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Posts posted by MuNieK

  1. Are you going to fix (remove or make toggleable) camera movement smoothing and auto-cetner-behind? A lot of dedicated players hate any mouse movement smoothing and auto-center-back simply disables us from looking freely around while traveling. Those both features alsodisencourage players to have eyes around their heads cause its huge discomfort. Those 2 features also removes the full controll over camera and its uncomfortable and might be very frustrating.
  2. At least the lightsaber wielding companions... It looks just wrong when my companion runs around with her ligthsaber turned on, ready to attack, when there are no enemies around...


    Maybe the easiest way to do that would be to just make them copy master's stance. If player have sheathed weapon, so will companions and if player unsheath weapon, so will companion?


    edit: sorry, seems its just a bug that happens when i change the companion's battle stance...

    edit2: or not... it happens frequently...

    edit3: it happens also when changing zones, after loading screens... she will remain with lightsaber turned ON untill i find enemy, start and finish battle :/ Thatrs disturbing.

  3. The camera movement smoothing just disallows me to enjoy the game... insetad of focusing on the game, lore, immersion, nice views of in-games zones im struggling with awkward camera smoothing and auto-follow :/ Camera movement smoothing in game is like adding unnecesary lag to it.... After each quick camera turn you need to first realise where are you looking now, and then make corrections to where you wanted to look, becouse the turn rate is not linear to mouse movement :/

    The only option is to move camera only slowly, when its neccesary and skip the free-look around you when you drive speeder or taxi... abandon pvp awaraness with having eyes around your head etc... Limit camera movement to minimum or become irritated by its mechanic.


    I have already re-subbed and there is still no hotfix for that even tho its just disabling part of the code - it doesnt require writing much of a new code - just a toggle.

  4. Never seen this before, and if I had to guess I'd bet on this being unintended. I'd suggest a bug report and/or making a new thread about this specifically.


    I have created thread for that but over-zeal moderators are over-zeal moderators...

  5. So basically open world pvp encounters can be 1+companion against 1 without companion? Just got ambushed by a dodger in open world who CCed my companion indefinitely till i killed this scum... I had to use my all cooldowns and medikit tho ... how fair it is?


    How come it doesnt suprise me that brilliant bioware developers forgot about such "irelevant" thing as difference between pvp and pve CC...


    In pvp CC no matter if its player or companion shouldnt last longer than 8 seconds. Otherwise your game is just a mockery of competetive pvp gameplay.


    Fix it, and do it yestarday already! This is just ridiculous and requires hotfix.

  6. It's not a very good argument to photoshop something to make it look silly so that the normal picture looks better by comparison.


    That's like me photoshopping an ogre's face onto a decent looking girl, then showing you the original picture and saying "Now tell me she's not good looking compared to the ogre face!!"




    Well if my goal would be to make you choose which one looks better then of course it would be invalid attempt. But my goal was not that... My goal was to show that raised shoulders have nothign to do with anger or hatred. They are related only to fear and cold - its defensive position.


    ANyway guys thanks for the food for thought :) It was pleasure. I believe no new counterargument gonna have place here tonight, so i will just leave you to post your list of worst animations in your opinion.

  7. Obviously this is your opinion. Many others in this thread have also said that the one on the right looks defeated/bad and that is their opinion.


    The problem is whenever anyone states that they do not like the one on the right and why they dont like it you have to respond back attempting to convince everyone that you are the only one who is right and that your depiction is the only one that looks good.


    If you cant take the fact that others think differently then you then maybe you need to get out of the house some and enjoy nature or something.


    I like discussing, especially at evening while drinking tea. And of course like everyone else i like being right. As long as i dont see any valid counterargument to my arguments i wont change mind just following the mass if thats what you propose :)


    How come my respond to people disagreeing with me, which is trying to convince them by providing constructive arguments might be bad in your opinion? Discussion is all about trading constructive arguments and counterarguments and finding the errors in one's thinking. Im doing all i can to show others' errors when i spot one, and as you can see im trying hard to make it as constructive as i can... providing analogies, pictures, examples.


