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Everything posted by Ninja_Amnesty

  1. Though I agree with the idea of this thread, I don't think SWTOR has the player base to support this option. The only way this idea should be implemented is if it doesn't inhibit or penalize people for wanting to play this game with their friends or guild mates. With the player base they have now, group queues would take too long, much like ranked queues and flashpoint queues.
  2. There is no reason they can't listen to everyone. If the problem stemmed from the fact that people thought the difficulty was too hard or too easy, there is no reason why they can't make different degrees of difficulty for everyone. Having one person enjoy your game doesn't pay much and is short lived. The only reason why this game is still having this much success is because it is part of the Star Wars brand. I understand that not every complaint can be addressed but if there are common issues coming up on the forums, the majority of players who play the game probably feel the same way. It's good to be creative and different but only to an extent. People don't usually go into a business, especially one that is already well established by other companies, with the attitude of not caring what their target audience will like or think. Having the mindset of selling items in a cartel market and not addressing the real problems was an easy way out. They would rather avoid the real issues and make money now instead of taking the time to fix what many players felt was lacking in the game.
  3. My problem isn't people quitting in the match, it is being put into a game that has already started. I want to be able to play a full game from start to finish with a chance at maxing out medals and what not and have fun playing. I don't want to be a replacement for a terrible team. My suggestion is that if people quit out of a warzone, the game should find a game that has already started for the people who have recently quit a game to play or I should have the option to turn off a setting which allows me to join games in the middle of a severe beat down. Chances are, if someone quit because losing isn't fun, no one would want to join a game that isn't fun. Unfortunately this game isn't the only one with matchmaking that sends you into a hopeless endeavor. Not many people quit a warzone because they didn't get to choose which one to participate in. If that was the case, they wouldn't play half the way through the warzone and then decide they don't want to play that particular one. They would do it at the beginning before the real reason people quit warzones occur. On the other hand, I don't want a debuff because I have to take a call or go eat or simply just get disconnected. My argument still stands, why can I not have the option to avoid joining games that are already in progress?
  4. I watch videos where they say all the time that they listen to what their fans wanted and now such and such a thing is going to be implemented. So tell me, who are they listening to. At least people here on the forums care enough about what happens within the game to actively try and participate in the change and growth of it. How are they getting in contact with the majority of players now since this would be considered a minority? All they need is a big enough sample size here on the forums and common ideas and goals for the game should be evident.
  5. I misread this thread as 'Character Defecations'
  6. I would hope so considering they would be a huge advantage in PVP and would be considered a pay to win item.
  7. I agree that it was dying and something had to be done. I agree with the selling of convenience items (like legacy perks and xp boosts) as well as limiting to some extent what content and how much content could be accessed as a free to play player. However, a lot of novelty items have diminished the playability of the game. Not only that, there is no going back, the damage is done and there is no way to undo what has already been done. I mean, just look at the amount of items they came out with. Just imagine earning the schematic to craft a meditation mount or to go on an epic quest and have the chance to obtain a rare crafting material that you have someone make Revan's armor with and many other things. The problem wasn't that they couldn't get people to play, it was that they couldn't get people to stay. If they would have introduced this stuff as part of the game I think people would have stayed subscribed and there wouldn't be any need to ruin a games economics with a cartel market.
  8. I am actually really surprised to see that everyone would prefer to make credits by crafting. It seems that a lot of crafting profits have been negatively impacted by from the arrival of the cartel market. Though I do enjoy crafting and playing the GTN pricing games to make money, I would rather not invest my time into it like I know a lot of others like to. I mainly earn money with all my toons doing the dailies.
