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Everything posted by -Wes-

  1. 1. The update is ~2.4GB. If you're showing that much data, you must be downloading more than just the 2.0 expansion. 2. Agreed with others regarding the lost abilities - they weren't vital, but they were a whole lot of fun. I used Tumult every time it was available. Some of the other ability adjustments, such as Low Strike, losing their damage while retaining stun.... Huh? How could something get struck with a light saber and not suffer some damage!? Sad. 3. The achievement system looks to be very well done. I like that you can gain cartel coins through this mechanism (allows a non-monetary approach to gain modest amounts of coins), and also that it encourages thoroughness for those of us who like the immersion of the worlds and the stories. 4. Overall, I think the simplification of commendations will work out well, but OH, what a painful transition!!!! We literally received a pittance for our existing commendations. A useless, infuriating pittance. Had I any clue just how badly this new system would fleece the old commendations on hand, I would have found occasion to use them post-haste. Worst of all, I had recently achieved level 50 and received my "reward mission" for Tionese commendation gear on Monday. I had the comms, but hadn't committed them yet in order to do a little research. Bad move on my part, because any chance to get decent gear is now G-O-N-E, and after all that time spent to get to this level in the first place. 5. Non-early access folks: Yes, you can gain more XP, but only enough to take you to level 51. Also, surprise (for those at level 50)... you don't have any rested XP now, either. The final five levels, as well as access to 401-450 in the crew skills, is not available until Monday. A little perspective: That's less than six days away! From what I can see so far, I really like it. I lament what is lost and welcome what is gained. Kudos to Bioware's team!
  2. Over a short period of time, as you take missions, only the ones you don't take remain available. UT is definitely heavy on the companion gift (CG) missions (generally about 4 of the available missions are CG). You have two options - take the CG missions and use the rewards or sell them on the GTN (you can make some credits doing this, or at least recoup the credits invested), or wait until the missions reset. There are generally only one or two metal missions available on any given mission level at a time. Often, though, you will also have at least one luxury fabric mission available, and those, too, tend to sell for reasonable profit on the GTN.
  3. Hahaha; I'm sure you are not the only one! Out of curiosity, does anyone know what the size of the patch is? The last several have been relatively small (about ~120M each); what should we expect for this major revision?
  4. Do you mean "grow out of it" from the skill level perspective or the character level? If you're talking skill level, you can have them specialize at a certain level, you just don't gain any skill level experience at a certain point. While the missions screen always defaults to the highest available level, all you need to do is select the drop down and choose the level (1-6 currently) that you want. How is that not specializing at a certain level? My three skills for my main character are all maxed (currently) at 400, yet I frequently send my companions out on level 1 and 2 missions because those are the materials I need for crafting the gear I sell on the GTN.
  5. It's not going to make any difference; the only time you can interact with the companions is during affection "triggers," and the OP has clearly passed all of them already. You could think of her as "the one who got away."
  6. I might go as high as annual, but, for the reasons already mentioned above, longer wouldn't necessarily net me any additional return.
  7. You can also set up exceptions to allow cookies on individual sites. For example, on Firefox, this is under Options -> Privacy -> History, then choose "custom settings for History." It doesn't solve the ISP IP address issue, of course. But, lucky for me, my access device is flaking out and won't connect anyway, so problem solved!
  8. That, and because the advertised change was that user ID would replace email address, not that the entire system was to be revamped all at once. As such, it took most users by surprise. Change always takes adjustment, but change for the sake of change doesn't mean it's better.
  9. Okay. So, basically, I'd always need to have the key generator on hand to be able to play. I play from multiple locations on a regular basis (and I don't have a cell phone), so that might be a little aggravating/complicating. BTW - thanks to everyone for the fast and extremely helpful responses!
  10. Thank you for the explanation, Andryah! Do you know the length of time the code(s) are active or how the "hard-key" works, in terms of syncing? I'm just trying to determine whether the security key would be a practical solution for me. Edit: Oh, thanks desertwolph. I'm still curious about how that random-gen number syncs to Bioware's system.
