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Everything posted by -Wes-

  1. Well, there is another way.... gear up based on what you pick up on quests. That's what I have done thus far, and it seems to work just fine for me. All of my gear (moddable orange or artifact) was picked up in this way, including a pretty sweet-looking double-bladed light saber that I've had since, I think, level 13. That said, your question is perfectly valid. That's how I look at it, too. But, people can ask whatever price they want. The real test of a market is whether others are willing to pay it. If the answer is "yes," then is it really over priced? You and I might agree to answer "yes" to that, but others may not. I'd like to get to where I can simply "take orders" for gear specific users want/need, and then just send it to them upon completion. We could both save time and credits in the process!
  2. It's a solid approach, Jamie. Unfortunately, most peoples' minds are made up already, and they just aren't willing to hear (or try) it. If there are buyers out there willing to pay the asking price, you'll always end up having those that ask for the moon. I gave up selling blue-level stuff, as nearly all of it came back to me unsold (even at very reasonable prices), so I just reverse engineer those and stick to selling the orange and artifact goods. For the level 10-20 stuff, 3500 - 5000 ($2,000 more than standard for those that have an augment slot) a pop seems to keep them moving within twelve hours of listing. And, my total credits keeps going up slowly but surely as I continue leveling underworld trading and archeology.
  3. I haven't had any problems at all with selling orange level 10-20 gear (but don't expect to make wads of credits on it).
  4. Same here. I should stop reading these posts so that I don't ruin it for myself!
  5. That's a good approach. People can't have their cake and eat it, too. If the level cap is going to 55, it follows that "end game" items will no longer hold that status. It amazes me how much people whine (and what they whine about... EVERYTHING).
  6. Well, I won't be the one to flame you! I agree that the items that are out there are insanely over-priced as a rule. Whether materials or items, they are just outrageous. That's why I don't feel bad "under-cutting" other sellers by offering my goods for a price that covers the cost plus gives me enough profit to cover some indirect costs such as reverse engineering. I don't expect a single sale to cover all my sunk costs up to that point, though. A group of sales certainly will, and that's really the point. I don't know why anyone would want a whole pile of credits sitting around doing nothing. IT'S A GAME! The unspent credits don't do any good, so put the darn things to use! Which crafting skill is it that lets one make mods? Perhaps that's the one I should choose for my next character so I don't have to rely on there being another reasonable merchant out there like me.
  7. Same here. Underworld metal just doesn't come up very often. I find that if I neglect things like companion gift missions, I get fewer options outside of gifts, and most of those are "moderate yield," which are mostly a waste of time unless I'm about to log off anyway. If I cycle a couple of the gift missions out, the queue tends to refresh with some of the more desirable metal missions.
  8. Well, everything sold now. Pays for the habit, anyway!
  9. Haha; saves more than a "bit" on repair costs! I'm coming up on this mission, and I will definitely go into it prepared. Maybe I can hunt down some sucker to tag along with me.
  10. So, is it poor business to sell crafted items for ~25% of what other sellers have listed on the GTN? I'm talking about low level (10/11) orange and artifact items. I can't see any character of that level dumping 25K into a some light greaves with no mods (just three open slots). Perhaps they are, but I know I wouldn't. Interestingly, a few days ago many of these items lasted minutes to a few hours on the network, but in the last couple days similar items have come back to me as unsold. That's the retail business, I suppose!
  11. Skodan: Thanks for the reply. I didn't realize that the legacy points only accumulated within a single server, but that makes sense. How does one share credits, supplies, etc., amongst characters? Just mail them to one another, or are there common storage areas?
  12. I definitely agree with you. I'm playing my first character as a Consular, and the choices don't seem to have any meaningful impact on the story. I'd like such choices to have a prevalent impact, to the point that each story draws to a different conclusion depending on the overall disposition of the character. But, perhaps sixteen possible outcomes would be too much? I don't think so, though. I'm apparently drawing near the close of "Chapter 1" of my current story line, with another several planets to go, and I've been playing for three months. So, let's say another month to conclude this one, and heck, I could stay busy just doing stories for five years! Hah; I probably won't be interested that long, but I thoroughly enjoy the game (one must in order to devote an hour a day to playing it) so far.
  13. I *LOVE* the healers! Being on (basically) my first character at level 33 with a DPS (tank minor), I'm sure I am not anywhere near efficient at my role, but I sure appreciate the healers and do everything I can to keep the aggro off them. If necessary, I've mass taunted mobs (when I'm not playing the tank role) just to buy the others a few seconds to recover, wherein often times they will and we proceed (after they pick my sorry butt off the floor a time or two). I have only done pick-up groups, but organized parties sounds like it would be fun. Thus far, even with frustrations with folks charging in without any crowd control, breaking crowd control, or not focusing on the right order of targets, I've yet to experience a cranky member. My primary character, who I suppose is now an alternate since I abandoned him at an early level due to some system glitches, is a healer, and I look forward to using him in groups once I'm through my class storyline.
  14. That's it as far as the level increase (for now), but what it means is that you can send your companions out for whatever materials you need for crafting (or companion gifts), regardless of level. There's a huge advantage to not needing to buy your materials on the Galactic Trade Network. Alternatively, you can sell materials you don't need on the GTN for some extra credits (or to recoup the credits you spent reaching 400 in Underworld Trading!).
  15. Help me out here.... What advantage exists by having your characters on the same server? I apologize if this is a newbie question, but I only have one character that I regularly use, and the other is on the same server, so I just don't know what advantage may or may not exist by having them both on the same one.
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