    Im open for all arguments as you can see, and im ready to think them trough and provice counterargument. You on the other hand like plenty of others like to just say things like: "i dont agree with you, respect that" - ok, i respect that. Why do you feel need of posting it at all tho? Do you feel disrespected just becouse im defending my arguments in discussion with other people?

  8. It's a deflated pose, which makes him liook like he's given up.


    Does every person look deflated and given up for you if they dont hide head between raised shoulders?


    The one on the right looks depressed; I think he's contemplating suicide.


    On the second one, the one on the right already has the head being lowered inside raised shoulders. The one on the left looks like a bad photoshop taking raised shoulders to an odd extreme. All your analogy did was show that raised shoulders is fine.


    OMG... now the normall shoulder position looks like contemplating suicide? :D Where do you get it from people? :D


    The analogy picture obviously is exagorrated on purpose to show clearly that raised shoulders is not the thing that make people look non-given up nor defeated.

  9. true, but disagrement on opinons turned into debate and so on. I'm actually proud that for the most part no ones gotten nasty about it and kept it a lively debate. I guess trying to tell someone their opinion is wrong is just as bad as forcing an opinion on someone... or maybe its the same thing lol.


    Anyway I don't really have a worst animation. I love the seethe animation for inqs but 2 things about it bother me. 1 is that I can't turn in circles while doing it. I like using the arrow keys to look around while channeling instead of the mouse sometimes. Also once I wasusing seethe and my char walked off an elevator..-_-


    I'm assuming if u ere close to a mob u could aggro them by doing that too. If you were that close ayway.


    Yep, Seethe is the best animation i have seen in game. Well... its best idea for animation cause as i said the animation itself could use polish - but still, it looks cool. Another example of great animation is the warrior's "Ravage" (dont know if i write it correctly) - the sequence of 3 attacks. It seems fluid and flawless. :) The Inquisitor's channeled lightning looks good too.


    I believe the animations will get better - i have heard it was same with WoW, where animations evoluated with time. However i know that some bad animations remained there to this day and you cant say they are irrelevant, becouse thats the stuff used in "comparision" videos comparing games to each other.

    I woudlnt like to wait several years to see my character not look stupid and to be able to immerse in playing him. Same goes for inquisitor... the stiff hand casting animation broke my bubble when i was enjoying playing him.

  10. you havent provided counterarguments except that you disagree

    which is not proof, its just a difference of opinion


    Have you seen the analogy picture i have posted? Does the one on the right seems tranquile and at peace? If not, then the argument about "lowered shoulders = tranquility" HAVE been succesfully proven wrong. If you say the cover of "force unleashed" pictures tranquility then what can i say to you? :D I wont discuss with you that matter anymore.

  11. Part of that second fact is merely opnion. As for the third fact, my reasoning hasn't been successfully proven wrong yet, unless you're referring to the nose picking thing which is a ridiculous what if scenario which proves nada.



    Srry for typos using phone


    Still i would suggest replying on topic :) THat is posting list of yours "worst animations in swtor". You havent done that yet. If you want to avoid mentioning "channel hatred" tho, you can at least make a list of best animations in your taste.


    So the pic comparison is subjective...completely dependent on the persons taste.


    The thread is based on personal taste... but strangely everyone defend the animation i have mentioned insetad of listing the worst ones for their taste... maybe they dont care about animations anyway, and just dont want that issue's fix to postpone their anticipated fixes? hmm? :)

  12. you are entitled to your opinion, but must realize that your opinion is just one drop in the bucket of a couple million other users (dont know exact subscriber number)

    if you had found a sub-community that agreed with you opinion then you would have a valid case, but as very few people have agreed with you, you need to entertain the idea that you are



    IMO the sith warrior is channeling his hatred as if he was about to scream obsenities at a particularly frustrating issue

    i have thrown my hands in the air in frustration/disgust and so i can relate to a SW using such feelings to connect to the dark side and regain health


    1st Fact: constructive arguments and their weight is what matters, not the amount of people saying "no"

    2nd fact: so far only handfull of people wrote in this thread, some agreed its awkward, others say its not a big issue or its not an issue at all - that doesnt mean most player think its not an issue, just people writing on forums, and those usually follow their agenda to lowering the perceived importance of problems that are not the problems they think that are most important problems in the game.

