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Posts posted by MuNieK

  1. Still waiting. Subscription and login boycott started. SWTOR is not the only game out there and if you Bioware feel like you can earn money only at diehards that will never quit no matter what, then good luck. Share the fate of Warhammer Online. Maybe when it will be free to play you will have viable playerbase... or not. Game requirements are to high for free2play players to enjoy :D



    Im simply joining author of this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCQvecoo2O0&feature=related

    Those bugs drains all the fun of playing the game so there is no point in playing it in current shape. I refuse to pay monthly subscription for beta testing and crew missions.


    Fix camera, fix targeting.

  2. Much bigger issue than the camera on auto follow.


    Rather lets agree that all 3 issues are huge issues with camera, some people find one of those three bigger issue than rest, but they are all great frustration factors. That only proofs camera was designed by non-player or console-player where camera is forced by software and not 100% controllable by players as it is in PC games.


    We - dedicated PC players prefer to have controll and value it more than cinematic and visual aspects of the game... So please Bioware cut out that bu#!%#&@ or im moving to competition.

  3. Sorely disapointed by lack of fix of this camera junk in yestarday's patch... Feel free to check my game time Bioware, i find myself playing swtor less and less becouse of that. Propably wont extend my subscription, if you dont give a damn about fixing little thing that would make our gameplay so much better. All we ask for is a toggle or removal of this bad code. How hard can it be?
  4. Yeah leveling is to quick... Hate dropping story so im bound to grey-green quests all the way... and no room for space combat or pvp, cause they would make 60% grey questing a 100% grey questing for me... I made mistake to get hooked by space missions and flashpoints when i first had them... and then when i went back to questing nothing gives me experience and no loot drops for me i could use...
  5. I hope you're not trolling us.


    I'm a true neutral in all games, if i try to roleplay myself. However, i already have enough

    of me so i usually create a character and make a personallity for him. Light side, Dark side, all the same. I very rarely feel guilt for creating a darker choice, but it does happen sometimes.


    In general, i will say that most Sith/OMG IM SO DARK PEOPLE are brats and kids who just want be evuuuuul. Which is fine, Star Wars is for the lolz anyway.


    I don't get how you can take a game/saga so serious. And i'm a roleplayer, so that's saying something.


    funny, you sound like a kid yourself :)

  6. philosophy of sith is not really "evil"... "evil is relative term. The silly sadistic options in dialogues are just missplaced. Sith =/= sadists.


    The essence of the sith philosophy for me is: People are not equal, and by the very nature of things, weak shall serve the strong - not drag them down to mediocrity.


    I wholeheartly agree with that philosophy. :) Socialism makes me work for weak. It is my ball with chain that holds me down. However i dislike needless cruelity which woudlnt profit me anyhow. Its sad that empire dialogues are kind of "take away the candy from children: +50 dark side points".


    I hope we will get some rewards with requirement: "not more than light level II and not more than dark level II" etc... for all the non-saint and non-sadists.

  7. Bioware needs to play Champions Online. It's not a great MMO at it's meatiest but they can a learn a thing or two about UI custom configurations (Create a character code is gdlk too).


    Specifically speaking their tab targeting is gdlk you have like dozen different tab targeting options. You can select it to tab target center, center right, center left or simply the closest person or farthers person. Then you can choose the order from farthest to closest, then from left to right. So your tab-targeting works the way you want.


    It's actually a fun game it just does'nt have enough for hardcore and is too easy. PvP is great though due to no real restrictions on skill respecs (pay monlthy only) and selecting powers and it's free to play. Try it and play with their tab-targeting I think everyone should vouch for this system cuz it solves everyones problem reguarding tab targeting.


    I like the idea of such a nice complex way of tailoring your own tab targeting functionality. But im affraid such a giant, multiminionaire company wont afford programmer who could code it for us :(

  8. That will never happen for a couple of reasons:

    - a PC isn't a console, and even consoles do alot loading on demand. Your system resources are shared with other processes running concurrently.

    - Game resources are not finite. As development goes on there will be more content i.e. more different types of resources to load. The game currently stores around 20 GB of compressed data on hard disk. Decompressing them may work on a big system on a system with less amount than required memory it would cause alot of issues. (Slowdowns being one of them).

    - Memory fragmentation: But this is a deeper one, could be mitigated but would still cause a massive footprint. It's also more techy and I just mentioned for the sake of adding it to the list of things.

    - Inefficiency: You may be loading data which may or may never be used at all thus unnecessarily causing memory to be eaten away.

    - Address range: As indicated there is a limited for what a 32 bit system can actually address, even though you could work around that you would be doing so at expense of performance.

