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Everything posted by Mcadamsl

  1. last word was that they had no plan to do a mac client, but that Swtor would run in boot camp
  2. This, All three tank spec have to tools to do the job, a few boss fights are easier for one build over another. but in the end it still matters more that the player knows what they are doing and an awareness of what is happening
  3. Because They are waiting frist to see how the influx of returning and new F2P effect server pops.
  4. plan for 8 to 10 hours down time, and that good chance or more down time later for a hot fix, with a major patch.
  5. I have to agree mostly with this post, Day/night cycles when done right are both cool and also annoying both at the same time, Done right requires more then just a slight change in lighting or a sand storm that effect nothing else, for me are more world breaking then it happens to be day when I visit a part of a planet. Also to add that "Done Right" would be more along the lines of Ice storms/night fall on hoth making the planet deathly cold, Sand storms that could kill on Tattoonie, to name two effects. but those would only be cool one time after that it would just be an annoyance, and take away from most peoples playing experience
  6. Wow, just at a glance Pureblood nice damage boost and Twi'lek rather lame ablittie
  7. I belive it was the right choice, and yes it was a design choice that they made before launch. It makes race unimportant from a game balance stand point.
  8. Really just Ask yourself , Are you having fun ? can you get friends together to do Ops and or FP, is the answer is yes then, dont worry about what someone wrote in an article for a gaming blog, and have fun, until you are no longer enjoying the game or Bioware /EA announces a server shut down date.
  9. And this is why at Launch Bioware did not want to have a Group finder, WoW was the same way, with the way that you can buy raid gear with comms from doing flash points it becomes the only reason most people both to run the flashpoint. and on my geared out 50s I only really do the same thing, only running flashpoints for comms once a day
  10. From the way I read it if you already have it equipped it will not unequip, but any new gear you would have to unlock access to equip it, if you are using just preferred status
  11. Topic #3: Oceanic populations. Are we doing anything about them? Answer: We are very aware of the concerns with the population levels on the Oceanic servers. The problem is pretty complex, as the solutions we have either split the populations further (like allowing Oceanic players to move to North American servers), or would force players to go to server types (PvP or RP, etc…) that they do not want to be on. Our current plan is to wait for Free-to-Play to launch and see what the influx of new players does to the populations of these servers. We will give it a little time and if we do not see significant improvement, then we will move ahead with the solution that offers the best playing experience for the Oceanic community. OK, that is it for now. Please keep your comments and questions coming and I will try to answer the biggest, unresolved questions in these “State-of-the-Game” posts. I want to thank you all for the opportunity to be involved with such an amazing game like Star Wars: The Old Republic. I will do everything in my power to take care of the game, and help guide it to a great future. Jeff Hickman Executive Producer Copied from the State of the Game Article from November 6th, Their is your answer, Bioware is waiting to see how going Free to Play next week effects the servers before they rush to action,
  12. you know with out gear binding, either when equipped or when picked up, that nothing would ever be destroyed, anything but end game gear would have almost zero value on the GTN because of the shear flood or items
  13. yes to changing the UI color, I would vote for a color wheel like for changing the chat channel colors so we can pick the color we want.
  14. because the reason is is there is for when you toon is hung in the environment and cannot move a lot of the time this puts you in a sort of looping falling and you cannot cast quick travel or fleet pass because the server thinks your moving, adding a channel would break what / stuck was mean for.
  15. To a point I can agree with you on the your experence , while I dont belive they should do faction changes. My reasons being that the class stories are not mirrored to each other, and while you may not care about story Bioware has to take that into account before they set up a faction change, how they deal with it can go from being cheap ( a reset of all your story choices, which as companions are tried to your class story would remove them I fear too until you regained the new ones, and force a play to at the very lease have to play the class story to regain his comapnion.) to alot of time and energy to try and match up each class story with its mirror, ( very well a near impossible task) to just allowing it at level 50 only and change companions, ( at this point it would most likely only happen if they never intend to continue the class story lines. If and when any or non of this happens will honestly be if EA thinks that the time and money spent to do it will earn a profit in the cash shop,
  16. I am not liking this idea personally, it would just make tanks and healers hit decline it wouldn't really speed up dps wait times in the ques.
  17. Dear Bioware, Please take away all free coins from everyone So they will shut up...
  18. as a Healer, I rather you place it on the dps, preferred the melee dps and I'll not pull aggro of the tank unless it is a mob no one has ago on and when that is the case guard did nothing to help,
  19. that is not the month he is talking about, Bioware gave most players that had been playing at launch a free 30 days game time , about 5 or 6 months back, is the time that is being talked about
  20. agreed, you could fairly easily link all the non shared datacrons if it was really felt to be game breaking,
  21. so change nothing but create a whole lot of work.... No thank you, I would rather Bioware staff busy them-self with content then. re vamp a minor thing, you could apply you same logic too btw to armstech and barrels,
  22. OP really, get over yourself, when F2P launchs next month or so take 15 bucks that you didn't pay all those months ago to continue to play the game and buy yourself the cartel coins, best guess you will end up with way way more then 150 for your 15 $..
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