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Everything posted by Ninja_Amnesty

  1. I see what you guys are talking about now. I was in 5 pieces of WH and some BM gear and was getting hit for 6500. I pray for the person who goes in with recruit gear... thats more than half their health.
  2. You are right BUT do this instead: If you are a marauder, just buy a jug offhand and extract the strength armoring. You'll never know the difference!
  3. I have actually had a lot of issues with Huttball since the patch. - I had a huttball game end and everything froze like it normally does but never put the scoreboard up and we couldn't leave. All of us in ops chat said we were experiencing the same thing. There was a pub on the other team running around killing us so I just logged out and back into the planet I was on before the match started....thank god - I joined a huttball game late and when I got around midfield I started running in place like I hit a wall. I turned around and started running and after a good second or two the same thing. I looked at my connection assuming I was lagging but everything was smooth and my ping was good. Also I was seeing everyone else running around and playing normally. After looking at my connection, I tried running again without any success so I just quit out. - I am having issues with force charge. It seems randomly sometimes when I force charge someone, they will disappear for around three seconds. One particular instance was a vanguard and they don't have a blink or anything and the others have animations. On another occasion one of them looked to me like they fell through the floor.
  4. Rage Jugg was my first flavor before they could reset their charge with a push
  5. I think you have it all wrong. There is nothing wrong with merc dps and if they are left alone can do tons of damage. You also need to realize that there is no 1v1 pvp, it is all team based. Not every class needs to be self sustaining but rather work as a team to accomplish goals. The problem is surviving and escaping. If a merc gets caught in a situation where they don't have team support they are pretty much as good as dead. I have played every class up to 50 and like you, I would love to see them get a small boost of some sort. I like playing arsenal but its based on gaining stacks and casting tracer missle. Inquisitors/Consulars get a sprint, bubble, whirlwind, a shock and a knockback and sins/shadows get a vanish while sorc/sage get slows and roots. Warrior/Knights get leaps (charge and possibly obliterate) that can teleport them from danger, a choke/statis that incapacitates, aoe cc and a shield. Marauders get a temp vanish, 99% damage reduction, damage reduction/reflect. Jugs/guardians get force push granting an extra leap and even another leap to a friendly target as well as some hp stuff. This is getting boring to write about but agent and smuggs have knockdowns, flashbangs, stuns, knockbacks, roots, vanish or cant be interrupted and hunkerdown. When it comes to mercs, what do they have? They have a shield, a knockback, and a stun. They get to wear heavy armor but they dont get to interrupt casts. Is this all that superior weapons and armory has to offer? No quick escape... So I do see you point as to having a little more survivabiliy but like I said this is a team game and if you get heals and/or protection it shouldn't be too bad.
  6. They can't do all these things you listed because they are different specs. Either the DoTs heal, or you have a huge damage AoE smash. Either they cast bloodthirst or predation but not both. Their stealth doesn't last long enough for it do do much of anything other than to serve as an interrupt. If a fight is over in six seconds and that is how long their damage reduction move lasts why do they not cast it at the start of a fight? This is a QQ post.
  7. I guess my major problem with snipers/gunslingers is the lack of sense it makes. The reason I can't interrupt them or force leap/charge them or hit them with ranged attacks is because they are behind cover. Well I am standing behind them so they aren't behind cover but they are still turning around and attacking me. So why can't I interrupt them or leap to them when I am standing behind them (logically)? Why is their cover allowed to eat up tons of damage? If the technology they use to give them cover can withstand an infinite amount of damage why would no one make armor out of it? If they roll behind a rock, how does that rock withstand rockets and all other sorts of damage without being demolished? Why is it that a jedi or sith can force leap/charge to a person but not an object? And why do snipers/slingers need mobility when their range is the entire map with the highest spike damage?
  8. ...and I would also like to add that I bought the collectors edition which cost more than a friend who buys the game and a one month subscription and the vendor items, (which you still have to use in game money to buy), are terrible. You would have been better off without this offer because I'm starting to hate bioware.
  9. I referred a friend probably around a month ago who bought the game and a subscription. I checked online for a rewards program and saw nothing. So now I don't get the mount? I'm really pissed.