  9. It's a big thing in todays gaming society to base content on what the majority of the fan base wants. Keeping subscribers who are paying monthly is a huge profit. So what is it you as a player want? How do you prefer to make credits? a. Crafting b. Farming c. Buy Online d. Selling Cartel Market Items What is your favorite crew skill? a. Biochem b. Cybertech c. Artifice d. Cartel Market When obtaining Items would you rather… a. Work hard and be one of the few that has it b. Build up your crew skills and craft it yourself c. Participate in end game content d. Buy on the GTN or Cartel Market What is more likely to keep you a subscribing player for a long time? a. Improved End Game b. Achievements and time sinks c. More Content d. Convenience Items It seems to me that the cartel market items would have been of better use for players in the game by adding them as schematics for crew skills, WZ/FP/Operation/Endgame rewards, or achievements. I honestly love the grind of MMO games. I will grind for hours to get an item that not many other players have. This game doesn't offer me anything unique. All the best looking items are offered at a conveniently placed market where it skips all the hard work with a few seconds of currency transfer. You no longer have to work for the things you want. How is this any different from having bots do all the work for you? The answer is EA/Bioware doesn't get paid when you use a bot in the game and bots take longer.
  10. I don't think that adding more warzones will improve the longevity of people playing this game. Playing a new warzone, or in this case variant of huttball, would only have a short lived excitement only for the fact that it is new. I think that quests and achievements would be a better way to go. Not only does it give you options but things like rewards to look forward to. This would also be a way to get people to keep playing and enjoying pvp at the same time. Even if you earn all the achievements, you could make a new character and earn them again, where as playing a new warzone gets old no matter what toon you play on. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=619430
  11. I see what you're saying but this was just one example. Though some people would be going for the, "score the huttball achievement," someone else could be going for the guard the ball carrier or heal the ball carrier achievements. This would force more team work then when people play and at no given point even have a clue as to where the huttball is. Achievements would give people things to work towards every match. I think it would also help improve the overall happiness of players in the sense that there would be less bickering amongst players on the losing teams in PUG groups haha.
  12. What if the game handed out the MVP awards after the game instead of individuals voting? For every category or medal there was an award given automatically. For example: Most kills, Least Deaths, Most Damage, Most Heals, Most Objective Points and so on and so forth.
  13. I find pvp in this game to be fun as I know a lot of others do. I know a lot of people who only pvp and will only level up by doing so. I have already done all the class quests and flashpoints so I prefer to do mostly pvp. Before you hit 50 you get one daily quest and after you get a daily and a weekly. It takes a LOT of warzones to reach level 50, soon to be 55, just only doing pvp. From my experience, I have already left the game twice for a few months at a time just because of burnout. The game tends to get boring and be monotonous at times. So the point of this post is because I would like to see a little change. New warzones are nice but that will only keep me interested for so long. What I would like to see is more quests and an addition of achievements. I know that a lot of players liked to grind out or farm medals before they were capped at 8. I realize it was probably the right thing to do so everyone focused on the game and not giving up and farming medals, but they didn't replace it with anything. Give people a reason to stick around and play and grind pvp. Give people a reason to make a new character. An example of an achievement that can be used: Score the Huttball in PVP. Tier 1 - Score once Reward: very small exp or valor boost Tier 2 - Score the Huttball 25 times Reward: The ball toss item (from the cartel market) Tier 3 - Score the Huttball 50 times Reward: Special title, item, pet, mount, adaptive armor, but something that can only be gained by earning this achievement Not have I just made everyone want to stick around and play the game as a subscriber to get achievements, I have just made them want to score the Huttball in a Warzone. Everyone wins. Imagine having a wealth of achievements available and picking out which ones you want to try and go for next. It makes me want to play just thinking about it.
  14. There are a couple things I find a little annoying. I am kind of wondering if anyone else does as well. Maybe if there are enough people that make mention it can get tweaked. 1.Reverse Engineering Some crew skills can reverse engineer an item multiple times. The only way to know that you have exhausted the number of schematics for a particular item is by crafting an item and mousing over it to see if there is a chance for it or not. This takes a lot of unnecessary time and resources especially when going back and trying to find out what you still need to RE. I propose that you be able to mouse over the item in the crew skill menu before you make it and be able to know if there is a schematic that can still be learned from RE. 2. Sorting When looking through the schematics I own, I always sort by level. Unfortunately this is not the default, difficulty is. After any loading screen or toon hopping it always goes back to sorting by difficulty. Does anyone even like sorting by difficulty? Once at max level is there really a need to sort by difficulty? I guess I am always making mods for my alts so I find sorting by level much more appropriate so I can spot the mods I need to make for whatever level my toons are. Not really a big deal here, just a pet peeve and a minor annoyance to always have to change the sorting. I wish there was a way to save my settings.
