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Everything posted by Kemosobe

  1. No you haven't, you have been here for 40 minutes trying to claim that LFG tool is needed for this game to survive.
  2. /agree Also, if you are honestly going to keep bumbing this until Bioware bends over for you because YOU messed up, have a fun year of bumbing.
  3. I did read the rest, but I noticed where you went wrong that far in. How is anyone supposed to know what you are doing when all you say is "LFM Tank". All I get from that is that you need a tank (if even that is true). Could be doing Esseles (or Imperial equivalent) or you could be doing an Operation. For all I know, you just want to get a group of four people together to go do missions as a team. Try actually advertising what you are doing and you may actually get people who are interested. When I am looking for a group for a flashpoint/heroic, I say "Anyone interested in *blahblahblah*?" or "Anyone else interested in *blahblahblah*?". When I do this, I get into groups or get people whispering me in seconds. If you want to be super simple about it, just say "LFG/LFM *blahblahblah*"
  4. How is it hard for me to realize that the only reason you want it is because you used and abused it in WoW? Simply because it is in one game does not in the slightest mean that it should be in another. If you do not like the fact that you have to communicate to do something, either do not do it and stop complaining because YOU chose not to do it, or go back to where you can use it. Also, if all you people who come on here and claim that you need it because you do not already do them actually took the time to look for a group, you may get one. Sounds like a lot of people just do not do them because they have to socialize in a chat system.
  5. It is not the fact that adding one feature doesn't transform this game into WoW. It is the fact that you want something that you liked from WoW to be in this game that "...isn't wow." If you want that feature so much, go back to WoW where they have it. There is no reason for Bioware to conform the entire game to be exactly like WoW just because a mass majority of people are coming from it. Bioware made Star Wars: The Old Republic, not World of Warcraft 2.
  6. I am sorry, can you say that again because I did not hear it. Did you just say "This game isn't wow."? Because if you did, then why do you want something from WoW in this game that isn't WoW?
  7. You want the hard facts? Play WoW for years and then see what happened when they implemented a the current LFG tool. People no longer had to even think to play. Before LFG tool, if you sucked, you pretty much got chased off the game. After LFG tool, if you could slam your face into your keyboard, you were intelligent enough to play. Before LFG tool, people actually wondered the world. People would help out lower levels (as I do now when I see people wanting to do something and need that extra). After LFG, no one would help anyone who they weren't friends with and no one will even leave main cities. Soon as you hit the level that opens up LFG tool, you just sit in main city hitting that easy mode button. Before LFG tool, if you ninja looted, NO ONE would play with you. Not a single soul because your name would get out like a bad cold and no one would want you. After LFG tool, ninja looters could not be stopped. These are just the three I can think of off the top of my head. Anyone care to expand upon it, go ahead. Nice job not even reading the post if that is what you got out of it.
  8. But you have to actually get there. You have to experience the real wonders of going to your ship and flying to where ever it is you want to go. If you do not like doing this, do not ever leave the Fleet. Also, if you want to just go *poof* and be at the flashpoint, then what is the reason to do the flashpoint? What is the reason for the Flashpoint to even exsist? You can just continue doing what you are doing and go from planet to planet doing missions. They could easily just have not created flashpoints and made everything that flashpoints are be something you experience on your story missions. By asking them to implement something that removes the whole reason for travel, going from planet to planet to Fleet, you are basically asking them remove a main aspect in this game, your personal ship (which I am sure they will expand upon in the coming years). You know what, why don't they just give us a LFG *poof* tool so you do not have to do any traveling. Then after they do that, they can totally remove the personal ships and implement Star Trek type beamers to go from planet to planet. While they are at making the game easier, they can then just make it so you go from level 1-50 on your starter planet. If you haven't guess it yet, The reason I do not want ANYTHING in this game that makes it easier in any way is because once they give in to the LFG tool, then people will start complaining about something else being to hard and that they should fix that. Just look at WoW. All Blizzard keeps doing with each patch/expansion is making the game easier and easier and people STILL complain about the game being to hard/tedious. BTW, my offer still stands. If you do not like a design aspect to a game, do not play it. Should Nintendo change the way Pokemon games play because some people do not want to have to catch pokemon and just want to be given them?
  9. If it would take all of five minutes to implement, why did it take Blizzard a few years before they implemented it?
  10. And I do not do anything during the day? Are you saying the mass majority of the game's community does not do anything during the day and just sits at their computer? I was in high school when WoW first came out and it was AWSOME having to actually work for stuff (which really wasn't true coming from FF XI). I was also in the military (basically had 0 time to play) when Blizzard started dumbing the CRAP out of WoW and it did nothing but ruin the whole experience of the game. If there is no challenge to doing something, what is the point of doing it? "OOOO, I GOT ME SOME AMAZING GEAR!!" Who cares if you didn't have to do anything for it. If you do not have any time to play the game, do not play the game. This excuse is almost like saying Bethesda should have made Skyrim easier and less expansive because I do not have as much time to play it. Taking the easy way out and just giving people what they want is the reason I fear for the future of the world. All people care about anymore is just getting something just because they exsist.
