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Everything posted by Mcadamsl

  1. I vote they increase the prices for all the account wide unlocks... maybe at lease double them. seriously which one are you thinking cost too much . GTN on your ship yea maybe but that is a one time unlock for all your toons, and it unless your posting to the auction house more then twice a day is really a must have? Lightside/darkside level 5 Unity and Sacrifice . easy to unlock with out credits Ship droid really besides the crafting bonus gear he sells he is really worthless, and you dont even need him to get those for your char just go about a freinds ship that has unlock it or ask on the fleet if some one would help you out with it. ship mail box, training dummies, all can be found in game with out having to have them on your ship, reduced cool downs on fleet pass at best is still a 12 hour cool down , most people arent going to see much difference if your truely a causal player now with LFG changes with the last patch, quick travel cool down I agree is over priced for a 6 min reduced cool down but if it cut it to 15 I may pick it up then, all the Character perks can easily be unlocked with taking an hour run your daily with a high level and then you can buy the ones you need easy if you are wanting them all then yes that may take a few days of doing the dailies
  2. I dont see a thing wrong on yours you was plain in stating your request before the start to the raid, after the frist loot roll you offered to bow out. now if you had wanted to roll on both op and force master gear that would be different.
  3. Player A should have asked first but as a rule need roll is for yourself only not companions in a random pug even more so
  4. If I read your idea right the system used would be the exact same but nameded something else. Only thing that would do is add work that could add more bugs ( like if they didn't get all the items still in game with light/dark restrictions tagged too with the new names ). It adds work but does add anything to the game
  5. I never have seen where any games Day/night, Random weather added to " Living breathing world " mainly because random weather or day and night do nothing but add a slight bluing or darkening of the sky for night and particle effect for weather, Shops and merchants still never move never close up at what would be middle of the night, if its a 60 min game time day night cycle your character doesn't suffer from lack of sleep after you have been playing for 4 or 5 hours ( this would be 4 to 5 days game time ). if anything they could better spent just making a more random looking path for back ground NPCs to walk around and do things then the time to add day and night
  6. There is no I repeat NO way this could end good..... it's just a bad idea at this point. Personally me , I know it would have been harder and taken more time but I wish Bioware had left Legacy Names unique, then change it so when you log in with out a legacy yet it made you pick a name, it would mean only each account would require one unique name per server not up to 12. Change chat channels to key off Legacy names, swap out hiding legacy name with hiding first name instead, tweak the mail to start with legacy name first then a second line for the specific toon you wished, maybe even have it as a drop down menu. could then change friends and ingore list to be off Legacy maybe with friends make it default to the toon that is on at that time, with an opinion to then reguest it to legacy friend and the other player could allow or decline as they wished. even watching the moives most of the time their address by what in game would be legacy names, It wasnt Captain Han, but Captian Solo, Master Anikan but Master Skywalker, etc etc Just about any line in game that adress you as Sir, M'Lord, caption, Master Jedi ( not played an operative or bounty hunter yet so ) they would be using a laster name not your frist
  7. really cross server for Flashpoint group finder is at this point really pointless, Even if they did cross server like Wow they are still normally done by regions. all you would manage is combining two maybe 3 server quest into one ?
  8. Improved AI so maybe your companion moves out of it or a way move your companion to a selected spot . Yes that would be nice, Making them immune to AOE no that would just turn way over powered real quick,
  9. Could you flesh out your idea a little more, not just you but honestly alot of the same post pop up here week after week and most of them dont go into any detail or how they would handle issue their idea could cause.. If you are talking about Bounty hunting missions against NPC's well those are all over the game already, any quest that tell you to go kill X NPC or group of NPCs is at its core a Bounty hunting mission, if it is given to you by a mission box or an NPC speaking in alien babble just add in your own reason for doing it and your good to go. If you are talking about against over PCs, How would this work ?( Level limits say +/- 4 level to prevent abuse by high levels in a level 20 ish planet, ) what about on planets like Corasunt or starter worlds, Taris, Blamorarra ? How would it work on a PVE server where you cannt attack them unless they are flagged to for PVP ? How would mission to hunt other Empire Pc's work ? How would you track down the player your hunting ? even know if he is online ? If all you going to do is basically tagg him with out any combat as a non bounty hunter what is my reason to want to give you credits for you to go play stalker ? If this is bounty Hunter only how in depth is this going to be it could easily turn into alot of work to make what would amount to a Mini game that only 1 out of 8 classes could play? if so How do you address the uproar by players of the other 7 classes? Ideas are great but flesh it out put some thought into flaws in the idea and try to find a way to fix them
  10. I wish they honestly sticky one of these but yes it has been posted about once a week. not saying if it was right or wrong but when Bioware set up the servers, to keep from doing regional lock out and client files by each region, It is a global file set up. The advantage of this is that you can play on any server in any region. The down side is that you have to do all the maintenance at one time. If your client file didn't match up with the server file you couldn't play, so they can't deploy different patches at different times.