  10. Before the game came out and I saw the race choices, I wanted to be a Rattataki Warrior. I was stoked until I found out I had to be one or the other and I chose warrior. Then when they came out with the legacy I came back to the game and got another toon to 50 so I could unlock a Rattataki for all classes. I made a Rattataki Sentinel and got him some augmented vibroswords... you should see all the people that stare at my character. I have even had a few /w and tell me he looks awesome
  11. It looks a little something like this. 1. Log on --> 2. (please select one) --> wait in queue / Play in ghost town --> 3. (please select one) --> error during queue, crash to the desktop / wait in pvp queue with no pop, wait in group finder without a pop --> 4. (please select one) --> return to step 2, return to step 1 / Log off for maintenance
  12. I guess I am confused as to why you're taking the old one out instead of just replacing it.
  13. Some people can only play an hour or two a day max because they have other obligations. To have to spend half of that time waiting in line to even play the game is just bad logic. Bioware never lets anyone know what is going on, and if they do it's an automated/copy paste response that only answers a question partially. People are getting fed up with it. You only get one second chance.
  14. 45 Minute wait on PO5. They obviously didn't plan for people coming back for 1.3. This is ridiculous. I hope they implement free transfers to anywhere because this is not acceptable. Especially since last time I had to wait in line in this game to get in, after it got to 0 it gave me an error and I had to jump back in line.
  15. 45 Minute wait on PO5. They obviously didn't plan for people coming back for 1.3. This is ridiculous. I hope they implement free transfers to anywhere because this is not acceptable. Especially since last time I had to wait in line in this game to get in, after it got to 0 it gave me an error and I had to jump back in line.
  16. I have been hit by melee attacks while running away in what one would think would be a safe distance. I was on the opposite side of someone I knew in Huttball and they were using double strike from a significant distance in which their light saber could not realistically reach. They claimed that on their screen they were within reach. So it could just be a lag thing. On the other side of the argument of nerfing melee range, I get tired of being hit by lightning from halfway across the map.
  17. I want to know how they decided what servers they would let transfer first and why they wouldn't all be up for transfer yet. I unlike you, was going to stick it out knowing that transfers would come and it would get better. Being the only person on a fleet makes one contemplate why they have let others transfer before you. It's a real slap in the face. Now that my days off have been filled with server downtime to watch other people be able to transfer, I would be lying if I said that unsubing hasn't crossed my mind. Very frustrating to say the least.
  18. There is a woman quest giver on Ord Mantell that says, "I always engage with my mouth first."
  19. I meant never as in I don't like those particular species, not that Lucas would never let it happen.
  20. Playable Classes My Top 5: 1. Would love to see the Voss species since they already have a huge part in every class story. Would also be cool to model a healing class after them since they are known to be, "the best healers." 2. Kaleesh 3. Dashade 4. Jawa 5. Kel Dor Would like to see eventually: Yepi Yoda's species Ewoks Gand Iktotchi Nautolan Kaminoan Would be cool but wouldn't work: Hutt Kushiban Celegian Terentatek Never: Gungan Besalisk Sullustan Troig Dug Tusken Raider Gamorrean Geonosian Ugnaught Ithorian Mon Calamari Neimoidian Rakata Selonian
  21. Especially since they decided to do voices by classes instead of species. I don't think chiss is the most popular and probably one of the least created to look fat, though I haven't seen any fat zabrak either. I made a fat chiss inquisitor and he looks beast!
  22. Not much of a difference. Most of it is the look of the item. The higher level items look better and once you hit those levels you'll probably want to swap the mods out so you don't look like you've just crawled out of a sarlacc pit. There are actually level 48 orange schematics you get once you hit 400 with your specific craft that require the biometric alloy or whatever. Those actually have level 50 mods in them and you can use at level 48 in that particular weapon. Other than those there is no difference in stats or mods you are able to put into them, just the look.
  23. I have seen other characters as well as my own /dance while playing Huttball after they score but that is it. About the issue where it would fill up my resolve or they would run out of energy thing.... why is it that people will always look for a logical explanation to prove why someone couldn't be hacking of all things. A hack isn't logical for one thing and also if they can hack to where they use a 45 cd over and over they could also do something about the move giving no resolve and costing no energy. I would like to thank all of the constructive responses. I just came back to the game after being gone for quite some time. When I played this at release I didn't ever notice or hear about a stun bug and sounds like that could be what it was. However, I was stunned for a long time and all they used were stabs for a long period of time. They always used a backing up motion then would come forward and stab. I am still a little suspicious of what happened and hope that if anyone sees anything like this, they will report it.
  24. If I payed the police $15 a month it would be so that they would: 1. Prevent/Deter most this stuff from happening 2. Monitor the community 3. Do something about it when stuff does happen
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