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  1. Herein lies the issue, the bonus series for Hoth doesnt start until much later (lev 46), and there is no direction back to Vaiken for the Alderaan bonus series, probably wouldnt have found it till much later unless I was directed there by a few guys here. As for missing stuff. No. Ive done every planet in level order and every non-heroic quest I could find. I was pretty thorough - I doubt Ive missed anything. I think the game does need a little bit of direction as far as pointing the right way.
  2. Thankyou to the guys who suggested the bonus missions. I couldnt find a quest giver on Hoth, but it seems on Vaiken you have an NPC who offers Alderaan bonus missions! Yay! Hopefully that will bridge the gap And FYI, have done every non-heroic mission on every other planet, along with a few space battles and PvP, I dont like missing storylines.....
  3. Seems Im by no means alone after a bit of a google on the subject. Im lev 39 Sith Assassin, levelling at my own pace mostly doing solo stuff with the occasional Heroic. I havent done every heroic but I quit WoW a while ago for the same reason, that being I dont really have the time anymore with kids to invest in Flashpoints/raiding. I just wanted to PvP and basically have fun in the time I have to play. Anyway - Im on Hoth and have completed all the questlines and class specific quests, and have basiclly run out of things to do now Im half way through 39, I dont really want to move to the next world (lev 41). Is this an intentional mechanic of the game? Do I need to warzone or mob grind to hit the recommended level? Seems a little bit of an oversight is all. My two cents.
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