  15. So I can pay for 4 extra? I don't want to sound mean but how do you know this? What is your source? Thanks.
  16. I tried to ask this question in game and they basically told me to seek other means to find the answer, so I am not too sure where I can get this information. My question is this... given that if you are a subscriber, you get 12 character slots per server. I almost have that many level 50's and may want to purchase more. Can a subscriber purchase additional slots on a single server to create new characters (to have more than 12)? On the Cartel Market it is the Additional Character Slot under unlock and reads, "this will unlock additional character slot on all server". It also mentions in the details that subscribers begin with 12 character slots. This leads me to believe that I can but I do not want to chance buying it without knowing for sure since the cost is 600 CC.
  17. LMAO. This post made my day!... and possibly my week!
  18. Agreed lets make it close range because lightsabers aren't that long... and lets also change it from channeling to being able to move while doing it (after all the character moves in the animation). At the same time if I los while blaster bullets, missiles and grenades are in the air, they should automatically miss. Since we want to be logical, I should be able to use deadly throw any time I want because I am capable of throwing a lightsaber at any given time. I honestly would like to see the class nerfed so that there aren't at least 8 knights/warriors leaping around in every WZ but nerfing master strike/ravage would be silly (especially since it's so easy to counter).
  19. Chances are that people who just like one aspect of the game won't continue to pay a subscription. This gets people who unsubscribe to the game (or people that would at some point in the near future anyways) a reason to stick around and pay money that they normally wouldn't be able to without a "F2P" model. I would just like to point out that bioware/EA's F2P model isn't really F2P, it's a demo. It draws people into the game, no matter if it's new people or people coming back to the game, and lets them sample part of the game for free in hopes that they will make purchases to pay for portions of what those with the full game have. If the game was truly free to play, it would let you enjoy all aspects of the game for free and make you pay for novelties (pets, unique custom gear, speeders, ect.)
  20. What I am saying is that most of the important stuff has to be purchased multiple times. Buying an ops pass with a character gives you access to an operation/operations for a limited time (like a week). Thus the next week, if you wanted to do ops again you would have to buy another pass. Same would go for Warzones. What I was saying earlier was that if you go F2P and want more inventory slots, cargo holds ect... that cartel coins would be necessary to purchase that (along with normal costs probably). These would be permanent upgrades unlike operation or warzone passes, but only for one character. If you want these perks on another toon while on a F2P sub you will need to purchase them for each toon. Another question is, what if I go free to play? I have 9 level 50 characters and all have expanded inventories and cargo space. Will they take away what I have already unlocked? I hope not.
  21. I noticed something and wonder if other people saw the same thing I did. First go to http://www.swtor.com/free/features and then scroll all the way to the bottom where it says item equipping. Mouse over subscription features. Subscribers will have to use cartel coins to wear purple gear? Why will I be punished for being a subscriber. In response to the main post, I see what you're saying but F2P players will have to repurchase the most important stuff like warzone passes and Ops passes. Not to mention, if they make new characters they will have to buy all that other stuff again; inventory slots, cargo hold ect...
  22. Let me get this straight, because you don't understand what I am getting at in my post that makes me illiterate? Do you always harass and name call people you don't understand? I was saying that a move should never take 50% of someones HP not that it took that much out of mine. A 6500 smash would take out half the health of any person in recruit gear if not more. Level 50 pvp is only rewarding for those who can play a lot because without "itemized gear" you will get 6500 smashed. So I guess my problem would not be having too little health but rather having a life.
  23. I don't care if someone is itemized or not, over half my health should not be taken with one blow. You don't know how geared this guy was that I was playing against and you just want to rush in to defend your class. Rudely calling other people noobs doesn't make you credible...no offense. And when snipers are given the mobility and the defensive cooldowns that a Jug/Mara get then I will be more upset at their itemized damage.
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