game has at least seen one of the two trilogies if not all six movies (seven if you want to include the Clone Wars movie which I only heard horrible things about). If I see someone from the few EU things I have read, I would actually like them because it shows that they do have an invested interest in this game as them having that name means they love Star Wars enough to want to know more of the lore than just the movies (or it was just a massive mistake).
  12. Then why would you want those people to tank/heal for you when they obviously don't have a clue how to do it since they don't do it? Would you like someone to drive your children's school bus simply because he can drive a car and drove a school bus once 10 years ago?
  13. Then I have this idea for you: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1218444#post1218444
  14. That is because all they want to do is blow through the content as fast as they can and don't even care to actually experience the game. There is no problem in this game with leveling and doing missions as a healer/tank. If they want to just speed through content as a DPS and also be able to get into groups super fast as a healer/tank, then they should pay the price for doing so. Me, I will be glad leveling as a healer.
  15. After just dual-spec, no I won't cancel but Bioware will no longer hold a high place in the gaming industry for me. I will also shoot you the same question, what will you do if Bioware doesn't allow you to do somthing simply because you are lazy?
  16. So I guess not a single person wants a second spec specifically ment for PvP?
  17. Actually, I have PvPed and am usually on top 3 people (in terms of medals and objectives). Doing the most damage is not a good way to determine if you are good at PvP. "b) Why is the idea of a stored Dual Spec so upsetting when we can respec when we like right now but it's cumbersome?" So you only want a dual spec because you are lazy and either do not want to have to go back to erase your spec or do not want to have to raise the money for it? That is a good reason for Bioware to implement something.
  18. This is for everyone who is against a dual spec (such as me) and for the people who want to PvP as well as PvE. Bioware, please implement a PvP spec that players are only going to be able to use inside of Warzones (or other PvP related events/areas). Please add your comments about this community. (Let the trolling commence)
  19. Then stop asking for a dual spec. Ask for a PvP spec. If all you really wanted was an extra spec that was PvP that was ONLY accessable inside a Warzone, I would be up for that. But even that is not needed seeing as you can PvP in your PvE spec.
  20. There is no need for Bioware to implement a dual spec. Simply because you want to level with a DPS tree but tank/heal in a flashpoint/heroic/etc. does not mean Bioware should give you dual spec. It means you should stop being lazy and level in your tank/healer spec. I have been doing it since level 10 and have zero problems leveling (am level 35 now). There is no reason to have a dual spec because you want to get through content faster as well as get into groups faster.
  21. If this is entirely the problem, I support this game even more. Although I would also say that if it is, they need to implement datacrons that only fat/tall people can get to. Seeing as I am sure this is not the problem, it doesn't matter.
  22. I am against a LFG tool that auto forms a group for you as well as auto transports you to the flashpoint. I am for a LFG chat channel which spans across the galaxy that people can turn on-off at will as it still forces people to start the group themselves as well as actually invite people. It also still forces them to actually go to the flashpoint start themselves.
  23. But seeing as this game is not a race...
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