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Everything posted by -Wes-

  1. Okay, now that's just hilarious! I don't understand why Zenith is topping the Consular's list! Zenith, while definitely cool to the touch, is as loyal as they come. Rankyn's post aside, I have to say that Tharan Cedrax is the one I trust the least. He proved over and over that his only interest is himself. Sure, he sticks around, but only because he can do better with me supporting him than he could on his own! If that changes, he'd leave me high and dry in a heartbeat. No, he proved his loyalty long ago, and it surely isn't to his Consular.
  2. Hahahahaha; which is why you said "my wife" and not "my ex-wife!" And they say men never change.
  3. Well, I think you're going to be somewhat limited simply by the PCIe slot in the machine, as far as running something high-end (for a current system), such as an AMD Radeon HD 7970, which requires a PCIe 3.0 port. That said, I have "budget" cards in both of my machines, and they run the game very well. They also run Borderlands2 very well. One of them has an AMD Radeon HD 6670 (1GB), and the other has an AMD Radeon 6850 (1GB) unit. The 6850 requires a separate 4-pin connector to the PSU, whereas the 6670 does not. The 6850 also displays better graphics, and I tend to have all settings maxed on it. Good luck!
  4. -Wes-

    Negative Votes

    Wait, what?! If a player has no votes, they lose commendations? There's a reason why it is called MVP. If everyone on a team was an MVP, then you wouldn't really have a team, would you? If anything, I'd like to see the voting system tweaked such that the four players with the lowest accumulated score were removed from eligibility for receiving votes that game.
  5. 20. You use in-combat stealth skills so you can use your opener again, only to remember that in regular combat, it resets the mobs. LOL! I'm not much of a PvP player, but a few weeks ago I ran several zones over a couple of days without much questing, and I actually did this when things became sketchy against a champion (with the intention of shifting the attention to my companion). Major facepalm.... Hahaha; thanks for the laugh!
  6. Agreed. I haven't tried going directly into the cartel market to unlock species, but it doesn't work to try it from the character creation page. If you don't have a character yet and want your first one to be a non-standard species, just click-through (e.g., don't take the time to customize) the creation process with one of the available species, generate a random name, and get into the game to check the CM. Once you have accomplished the unlock, you can log out and delete the character if you wish.
  7. Oh, yeah? That's good to know! There are many quests I would do without entering combat if there wasn't a bonus tied to combat (kill 15 of this, 20 of that). I find I can generally do Black Hole very quickly (about an hour) with her because there's very little combat that I need to perform. Other players slow down my progress (as it is often crowded there) more than anything else. If only I could get a couple of those folks to group up with me to speed us all along. *sigh*
  8. I recommend you get an old device that no longer receives firmware updates from the manufacturer. Problem solved!
  9. I definitely think tanking is most difficult. Probably because I'm terrible at it, but I do have damage and healer characters with which I play my role well. With the tank, I cannot seem to hold aggro to save my life! Well, more accurately, my teammates' lives. I pop my high-threat abilities as frequently as they cool down, but that seems to have little more than a very brief effect. Unless there is also a pseudo-tank damage player in the group, things can get ugly..... And, I feel for my teammates because I've played their roles often! Especially for healers, things get really complicated when you have to constantly switch back and forth between which teammate is going to die the soonest. I much prefer to concentrate on one person, then toss a boost to the others now and again just to let them know I have their backs.
  10. Can't argue with those points! My main is a shadow tank. Lately, I've been playing a smuggler, sage, and doing some partner-only characters that are imperial. I'm finding that I prefer ranged combat over melee, but I faithfully return to the shadow to run various dailies. I still need to do Makeb, but haven't found the motivation to get there yet!
  11. Hahaha; you (and your friends!) sound like my kind of company!
  12. I would say "both" as well. But, when grouping, I much prefer playing with friends or with "regulars," meaning in-game friends with whom I have familiarity. I actually have some characters that are devoted to team play only, and others who are more the "loner" sort that run similar to the way chuixupu mentioned above. If I am running repeated content, I definitely prefer to go as a team.
  13. That just seems insane to me. I nearly choked when I saw a repair bill a little over 6K a few days ago. It's rare for me to even have 200,000 credits available.
  14. LoL! Believe the sorcerer! I also have a Sage healer, and I prefer Fess and Grell since they are melee. They just do a better job of keeping the aggro, and the action, away from me.