  11. Hate to tell you but when 1.4 launches in the next weeks or so you will most likely have another skill tree reset.
  12. Depending on how your idea if done could turn very very expensive. The cheapest way of doing it being a paid or generic in game quest that turns your character traitor to your faction. it resets all your saved story points and you have to play throught your new class faction story to regain your companions regain your ship, and this would also end up with your voice being changed to the one for your new class, This is kind of a bad way of doing it, honestly. The other way would require rewrites of already recorded scene in game and a re-record of every player class voice actors lines for both male female, and for English French and German ( 8 classes, 2 Sex, 3 Languages) that doubles the work of 48 voice actors right there. all for a player to turn republic or sith and not have a sudden voice change. This doesn't even start to address Companion's and saved parts of your class story. would still have to redo your whole new class story, or you have added a ton more voice recording again for every companion. Yes on paper it is a cool idea but you have to look at all that is really involved in doing this, it is just not something I think will every happen,
  13. Same easier to target with party or op frames then try to mouse target their body when surrounded. By a pack of mobs
  14. While I agree that most pvper wouldn't abuse it it would only take a few to ruin it. A level 16-20 even a whole planet would have no chance to take down a level 50. And even of not flagged for pvp. A level 50 can run around killing all the spawns killing quest givers Older mmos use to be like that and it made for groups raiding cities killing the guards and in general just geifing lowbies. That is why city or outpost guards on every plan. re maxed levels now
  15. It's already in the patch notes for 1.4 on the pts forums
  16. because when they set up everything they didn't do regional client file, ( wow does a regional file) it is instead a global file, everyone uses the same client file, This lets you play on any server regardless of location, the draw back is that when you do server maintenance it has to be all them at once. If they did yours at a different time, one of two things would happen. the patch launcher would not down load a needed update and you couldn't log in. or it would download an update that has not yet been applied to your server , and again you couldn't log in.
  17. To add also Small races, have to redo cut scene clipping , and for the vastly non humanoid body types, along with block and parry animations. Yoda's race can't never be playable as Lucus wont allow it to be named,
  18. OP, Your idea does not really add any new content, besides a huge increase in randomness of Item drops, but we would still be left with running the same content over and over and over again, If you are already beating the content, repeating it over and over for a 2 point increase to crit or 1 more point of strength , I don't think that will keep players playing
  19. You can still cheat the system with out this, but I would say doing it on the planetary comm only daily's and up need to be per character
  20. I read the whole thread, but the questions I am asking are because those of the weird parts I see in your class design, Mayb3 part of it is calling it a social class , but to me it is anything less social then any of the current classes. say as a normal current class, besides going up to you on the fleet click on you a quick 2 or 3 lines of Voice over, I hit 1 , 2 or 3, to reply with voice over, you reply with another 1, 2 or 3, then a quick 30 seconds of guitar hero performance, I pay you I go on my way. with my buff. out in the PVE parts of the world to explore and play. See the problem I am having here is there is very little real social interaction going on, For your Class quest part, I never saw an answer Are you see them as having 200 plus hours of class story to level up ( near 10 times all other classes ) or does your class have to slowly grind out exp barely able to do world quest or buffing players with your performance ?