    - Loading time: as strange as it may sound by distributing the loading time depending on demand they actually shorten the time actually needed to wait.


    It is not an uncommon phenomenon for a game to do on-demand loading on the fly. It's just some over-analytical people seeing more things than there are. Even if they allow more data to be kept in memory for a while they will still continue to dynamically load data from your hard disk.


    In short going from one extreme to another is not necessarily the best solution.


    You have lost yourself in your harangue i believe.... There are loading screens for a reason, zones are divided for a reason too, and in none of those zones there is more resources than could be putted on electronic memory. Players could still be loaded on demand, but still, there are tools like preloading which loads the stuff without holding the game in wait for it to finish...

  9. Idea is kind of good, but the idea of having "3 tanks " and etc seems like a PvP raid encounter. PvP needs to focus less on group roles, but gives the freedom of actually participating and not have to worry about being the right spec.


    In my opinion, I'd like to see a old school (now bear with me) Alterac Valley. Just forty people rushing head-into enemy bases and killing the opposing faction's leader. I no longer play wow, but that was my favorite BG. Besides who wants another "Capture the flag" since we got Huttball, or "Hold the nodes" Aldaraan Civil War?


    Old AV wasnt about people rushing into enemy bases... thats the new "AV"... Classic AV was about forever moving frontlines back and forth for 3 days :D

  10. I have 8 gb ram. This wont make a difference.

    Also i surprised that people are finally realizing that the problem is the game, Not the PC.


    Because if this was 45 days ago. you'd get flamed.


    This game made me buy new, high-end pc on i5 2500k and it still stutters and drops fps pretty often... not to mention that all my PC coolers acts like jet engine while playing swtor. Dont know whos responsible for that decision, but person who decided to buy this lackluster engine for so expensive production should be fired at once... bah half of the developers should share his fate for not opening bosses' eyes and showing how bad decision it is.


    BF3 is running smoother and lets not get to comparing visuals here lol :D

  11. INdeed game doesnt utilise RAM and cause high-end PCs to suffer from HDD limited speed :/ After loading screen nothing should be loaded! Everything from current zone should be stored in electronic memory, not mechanical... 8gb atm is standard, and already plenty of people have 12 or more.


    I have even moved the DiskCacheArena file of swtor to be writen on ramdrive but it wont utilise more than 1gb...


    So Bioware creates game that requires top high-end CPUs but forgot that such CPUs are usually in rigs with huge amount of ram to utilise? It looks like 50 companies were doing single game and coudlnt cooperate with one another.

  12. It would be just awesome to have public multiplayer battles that constantly rages on the galaxy map and where you could join withyour ship at any time.


    They could work like the Warhammer Online's public quests:

    1. You can join at any given time to current stage

    2. At the end of the final battle stage system counts the particular players' contribution and then rolls to add little luck factor aswell and then provides rewards according to the place on the list each player gets.

    3. After completing final stage battle ends and is available again on galaxy map shortly.


    Such multiplayer space battles would be just awesome.


    PvP battles could work similiar way. Defenders would also have their NPC objectives (attacking players for example would be backed up by destroyers etc). And from time to time each attacker would get defender in his view to fire upon and viceversa. It could work even on rails as it is now :)

  13. the key would be to have it randomised with only constant factors that would be those ranodmly selected persons/groups' traits But player would still have to read the status of mission, think about the noted people in description, and make a decision based on his knowledge, memory, logic.


    Some decisions could lead to very long chains of steps... Like 5-7 steps and reward would then be much greater than 1-3 step ones. :)


    There could also be implemented dark/light side points in some decisions.


    Each companion would also have strong and weak points, including specialisation in some options (like slicing) etc.. :)


    Damn i would love it :)

  14. I would love to see crafting system that would force player to make decisions and kind of "play" the missions themselfs and to think each time he sends companion on mission, inseatd of having automated boring sequences with a png and static text cover.


    SO i have created a sugestion for Bioware to implement interesting crew missions mechanics. Here is the example:




    The situations (lets call them crew mission flashpoints) would be randomised each time. So in each of plenty fo scenarios for each step mr.X and mr.Y would get swapped places in description and randomised names. :)


    And for mr.Y and X could be plenty of different options with different values on them... for example when at mr.X will roll in name: "Mandalorian Veteran" it will be risky to use "brute force" on him etc...


    And its important to not show difficulties, but to make people think and plan. Then the missions will be more meaningfull and an interesting minigame itself.


    To recompensate the loss for the lazy players who just want easy way to get resources, the succesfull, multistep missions would bring a lot more of resources than current ones.

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