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Posts posted by MuNieK

  1. The raised shoulders- Tenseness, or aggression

    Lowered shoulders- Tranquility, calm


    haha, where did you got that revelation from? :D Never seen a person looking like a ticking bomb? DO you think he covers his head between his raised shoulders? I find it hard to recall any angry person doing that... can you? Plz do google that example and post link to such picture. Cause its very curious what you are saying about relations of tranquility and agression to shoulder sposition....

  2. I actually see raised shoulders as a sign of tenseness- the relaxed shoulders show tranquility.


    You tense muscles when you're angry/stressed, and relax muscles when calm, typically.


    Also, the raised shoulders can be a sign of aggression, making you look bigger.


    But you dont raise one leg in the air when you are angry, even tho its muscles' tension... Noone raises shoulder while angry... Show me one naturally looking photo from google where angry person covers his head between his raised shoulders if you really want to defend your point with some meaningfull arguments.

  3. Yup. The right one doesn't look sith at all. Infact if anything it looks more jedi.


    Jedi's don't feed off emotion. Sith do. Makes perfect sense and looks good.


    How come raised shoulders - pose person do when its cold around have anythign to do with feeding off emotion? The only emotion shoulders raised this way shows is desperation of not loosing to much heat. The other translation of that body language would be covering head in fear.

  4. An animation is moving- not a still picture. You judge an animation on its fluidity- not one strangulated screenshot.


    Maybe you meant modeling? Or just grasping at straws again?


    Hehe actually this is it... the whole animation of channel hatred is this still pose and some particle effects around the hands. There is no fluidity to be find in that animation mate :)


    Sorry i dont get the idiom about straws, im not from your culture.

  5. Hello.


    This is the Example of horrid animation and its alternative


    edit: And here is the analogy.


    Can you tell me how that passed torugh director of the team responsible for character animations?


    On the left is in-game actuall animation, and on the right is quickly photoshoped example of how small effort was needed to make it look acceptable... Those shoulders have to lowered... its just mockery of sith warriors... While fixing it i would laso rotate head so he would be facing higher... kind of feeling delight of the channeled hatred, inseatd of current pose like he is about to ragequit the game and scream like a girl.


    Feel free to post your candidates for "The worst character animation in swtor" in the replies.

  6. You won what was essentially a 2v1 match and you are complaining that the loser is OP? Lewl!


    You somehow missed the fact that i had to use all my cooldowns, including the 10 minutes one and medikit... Which by smart person automatically means: next encounter with same person would be 100% loose. But i cant expect everyone to be smart, right? :)



    To the other poster:

    Just becouse Ilum have rewards, it doesnt mean that PvP in open world on PVP server should be broken. And no, your clueless, ignorant comments wont change the fact its broken and HAVE to be fixed. You dont see the need, sorry i dont think anything is able to cast some light on that problem for you. You are int he dark mate.

  7. You kidding me Bioware? So basically open world pvp encounters can be 1+companion against 1 without companion? Just got ambushed by a dodger in open world who CCed my companion indefinitely till i killed this scum... I had to use my all cooldowns and medikit tho ... how fair it is?


    How come it doesnt suprise me that brilliant bioware developers forgot about such "irelevant" thing as difference between pvp and pve CC...


    In pvp CC no matter if its player or companion shouldnt last longer than 8 seconds. Otherwise your game is just a mockery of competetive pvp gameplay.


    Fix it, and do it yestarday already! This is just ridiculous and requires hotfix.

  8. My Trooper is a Dark V, I have kill a senator in front of all other Senator... But the army still believe I am worth keeping in??? WHY?


    It will be fun to get a changing faction but keep the animation of the old class... Like your a soldier, you fight like a soldier... Not like a mercenary. But when you try to get new skill, you get those of a trooper on the mercenary or what ever is the mirror class.


    Yeah, you would simply become empire trooper :) That thing could add another dimension to game... like "prestige classes", where you have to ding to 50, fill up the other aligment points, become outcast, earn trust of opposing faction and finally get prestige class.

  9. I support faction swapping.


    However, I suggest that if they do it. Make it like it was in EverQuest 2. To betray your city you had to do a set of grueling quests to get the "connections" to join the other city. But even after you betray your city, you dont get to march right up to the other sides gates.


    You had to earn faction with the other side, thus making you kill on sight to both sides. This could also inadvertantly add in the "Third Faction" that would mostly be underground. However the problem with this, is that the "Third Faction" per say, would not have a place to go for a short while as neither would be allowed onto either space station.


    Wow, i love the idea of first betraying one faction, and then being hostile to both factions, and then being given a chance to earn respect of either faction by doing long series of quests.


    So you could: betray empire, and then be hostile to both empire and republic, and then you can reconsider and earn respect of empire again or earn respect fo republic and finally join them.


    I love this idea mate!