  11. Then why not do that solo content as the same spec you are wanting to do group content as? And if you are going to say, "Because it is slower to level as a healer/tank", then stop complaining because it is your own fault for not doing what I said. Either keep switching back and forth and paying out the wazzoo for it, or do missions slower while still being able to get into groups fast because you are a healer/tank.
  12. Then I vote for a Battlemaster type person that you have to go to that exsists on the planet that the Warzone is taking place on. Oh wait, you all would be against that to because then you would actually have to take the time out of your missions to go to that planet to do a warzone. God forbid a developer actually force you to work for something inside the game.
  13. It is so expensive because you obviously have no clue what you want to do. I have changed specs once in my 35 levels and it was free.
  14. This and only this. And I actually almost say no to this.
  15. Quick Travel does not take you to the exact location you need to go no matter where in the galaxy. It takes you back to a point only on the planet you are already on. If you want to keep believing that your talent tree decision means EVERYTHING for what you can do, by all means, go ahead. I will still know that a player's skill and advanced class decision is what really matters.
  16. So I guess having a horrible community is a good price to pay just so you do not have to talk with people? I am so glad you are not on Bioware's team.
  17. Sounds to me like you are mad at Bioware because you yourself picked a bad Legacy name. The game is not even a month old yet, why should Bioware implement something on day one for people who simply screw up themselves? I would much rather Bioware take the time to work on more important things than just giving us the ability to change our names at will. EDIT: also, I do wish that you could make different Legacy names per character, but then that would be against the whole point of having them.
  18. There is no reason for dual-spec nor is there a reason for a LFG easy button tool. I do agree on putting in a LFG channel that goes cross-galaxy and can be turned on-off at will, but no easy button that warps you straight to your flashpoint as this will straight up destroy all the hard work that went into this game. As for the dual-spec, seeing as it is your advanced class that determines what you can do for groups and not your talent tree decision, it is not needed. I am a Jedi Sage (level 35) specced in the Balance tree and have had zero problems healing for flashpoints. I was also previously specced in the Seer tree and had no trouble doing DPS for flashpoints. You are also fully able to do PvP in the same spec you do PvE things.
  19. I have just been reporting names that break the rules. I first look at the name and disect whether or not it belongs in the Star Wars universe. If I can see in some way it working, I leave the person alone. If it is a name that was straight up stolen from other Star Wars lore (Qui-gon'jinn), I report it. If it is just a jumble of words (Yomomsofett), I report it. Any names that may not fully break the naming policy, but are just a childish name and does not in anyway belong on an RP server (Chucknorris), I /ignore them and just move about my business. And yes, those three names are real examples of names I have seen on my RP server.
  20. That is actually the reason I do not play on PvP servers anymore. Started on one back in WoW because I like the philosophy of a real war happening and being able to kill (or be killed) out on the open fields because of it. Then I got sick and tired of ganked (which w/e, it happens) then being corpse camped for an hour. And yes, there was a time where one person did not allow me to play the game for an entire hour because he/she was doing nothing but camping my dead body. They should put in some device to prevent this. Would be awsome for MMOs. Make it so that when you kill someone who you just killed (say withing 2-5 minutes?), you suddenly get ganked by NPCs that are 10 levels higher than the max level of the game. Okay, now back on topic.
  21. If you are an adult, why would you name your self Kieraknightly? Also, I just saw someone on Tatooine called Qui-gon'jinn and told him his name goes against naming policy and pretty much the entire planet said I am in the wrong. I feel like I will want to be moving servers shortly.
  22. With all the stuff being said about this game being too linear and not being a real MMO because of it, I am just wondering, what MMO(s) are we comparing this to when saying that SWTOR is too linear? SWTOR is just as linear as every single MMO I have every played, and I have played a good deal of them.
  23. I honestly agree with the person you quoted, I am not having any problems with combat. So you can't play EXACTLY how you did in WoW. Learn the new play style and get better. This is what I did.
  24. I am assuming he is talking about comparing this game at launch to the games he lists when they launched. At launch, WoW had Onyxia. Not much of an endgame if you ask me.
  25. Story is the most important part of any game in my opinion. I have played PLENTY of games that the gaming community has deemed "crap" simply to get a good story (my opinion). Homefront, I know way to many people that feel that game is nothing but garbage. I, myself, liked it for what-if scenario dealing in the future after Kim Jon-Il dies (which actually now has happened). I also liked Turning Point: Fall of Liberty. I agree though that that game was close to garbage, but I loved the alternate timeline that the company did and gave us a what-if scenario where Winston Churchill died while visiting New York in 1931. So, is story really what MMO players want, yes, seeing as my number one favorite MMO is Final Fantasy XI which was the very first MMO to deliver cut scenes to flush out a story inside an MMO.
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