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Posts posted by MuNieK

  1. If you don't like huttball join the lower populated faction of your servers. I for one get huttball once every 10 or more matches, wish I pick to queue only for huttball.


    You overlook one of my arguments: immersion. I play swtor to get immersed. And im more of a Sith than a Jedi - it would be hard for me to get immersed with a repubic character.

    If i would care only about combat mechanics (which are also very important for me) i would stick with WoW. Im just not immersed in that realm anymore, so i switched to Star Wars universe which i love.... just to play american football mutation >.<


    Huttball should be an optional thing for players who want to play american football mutation. I want to pvp the way its meant to be: republic vs empire. Huttball is not warzone, its a sport arena. So it shoudlnt be mixed together.

  2. Not everyone is american football fan and american football for many of us is just not the thing that sith and jedi should do... This is breaking the immersion. I just cant find any good reason why sith inquisitor would like to play football >.< - like there is not enough of jedi to eliminate out there and battlefields to fight on...


    At least give it as a special option to check/uncheck while signing up for warzones. I just dont want to be there. Landing on that area kills a sith in me. When there will be really little of sith in me left i will have no need of playing this game anymore. :(

  3. NoxiousAlby,


    since you really fail to understund, and my reply was taken as "rude" even tho imo you failed to provoke me to be rude i will explain it to you differently. Cant expect everyone to simply understund simple sentences, can I?


    Here i go:

    "We" in this thread applies to everyone who is being disturbed by those awkward features.


    Is it more clear for you now? Can you comprehend? :rolleyes:


    Even if you still dont comprehend, no - i will not change "we" for "I" just cause its to hard lecture for you.



    There you go again,


    "every decent player", "bugged, broken, idiotic feature"


    Actually my opinion is as relevant as yours, truth is if this is the greatest complaint you have in the game then BW must be doing a pretty good job.


    No, its just feature that can be fixed quickest and with least effort, due to just removing unneccesary, problematic code (auto-follow and smoothing). I didnt expect you to comprehend that so you can just move along to some other thread in search of something easier to understund. Sorry.

  4. Are you testing players patience? How long it might take to fix freaking camera in game?


    1. turn off camera auto-follow which makes us loose controll of what we see and what we want to see. It basically steals controll from player for absolutely no freaking reason, renders mouseovering/targetting on the move anything that is not in front of us impossible, missplace mice on mousepads and succesfully disorient players for a brief moment.


    2. disable camera movement smoothing. This stuff is like implementing hotbar auto-hide feature... It might look nice, but its a horrid idea in practise. Camera movement smoothing puts a barrier between player controll and the game. There is a reason why old school, great players will call mouse smoothing a sacrilege, Bioware... >.< I thought to be a game developer you should be player aswell - seems i have been wrong.

    + this camera smoothing causing wierd, awkward, camera bug , which randomly change its facing for no reason to some random point also succesfully disorienting players and make the struggle for camera controll continue...



    Controll over camera should be solid, comfortable, simple. Stop reinventing the wheel cause it doesnt ends well. And if you feel creative and cant resist, then fix the stif animations like inquisitor's lighting strike casting animation or sith warrior's channel hatred animation... And if you will feel the energy still bursting out of you, then double check if your voiceovers are properly placed, cause i have seen a male Zabrak on the Empire Fleet that have female voice... Thank you.



    new bug reproduction video:


  5. It is as repulsively crude as the sith warrior's rest ability called "channel hatred"... Can we have it changed to some real animation that isnt so stiff?


    While we are at this casting animation improvement i would suggest as well giving several different animations played in random order so spamming that ability wont look so crude and robotic. We are preparing freaking spell of the dark force, not selling tickets. It should look at least bit intimidating and alive.

  6. Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, rediculous.


    Haha, this is the perfect picture of current targeting in SWTOR. Maybe little addition:


    "Its like trying to click on a piece of paper turned sideways, or pressing TAB to roll the dice with hope of winning the selectin of desired target."


    Allow the ability to target NAMEPLATES as well!!


    Easy bro... The person working on targeting is yet at the phase of learning how to do mouse and TAB targeting correctly and you already ask for nameplates...

  7. Yeah it's a problem. Can they fix it? Shouldn't kinda like weight itself upon tab? Something like closest then next near based on sight? I don't know, but that's one thing I want from WoW. The targeting system.


    Blizzard got it right with targetting indeed.


    1. characters are selected on button press - it coudlnt be easier to target by mouse this way

    2. characters have extended areas on which they can be "clicked" and selected (not just their models are interactive, but an area around them aswell

    3. they have close to perfect tab-targetting, seelcting targets under a cone area in the center of the screen.


    This way while playing their game people are not struggling with stupid interface/targetting flaws and are allowed to simply play the game and struggle with enemies, not the game interface and targeting mechanics.

  8. Aside from OP's qq, i really have to agree with the reinventing the wheel comment. Its absurd that TOR wasn't released as a functioning MMO on par with the current market.


    Sorry? You misjudge unconstructible complaining with constructible critic backed up by analysis of the problem, pinpointing the very reason of why its not working properly.

