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Everything posted by Kemosobe

  1. Actually, games that focus on their hardcore fans are the ones that survive into infinitum. That is why Star Wars Galaxies was doing good UNTIL they decided to focus on the casual. Only then did it tank, bomb, and fall harder than a satellite from space. This is also why games such as EvE Online, and Final Fantasy XI are still going strong to this day. Rather than trying to get more and more people to play the game, they focus on keeping the game fun for the people they know already want to play it. Once you get the WoW population mindset out of your "logic", you will realize that no MMO needs millions upon millions of people to exist and be successful. Just look at EvE, has probably around 50,000 - 100,000 people and is still releasing "expansions" as well as an add-on game (DUST 514). All it takes is a good community that will stay through the bad, casual players are not those people.
  2. Yet, without it, this game is still surviving and thriving. Slow, yes, but it is nonetheless. They do not need 300 million subscriber to be a successful MMO. Even just having 500K people is a successful MMO (assuming they tone down the servers to compensate). And then all it will do is start the down hill roll of easy mode everywhere. People are only having trouble forming groups because they couldn't, or wouldn't, use the LFG tool that was already in the game. A tool that shows you every single person on the whole server who is wanting to do something. It did need some refining, but it worked. And if you do not want me to come in here and post what I hope they do in 1.3, don't ask me to post what I hope they do in 1.3.
  3. Yes, a LFG tool will make this game go F2P faster.
  4. I hope for them to realize that a LFG tool is a horrible and destructive idea and remove it in 1.4.
  5. I liked the game up until I watched the 1.3 features video. Although I have not had much time to play this semester of college due to way to much work, I still like the game. Then I heard they are implementing a LFG tool. Now I am placing my bets for how long it will take for the game to die like all other MMOs that focus on the WoW-&*#$ instead of their fan-base .
  6. Actually, Blizzard DID do that. Hence why you can use the LFG tool to run Heroics and get raid level emblems or whatever they are called.
  7. They didn't go over my head. They are just dumb and have nothing to do with anything. Actually, I do. I seem to understand it more than you it seems. Then why are people not using concepts from EVE Online or Final Fantasy XI. EVE has been going strong since 2003 and Final Fantasy XI has been going strong since 2002 (2004 in NA). They have a one and two year lead on WoW and do not seem to be dying out anytime soon, unlike WoW. Again, you are simply saying that because the game has X amount of people is the only reason why everyone should implement every single minor thing that WoW has. And again, if this were a successful business model, games like Warhammer Online and RIFT would be way more popular than they are. Games doing nothing to set themselves apart from WoW is the reason why no one leaves it. If they want to play WoW, they will stay on WoW. Not move to another MMO that is a 100% copy-paste of WoW. I know, too bad people seem to not wish to use it.
  8. That is what sucks the most. It doesn't matter much of what Bioware wants for the game because EA is going to be the one calling all the shots. That is why publishers fail, they don't know how to leave a game alone and allow the developer to make it unique. (and yes, blah blah blah, money money money. There are certain circumstance where they need to interfere, but they do it more than needed is my point)
  9. You can try and make fun of me all you want, all it is showing is that you don't have a clue what you are talking about and can only resort to insults to prove your point. And with the phones, you are still doing a poor comparison. Being a cellphone does not at all mean it needs to be built exactly similar to the "most popular" cell phone on the market, nor does it mean it should come with exactly the same software. Seeing as people still buy old style flip phones, this means that there are still people out there that do not care about having all the latest gadgets and gizmos, which means that companies will still make those old style flip phones to still sell to those people. The comparison you are looking for doesn't exist because you seem to think that every product on the market should be nothing but an exact replica of other similar products. If this was what people really wanted, then the US government would allow monopolies seeing as that is basically what you are asking for.