    That would even sort out any fears of people doing it to often... While being hostile to both factions you would naturally have no access to operations and warzones :) That would be the price you pay for faction switching... like several days of being an outcast :)

  10. City of Heroes allows you to fully switch from being a Hero -> Vigilante (half way mark) -> Villain... and if you wanted to go full circle -> Rogue (half way mark) -> back to Hero. You only have access to your own faction’s zone as a Hero or Villain. You get access to both factions as a Rogue or Vigilante, but you’re still considered a (Villain / Hero) respectively for purposes of being attacked. In TOR terms, if you were a “half way point” Sith Light 5, you could go on Tython, but be careful. They still shoot at you. Once you flip sides, you’re a Sith Warrior, Light 5, that can go to Tython, but loses access to Korriban, and so on…


    Lore wise, I don't see Empire / Republic as being soulbound, permanent until death thing. As someone said above, exactly, it's a country. A country you were born in. That’s it. Not necessarily the one you have to STAY in. Today I'm helping Country A. Next Year, I'm helping Country B. Makes me fickle, but it can happen.


    Only downside of the CoH way (for me) = it's a little fast. It takes 2 Real Life Days (capped at 5 Alignment missions per day, takes 10 to switch) per step i.e. 4 days to fully switch from Hero to Villain (Hero, Vigilante, Villain). 8 days for a full circle (Hero, Vigilante, Villain, Rogue, Hero). I'd have done the same number but in weeks, personally. Game time is faster that RL time, but going from saving cops to killing them in 4 RL days, is a bit fast for me.


    Good fiinding of such mechanic already in game.


    I also think it shouldnt be quick. From 1 end to opposite end it should take like 2 weeks to be able to succesfully change aligment. ANd it shouldnt be limited. There is no point in limiting that. The only rule should be: character must be lvl 50 and have completed whole storyline - so people dont switch in the middle of their class storyline.

  11. Give me one smart argument against companion autolooting corpses when battle ends, allowing you to watch map/move towards next enemies/goals while companion takes care of loot.


    The sarcastic replies proofs all you can do is being cynical and sarcastic without any ability of thinking about something becouse of your max 2sec attention span. Insetad of thinking about real arguments you automatically start looking for pseudo-intellectual, sarcastic replies to achieve applaud of ones like you. :)

  12. We have the option to send companion to gather resources, but we cant make them loot corpses? :/

    WHy not? It would be awesome cool, if masters woudlnt have to loot corpses and leave that to companions/servants.


    Dont get me wrong. I love the AoE looting, but still, why not going further and making it even more comfortable? Looting corpses isnt any vital challenging part of the game anyway... is it?

  13. I hope they never allow that because it doesn't make sense to me.


    Your faction is your country, just because you disagree how it's ruled you don't change of nationality.


    A Dark Side Republic character is not against the Republic as a Light Side Imp is not against the Empire.


    You get it wrong... Republic and Empire are the ideals. Just becouse you are born inside Empire or Republic area of influence or at neither of it, you are not bound to like or dislike either of it. I would like to see betrayal as an option. Being a real sith or real jedi etc. would have a meaning then. Its just repuslive to watch jedis with red sabers. Just let them go to Empire. I would gladly follow Revan's footprints.

  14. While I do agree it is weird seeing people who are Dark V on Jedi and Light V on sith... to me it would make sense to allow the fully maxed dark/light players to swap sides. I don't think you should be able to swap back and forth... if you swap it should be permanent or paid for to change back (one free swap)


    Lets say... I want a purple saber... but for some reason they are Sith inquisitor only... I could go light and end up on the Republic (Rebel) side with my friends...


    Side note: that would alleviate all pvp matches being 5 Sorcerers, 2 BH and one agent looting doors stealthed... just sayin


    After a thought there is no reason even for time limit, let alone number of swaps limit... Think about changing from max light to max dark... it takes a while and lot of effort :)

  15. I think it would be so cool and non-linear for people to be able to change faction in game by doing an optional quest that becomes available when you for example gains minimum DARK III (for jedi) and LIGHT III (for sith).


    It would add a spin for sure. Think that your republic/empire friend betrays and change his allegiance :)


    There could be a time cooldown for such allegiance swap quests - lets say 1 per 2 months per character.


    Why not having option Revan had :)

  16. What? Not having enough room makes someone bad, that's a new one.


    Its not new :) Trolling is almost as old as Internet. While talking about room and space, i would like to fit more windowses on my screen... for example a spaceship upgrade vendor, inventory and spaceship equipment... atm 3rd window opened closes the other window(s)

  17. Better than having more action bars I'd rather have less abilities to cram in the screen's real estate. This can be done by consolidating abilities and effects so one ability can do the job of three existing ones. I'd like to see my character or environment in combat, not a billion icons in the bottom of the screen like some sort of "Cooldown Tetris."




    I have also thought about that very solution... One ability could have 2-3 different outcome when meeting specific conditions... Throwing it raw like that on players to struggle with is just silly, especially when we dont have macros to deal with it. We dont want to play piano, nor cooldown tetris - we want to play engaging skill-based, reflex and awaraness rewarding game.


    Why having ability that may be used only when target is immobilised and another to be used only when target is stunned and 3rd to use all the time? Combine it and make it check for target condition and then have 1st, 2nd or 3rd outcome... Comfort is something you want to give your players if you want them to stick around.

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