  11. As with the game software itself, the time will come (in the not too terribly distant future, I might add) when this expansion does not cost additional money to access. Those of us who are "early adopters" will pay extra for it and support the expansion's development in the process. That's just the way the cycle goes.
  12. The password replaced the security questions. Minor annoyance.... so far. But, depending on how long it takes for the email to pop into my account, it can add up to five minutes to load the game. Happily, the first time was nearly five minutes, but the last two times have been under a minute each. It just really adds a lot of complexity to something that is a complete non-issue. This a CYA policy at Bioware that is making all of its customers pay the price. I would be tempted to try the security key, but I guess I'm just not familiar enough with how it works. Apparently there is an app option (free) or a key FOB option ($5). Do these generate a new code every time, or only when you request it to generate one? My concern with these is that they introduce not another layer of security, but another potential point of failure.
  13. Yes. The problem is, that it isn't necessarily "one time." I found that at my home computer, it asks for and sends me this email any time it would have asked a security question (which is every time, because my ISP does not have static IP addresses). So, login procedure is this: Type in user name. Type in Password. Wait 3-5 minutes for email to arrive. Type in "one-time" security password. Log In.
  14. I'll second this, a second time. KidRaid, you did an excellent job of saying it nicely!
  15. LOL, sorry wateer! I was just trying to provide additional information, not diminish the significance of the issue.
  16. Login problems are not universal. I ran this update on two separate machines and both log me in and load the game with no issues. It was mentioned earlier that there is another thread discussing these problems, so you might get more resolution there.
  17. Check your Task Manager under the Processes tab to make sure there isn't an errant version of the application stuck in the background somewhere. If you see it listed, force-close it and you should be up and running.
  18. Amber, what's the deal with the temporary security password? How does having this enable the self-service recovery as compared to the additional security questions? This is a terrible annoyance for those of us who don't have static IP addresses. Literally every time I log in to the game I have to first log in, then open my email and wait about 3-5 minutes for an email to arrive from Bioware, then type that code into the launcher to then be able to click the "play" button. As if getting to the game interface didn't take long enough already! Somehow, I just don't think my account is that important to other people. I know it's not feeling that important to me.....
  19. They did? I don't recall that as being the case in my story. Did you make a choice that resulted in them dying?
  20. It is quite late in the game. She isn't an "official" companion (she makes a guest appearance for the Chapter 2 finale) until chapter 3, when you head to Voss. That aside, the whole concept of "romance" in a game like this is laughable.
  21. Here's another in support. I love using Tumult with my shadow; it's just a damned fun way to deadify a baddie - especially when you roll a critical and can one-shot them with it. I honestly don't see why the developers would spend all the time and effort to code abilities just to remove them later on. People don't have to train them or use a quick slot for them unless they want to do so. Keep the options available!
  22. If it says "no research available," then you will not get any schematics if you reverse engineer it; you will only get materials! For (tier 1) purples, it will say you have a "10% chance" to RE the item to a tier 2. There are three different purple schematics that can be made from a blue, and there are five different "superior" (tier 2) purple schematics that can be made from a tier 1 purple. This may not hold true for all items, so be sure to note what the item text says as to whether there is a chance to reverse engineer it for a schematic. I should note that this path is for gear. For artifice, the paths are more straightforward. Check the crafting guide (link posted in the previous post by steave), as there is a link to a very nice flow chart that explains the process quite well.
  23. For sure! I find it a bit annoying that dropped gear tends not to be reverse-engeineerable, but so it goes. At least the tool tip on the item does tell you whether you have a chance to earn a schematic!
  24. That doesn't bother me one bit, Vishnell. I get what I need from them, others get them at a good price, and you play the game you prefer (I'd rather spend my time doing things other than scanning the GTN, but that's just me). If players are willing to pay inflated prices, then that's their problem, not yours.
  25. Agreed - bad luck! I did a little crafting (5 robes) and picked up a pair of purples off them. As with all pendulums, it shall swing the other way for you and I (unfortunately) both!
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