  10. Simply because WoW has 10 million people (which I am sure is inflated to make Blizzard and Activision look better), does not mean every single game should use each and every one of WoW's implementations. This can be seen in what has happened with every MMO that has come out trying to be nothing but an exact WoW clone. If people want to play WoW, they are going to stay on WoW, plain and simple. Otherwise MMOs like Warhammer Online and RIFT would be huge and extremely popular. This game has server population problems, this is a fact. But this only means that they should do server mergers, not implement something simply for the sake of people coming from WoW. And if you want the best example of what happens when a game changes things to be even more similar to a game already on the market, go look at what happened to Star Wars Galaxies when it tried to become more WoW-like. Bioware can change the story in anyway they see fit, but this does not mean they should completely erase everything they have done just because some people want more. Again, look at what happened with WoW once Blizzard stopped caring about the Warcraft lore as much as they did when they launched WoW. And also again, simply because lots of people play it does not mean everyone should do it. EDIT to add in your addition: Isn't this an example of the pot calling the kettle black? You are saying I am making a mistake in thinking everyone thinks like I do, yet you are doing the same thing in thinking that very little, if anyone at all, will leave should they add in a cross server LFG tool. And as for the car analogy, that is just being ignorant. Like I said in the post that you quoted, assuming you even read it, all of them being MMOs means that they will all have concepts which define them as being an MMO. This does not mean they should all implement the same exact features and work the same exact way.
  11. 1. Mention at bottom. 2. Have not gotten him yet on my Knight as a Consular was my main, but there are certain companions that would not make any sense becoming a particular class. 3. Actually yes, I have run into a common speaking Twi'lek. A BUNCH of them in fact. In reality, the mayor person on Taris is a common speaking Twi'lek. You also have Mission Vao (or however her name was spelt) from KotOR who was a common speaking Twi'lek. The story does exist. Simply because you do not like it or care about it does not mean it isn't there. 5. True statement. Everyone is expecting a Star Wars Galaxies type space flight, and I just do not see that happening in this game. It is possible, but not very likely. Now as for the cross server LFG tool. I have a friend who works at Gamestop. When people come in and buy SW:TOR, they ask her if the game has a cross server LFG system similar to that of WoWs. And they are not asking it in a good way seeing as they buy the game when she tells them no. Now, I may be wrong, but to me, this says that the people still buying the game do not want a cross server LFG tool. I also know about 30 people at my college who all stay on this game because it does not have a cross server LFG tool. Not to mention how many people go and complain on every forum post that asks for one. All the people who want a cross server LFG tool are already gone seeing as they have said so in their forum posts. The only people still remaining in the game are here because we like the fact that Bioware chose to not do a straight WoW clone. Yes, the game is a "clone" of WoW, but no more than WoW is a clone of Everquest. They are all MMOs and will all have certain concepts that are standard for an MMO, persistent world, lots of players, chat, etc. This does not mean that they should all have the same in game systems/tools.
  12. 1. Then all the remaining people who are staying because it lack a cross server LFG tool will leave. 2. I don't see that happening just because it is not needed and would be very awkward in a story sense. Just like making a Jedi Gaurdian a healer doesn't make any sense. 3. Unless they choose to completely ignore their whole story, which is the main focus of this game for those of you who forgot, they will not incorporate races that can not speak fluent common. 4. VERY possible and likely. 5. They need to have open space flight before that.
  13. Server transfers/mergers still require people to not be A-holes because the server can put them on ignore and they won't be able to do anything. Sort of like I have done with a particular guild on my server due to ninja looting and other such stuff. Cross server LFG just allows people to click a button and not worry about anything because the people they get paired with will just have to put up with them or wait another hour.
  14. I wouldn't mind meeting new people to, but the cross server LFG tool will only bring in the kinds of people this game does not need. All they really need at the moment, in terms of fixing server population problems, is server merges and transfers.
  15. So you want Bioware to sacrifice community, which is something they have stated several times that they want, for your own benefit? Cross server LFG tool would destroy this game the same exact way it destroyed WoW. Although I do not want a LFG tool period, I am willing to compromise with a single sever LFG tool to satisfy you anti-social people. I just hope this does not lead into any other simplifications for the sake of bringing in more people or keeping those who do not care about the game anyway.