    3rd fact: so far only one or two posts defending the current "channel hatred" were decent attempts of constructive argumentation (the ones about relaxation, tranquility and anger), however they were prooved wrong by counterarguments which weight were not yet denied.





    i suggest going back on topic for a change and post your list of worst animations in game. becouse so far you are in position like: "all animations are equally cool" or "all animations are equally bad", are you not?

  13. Here is the analogy:



    If you still think that unnaturally raised shoulders are the reason why this person seems furious, then im affraid we have nothing to talk about with each other.


    I didnt mean to be disrespectfull towards anyone, but the current channel hatred is indeed as other person already mentioned more accurate for a toilet situation.

  14. if one person sees an issue that nobody else sees, that doesnt mean he(or she) is right (or wrong)

    it just means that they see something different


    also, if it pains you so much to look at, look away whilst your warrior is channeling his hatred

    dont whine about something that annoys you, when you can take steps to avoid that annoyance at no detriment/risk to yourself


    I dont know how about you, but im writing on forums, giving my constructive feedback, hoping to contribute into game's development, to become better. You on the other hand seems to write to encourage stagnation just becouse some issue is not an issue for you.

  15. Where do you see mystical force powers surging through a persons body whilethey try to harness it? Comparing this to real life photos is silly. Tbeyre portraying an evil force user. Its pretty understandable


    So raising one leg behind him and jumping on the other one and putting finger in his nose while force sensitive imaginated character is "channeling hatred" would make sense too just becouse its not real life?

  16. now imagine how stupid it would look for every sith warrior to throw a temper tantrum every time they needed to heal up


    I dont think it would be really hard... to make it more stupid than it is atm.


    ...on second thought.... just let someone randomly move limbs of character model and stupid look might be not that hard to achieve. But it woudlnt be much different from the current one in terms of ridiculous look.


    If i would be the one making decisions i would stick all jedi classes to meditation animation (dont know how the recovery looks like on those classes tho) and all sith to current inquisitor's recovery animation, inseatd of trying to make it different and ending up with current "channel hatred" stiff, unnaturall, awkward pose...


    btw. the inquisitor's recovery leaves a room for polishing aswell, but its nothing compared to warrior's one...


    While we are at inquisitor, i would also like ot point attention to one of his casting animation... the spell that is being casted for a while and have no cooldown "lightnig something"... where inquisitor pull up stiff hand in the air and freezes like that with lightinign walking trough his hand. Its so half-baked...

  17. rightly noted


    pvp 1-49 is what needs to be competitve and if its not then the game is broken and has no competetive value

    ... good call


    You are loosing point in your own sarcastic way of thinking. Let me guide you a bit:


    Point is to fix broken things that would make game better. If it doesnt require a lot of work and doesnt pull more problems with its implementation it should be a priority fix. Changing companions character attribute to the same as players have when confronted with CC mechanic doesnt require a lot fo work and doesnt pull any problems with its implementation. Yet you just love to use sarcasm cause it makes people look smarter. Be my guest.

  18. well lets flip this on the OP

    what do YOU do when you are angry?

    and not cold, calculating sith inquistor angry

    but uncontrollable rage angry?


    Point is when such uncontrollable rage happens, no human being would stand in place like that. Furious person tends to hit and destroy things.


    However its not called "express rage" but "channel hatred"...


    "Channeling hatred" is hardly a manifestation of hatred.


    I imagine that channeling hatred would rather be acompanied with focus, intense breathing and arms-hands (not shoulders, not feets, not tongue) muscles including clunched fists. Covering head between raised shoulders is nothing related to channeling hatred, let alone manifesatet rage.


    What i would do if i woudlnt be able to controll anger and rage? Propably this:



    still... no covering head between shoulders.

  19. Actually, it's a pretty common involuntary response.


    hehe well... looks like nothing gonna suprise me from now on... :)




    There is nothing wrong with the animation. Sith Warriors are masters of constipation. Everyone knows this.


    Working as intended. The sith warrior always leaves his coat hanger inside the robes.


    How come only those 2 people so far see the awkwardness for what it is? :D

    I admit i work with graphics and draw a bit so it might be my deviation to pay attention to such "details", but i would let someone cut my hand if whats seen on that picture is a detail...

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