  15. Well, if you want good frame rates and graphics, you need to have a good graphics card! My computer is a little over four years old now, and was a (quality) budget build. It ran SWTOR terribly when I first beta-tested, but I put a better graphics card in when the first went south, and couldn't believe how nice the game looked (and ran) after that! So, yes, that CPU will run it fine, but make sure you get a good graphics card to compliment it.
  16. I agree with all the suggestions posted here. If you do all the missions, and make a point to get the bonuses for all missions that offer them, you shouldn't have any problem at all exceeding levels. Even with my first character, who was FtP until level 32, I was able to stay level-appropriate. With my current lower-level characters, I find myself over-leveled to the point that some of the missions end up going grey (e.g., no XP!) on me if I level up before I complete them. But, as one poster stated, gear will make a big difference with whether you compete well or get wiped on missions. Tactics are the single deciding factor, though. Use the most complimentary companion you have (and keep decent gear on him!), use your crowd control abilities, pull mobs selectively, etc., and you should be able to accomplish the +2 level quests without too much difficulty. The advantage of being -2 is that you get a LOT more XP than if you were 3-5 levels over (e.g., missions were green instead of yellow or orange), which will also help bring you up to level. Alderaan has at least one "area" mission, which is a progressive, and awards you a healthy dose of XP. It is just off to the left of the main path after you leave the House Organa map area headed east. If you stray from the path in a north-easterly direction, you should stumble upon it. Good luck!
  17. I've only played one class through, but for the female Jedi Consular, I imagine other classes are similarly laid out with some variations for character gender, etc. In the case of the Consular, there is only one female companion, so you're welcome to draw your own conclusions as to how many options male Consular characters have.
  18. Ah, MST is only two zones ahead of me.... You know, that might work. I play on Shadowlands, and my main is Srothlii. Shoot me a message (mail) there if you want to explore it further, as I enjoy that style of game play as well.
  19. It takes so terribly long to earn any appreciable social points! I gave up looking at social gear long ago, as I think my highest-leveled character might, possibly, be at Social II right now. Every other leveling aspect is a breeze compared to Social. So, I like the republic dancer's shoes/gloves, and the white elegant dress (Social I on Coruscant) is pretty cool. I wish that set would include "bracers" and a belt, though.
  20. I do this with one of my online friends. We started leveling together with our original characters, but continued our stories separately when the other wasn't around. Eventually, once those hit 50 (pre-2.0), we decided to start a pair of characters on Hutta (separate classes: Mine's an agent, the other a bounty hunter). Since we're four time zones different, we generally don't have many periods during which we are both simultaneously online long enough to run them, but we have done it a few times now and have the characters to level 10. I very much enjoy it; definitely not the quickest way to get them leveled, but the questing goes faster, we enjoy each other's company, and no need to hang out looking for a partner to hit the heroic quests! Of course, that will change once we get off Hutta and have H4s in our logs, but for now.... Good luck to you on this! I'd offer, but I am stretched thin enough with the stories/characters I'm tracking right now (4) that I don't feel I could do it justice. What time zone are you in?
  21. Oh, give it a rest already! Anyone who comes to a game's forum is looking for spoilers. If you don't want spoilers, stay away from anything about the game that is outside of the game. That includes companion guides, leveling guides, crafting guides, datacron guides, operations guides, and on, and on, and on..... Vertigo, I suppose you could simply go into the original post and edit it to include the spoiler tags over those few words, if you're feeling generous.
  22. Haha; yeah, I thought that was funny, too. But, cheer up, my friend! As soon as you further your class story (Chapter 3), the splash screen will reset to reflect the content on which you're currently working. Overall, I don't think it is a big deal. It would have been nice if they could have made that particular interaction something that didn't activate until the preceding story line was complete. If there is a story line (Chapter 4) on Makeb, those who don't prefer to play story lines would simply have to forgo that content and settle for all the other goodies offered there.
  23. Actually, you rolled that backwards: Your KPM is about 0.81.
  24. I agree. It should be available after the story line is completed. I also made the mistake of accessing the holocom and having the Makeb mission come up. And, I was tempted to pursue it since my character was level 52 at the time, yet still haven't finished with that ridiculously long Corellia! That aside, the spoilers were annoying.
  25. Whichever one is closest! I don't see the point of "liking" them save for being able to gain in rested XP buffer while there. And, they are not nearly frequent enough; any settlement area should have a cantina in proximity. Finally, we should be able to sit down on chairs/stools in them if you want them to have any sense of realism.
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