  16. I have a friend that works at Gamestop. She says that every time someone is buying SW:TOR, they ask her if the game has a LFG system similar to WoWs. And not in a "we want it" way. THIS is why they do not want to put one in that is cross server. The hardcore fans are the only people Bioware should focus on pleasing because they are the people who will stay here and not leave simply because there is no option to change your hair after you make your character. I also love how you are saying that SWG died because they were only trying to please the hardcore fans. SWG died because they destroyed the game for the hardcore fans. Go and ask anyone who was playing pre-NGE, they will more than likely say the game was good. After the simplifications and WoW-style concepts introduced with the NGE, no one liked it. Wanna know what kills a game faster than salt to a slug? NOT trying to please your hardcore fans. Without the hardcore fans who will be here forever, or at least till they destroy the game SWG style, there would be no reason for the casual people to play.
  17. I did each and every single mission I found on every planet, each flashpoint when I got the mission, warzones from time to time, selling things on the Galactic Market, and space missions whenever I was in my ship and had the missions.
  18. If you want simplicity, go to WoW. From how this game is now, it shows that they do not want people to be as lazy as possible. If you do not want to bother needing to talk to people to do things and forming bonds you can use later in your experience, don't play a game that requires this. As for the servers, it is why I have stated several times in several different threads that all they need is server merging.
  19. No to the cross server garbage. Yes to the server merges.
  20. So clicking a button and having the game automatically put you into a group then instantly teleporting you to the entrance is not easier when compared to the other side which involves you actually talking with people and getting everyone to come to the entrance and making sure everyone is of the proper level, spec, gear, yourself? The current LFG tool that is already in the game is as much simplicity as you will get without the game doing all of those things for you without you needing to think.
  21. Was not aiming at you since you said you accept them. And I do not understand how that wasn't the norm when I did nothing special but do my missions and play the game. Even my friends were griping at how easy it is to get money in this game. The only other game I have played where stuff cost so much less compared to the amount of money you obtain is WoW. Every other MMO I have played, you have to work just as hard as this game if not harder. If you are trying to compare this to real life money, I have been called a Jew (jokingly) several times by friends because of how stingy I am with my money. I am the same way in games. Simply because I have 6 million credits does not mean I will easily spend 5,000 of it on extensions for my item bag.
  22. Why do we not want one? STAR WARS GALAXIES, that's why. Look at what happened with Star Wars Galaxies when they implemented things to for the ease of players. DESTROYED IT. Star Wars Galaxies is the biggest and most realistic example of why us people against a LFG tool are against it. Use to have to actually work for things in Star Wars Galaxies, then BOOM, simplicity. Oh, and by the way. STAR WARS GALAXIES. Have I mentioned how simplicity ruined Star Wars Galaxies yet? Oh, I have? Well I will say it again, "SIMPLICITY RUINED STAR WARS GALAXIES!!" All this game needs is server transfers and server merges.
  23. Game is exactly what I was waiting for. I just hope they follow the light side and do not give into the dark.
  24. I do not like doing daily grinds either. Did them in WoW and will never again. That does not mean I can not get the stuff you claim to not be able to. Getting 1 million credits is not a chore. I had that on my first character before I hit 40. The fact that stuff in this game, and any MMO for that matter, costs so much is because it is an MMO. This is not a game you are ment to play for a month or two and put down. This is a persistent world that you will be playing for a year plus, assuming you stay. If by the end of that first year you still do not have 1 million credits, you are doing something wrong. These items and legacy features are not ment to be things you acquire in a week. They are ment to be things that take you a few weeks or months to obtain. This is why there is no argument. If you are tired of grinding to get money to buy something, stop grinding for it. Just play the game and buy it when you eventually do get the money. If you want it right now, then grind and stop complaining.
  25. If you think that EVE and FFXI were not and are not competitors, you need to check your head. Both of those games are still going strong in the industry and have more things that are standard in the industry. Simply because one game did it and then everyone likes it so people simply try and copy-paste it into their games does not make it standard at all. Standard things for an MMO are things like servers, persistent world, levels (in some way, shape, or form), chat, etc. Small things like this. Take FPSs for an example. Simply because many FPSs have a rebounding health meter now does not at all mean that is standard in the genre. It just means many developers use that while some still use a health bar. The only things that are standard in a genre are what make those genres different from each other. What developers choose to add to the game inside that genre is not standard, it is just that game doing it and anyone who wishes to copy it. You can call me wrong all you want, but the fact that this is the truth proves you incorrect in that assumption.
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