    Just becouse im not using some fluent political language and replace it with simple, crude but true naming like "horrible" or "incompetent" doesnt change the fact it should serve its purpose.

    If i would say "developer who is not yet a flawless diamond in his proffesion" insetad of "incompetent" and "bit imperfect feature" instead of "horrible feature", would it make it look more constructive to you? :D Dont be silly.

  9. Today first time i have played Warzone with one of the top CPUs out there so i have eliminated the low fps factor which pleases me very much. That however allowed me to check whats exactly so uncomfortable with swtor targeting system excluding of course broken tab-targeting mentioned here:



    While tab-targeting is totally useless in current form (explanation in the thread mentioned above) we are forced to click for our targets, and here comes another failure of developer(s) responsible for this...

    Its the exact same broken targeting system i have noticed in warhammer online before i quitted it. It have 2 major flaws:


    1. It select target at mouse button 'release', insetad of mouse button 'press' action. That creates problems when targets are fighting with each other or just moving. Becouse you need to click on target and release button also on target - you must catch the target the way that it stays on those very pixels while you press and release the button... Plenty fo times you have really little frames range within a second to do that correctly, and it ends up with spamming the button in hope it will finally select the freaking target in time.


    2. Targets dont have their selectable area extended to be easily clickable, so when you try to target skinny target in the distance you must click exactly at their body, or it will not select it.


    Some developers never learn from others example... They will insist of reinveting the wheel or they are just incapable of comprehending basic things - or the third option: they never played similiar games they are now working on and force players that buys that game to go trough all the horrible, uncomfortable feature for the time the developer is learning how to create features properly


    Bioware, why? Why do we need to endure particular devs' incompetence? Are we test subjects and teachers for some developers you are hiring and we pay them for their learning? I thought we are paying so you can hire the best and most competent developers that knows how to do things the best possible way, insetad of cutting corners and learning on players expense.

  10. Can someone give me the info how can i disable this camera the hard way? Seems developers dont give a damn what is troubling the players, so players should care about themselfs.


    If someone would have any way how to disable this most frustrating and irritating hardcored game feature i would appreciate it... I hate when game forces me to watch some direction when im trying to immerse myself. Now insetad of immersing into the story and questing i keep struggling with freaking game controls (which is this forced camera movement whenever i release lm button).



    at to this random camera degree change that happens in random moments (camera randomly turns into random other direction) and you have totally game-braking, immersion-braking, lame camera system in game for how much? 150 millions $ ? Joke...

  11. No.

    It requires much more work to be worth the money we paid for. Definitely doesnt look like 150 million dollar game. Interface is like 7years old WoWs interface without addons + its bugged. Performance is terrible as for the visual side of the game. Character customisation is a joke I could go on. They even forget about chat bubbles to make communication more viable.

  12. What i find most repulsive is that each of the available hairstyle is taken from some sub-culture/culture... there is no casual hairstyles other than the hair-gel ones and the british knight "pretty boy" model... which arent casuall after all... They should add more casual ones or majority of male characters in game will remain looking like a skinheads...


    Same with body models: 4 options:


    - ultra skinny beyond measures gnome

    - skinny beyond measures

    - athlete

    - fat mcdonald kid


    Where are casual models?! What is this politic Bioware? "Lets include all kind of wierd stuff in the game so everyone will find their favorite" aproach?? This is terrible.


    I'm not certain which hear style you're after, could we have an example?


    Give me an example of 1 that look casual and doesnt fit to sub-culture/culture i have mentioned.

  13. All the male characters' hairs in this game are so repulsive that going with bald character is almost always the only choice for anyone that is not representant of emo, rasta, hair gel's enthusiast group. The other option is the black raper's hairstyle or a britich lancelot "pretty boy" hairstyle...


    I would like to see how many characters made by players so far are bald. And how many players that didnt choose the bald option are happy with their character's hairstyle... I found them all pretty disturbing.

  14. you can never please a person that dont know what he/she wants. thats for sure.

    I dont see people complaining that they have spaceship interior, bridge and galaxy map inseatd of skill/ability "space travel" that instantly ports there...


    Computer games are about immersion (at least -rpg- games family), if you disagree i would suggest visiting a psychologist or seek help somewhere else.


    Trolling suggestion threads with comments like: "oh but if they would implement cool, immersive realistic mechanic x, then it would be harder for me to play, watch tv and eat at same time!" is just sad.

  15. Without chat bubbles /say messages are just waste of keyboard and time. People you would like to notice you poking them while passing by will propably not notice you have said anything.


    Even whispers are hard to see, cause they dont give any sound alert at all... Who made that features? Incompetence at its peek.


    So far bioware the social aspect of your new MMO is not bad... its terrible. Everything around disaencourage me to interact with other players. Only interaction is the global channel while on the fleet to watch the trolling or join flashpoint groups.


    This is diseaster.... How much it costed? 30 millions dollars? 3 millions? my a55..... Voice acting cant be THAT expensive, and other than voice acting game is clunky low-grade mmo made by people who dont even realise why all other mmos have chat bubbles in game...



    even quests' scenes on 3rd planet begins to be not so interesting and are simply predictable... Im loosing my enthusiasm toward this game. And im only 29 lvl.

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