  21. question 1, reply: your class becomes very very limited, you cann't really do flashpoints or Ops unless you are being carried by others normal random pug, that wont really work, Hard modes maybe impossible unless everyone else is way overgeared. 2. superbuffed companion style , = normal pet class from wow or other MMO's really. or again to do the world quest you need help and are basicly carried again like in Flashpoints, 3 the Class story for all the current classes is what maybe 10 % of your quest, the rest are from world quest that everyone does, if your class either gets huge exp from the pure class story parts and you end up with a 20 hours game play to max level like most single player games or you have to have a class story that is ten times longer then any other class , both of these end up with a mostly solo game play effect it sounds like to me, 4 really that does so much sound social to me, It makes you sound like nothing more then a buff bot, that could just as easily be coded into the game with out having some one at the keyboard, also your buff you talked about aplying No one class/buff should be required to do e or y boss fight, so you end up when you balance a fight when it is designed, either you're buff isnt really needed or it is way overpowered and then veiwed as a needed. reminds me of the Old wow raid where a group would bring one shaman for heroism/bloodlust, no other reason really, again bad game design,
  22. I have a few questions about your idea; 1. what if any role would this class play in flashpoints or Ops? if no role and not able to do anything there but some minor buffing of others , your class is going to be excluded from whole lot of game play. 2 World/planet quest story arch, with out a really huge buff to their companion so they are as effective as a normal combat class and companion if you do that you raise all kind of balance issue with pvp and normal group play. 3 if not intended to do the planet story arch for gain experience and credits. what is put in place to replace these gains, either you end up grinding exp with your guitar hero style dance like you offered up, or you will need to add a really huge class story for this one class to make up for the lack of planet story line, 4 How is the class social ? if you're busy going 1, 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, 6, 1 etc on your key board while sitting on the fleet Buffing other players, Do other players have to enter act with you to get the buff or do they just have to be standing next to you. ( if just standing/sitting will I gain more rested exp then just logging out, what is to keep me from just logging my trooper on there, then going afk and eating dinner. I have to ask, all the work needed to build out a class that needs either a lot of grinding to level but little point to leveling them short of needing the level to unlock skill, worth more then just a more general build of more mini-games that maybe involve groups of people,
  23. I just got to comment on the first part of your post, It's a video game. ..... EVERYTHING IS JUST A SHINY CARROT TO GET YOU TO PLAY LONGER. game are not real life it is just entertainment something you're doing for enjoyment If your finding that anything in a video game, FPS, MMO, Role playing game, is more then just a few hours of fun with friends and something you do for entertainment, Take a step back from it. on related note all these other post about transfers and BW should handle them this way or that way or naming rules should be this or that.. ( ever notice how the naming policy they what isn't really so much fair just use a fair to them) . Life is give and take.. To the best of my knowledge Bioware has not gone to anyone's home and forced them to transfer ( forced adjective1. enforced or compulsory: forced labor.,,, Compulsory adjective required; mandatory; obligatory: . You have a choice, well three really, you can right now transfer with the risk of a name change that you know this may happen, you can choose to stay on your server because your name and or legacy name is that important to you. with a wait and see if another server opens up that you may transfer too and keep your name, and lastly You may go to your accounts setting and unsub. Really stop blaming others for everything, as a community in general the state of the servers are all OUR FAULT.. Bioware tied early access with Low pop caps, to encourage us to spread out with a hope of it being evenly, The whole assigning guilds to server during this time would be the closes BIoware has forced us to a server. In our mad rush to play and " beat the game, get to end game or level cap " the forums where filled with post of how so and so is taking off two weeks for the holidays or out of school and we logged in more hours playing then Bioware thought was possible, This casued server queing, WE post how we log in to the server go to work or go to bed and be afk or hour and hour because we are to important to wait in a server ques. WE got on the board moaning and screaming OUR self entitled heads off for more servers, Bioware added servers. Fast forward after the first 30 days WE go back to school , our jobs , we stop playing insane amounts of time, Now all those extra servers are kind of unneeded. WE come back and scream our little heads again every day with 3 or 4 dozen threads about how we need server merges and transfers NOW NOW NOW .,,,, WHY WASN'T THIS AVAILABLE DAY ONE OF LAUNCH. ( hint day one of launch they where bringing up more servers their was no need for a tool to move your character). Maybe now Bioware has seen the light and know that well as a general rule the forums are two years olds that if you dont slap their hand away they will just sit there and put a penny in a wall socket, Really Maybe it would be best if all MMO companies just said the hell with this and flip the switch off on their servers
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